No, the problem I have is simply ... WHY.
Why did our loving heavenly Father not say to Able "it is a good idea to not go out with your brother today"?
Here is one logical reason: What if, because He has all knowledge, he knew the worlds in which he prevented the murder of Able also turn out worse - in one way or another. Suppose Able had a son, who had a son, who had a son who killed hundreds of people.
What if all possible worlds with free will have evil in them, but this world just happens to be the one with the least amount of evil?
Also, is it really true that we were supposed to be created free from hardship? I know that's the JW doctrine, but I don't think it's the Christian one. Why are we assuming humans were supposed to be created as God's pets?
What if Able was kept physically alive, and less suffering occurs over time, but less people are "saved" in the long run?
In short, if you believe in God, as a human, you aren't in a good epistemic position to ask "why".