If you hadn't found it elsewhere online almost word for word, as you put it, I would think that she used a large language model to generate the content. Maybe the original author did so.
LLMs have a way of just making stuff up.
hi to all, i have been away from the organization since the 1980's and as it seems, i haven't missed a thing.
i have seen a deterioration take place that is continually getting more dramatic than i have ever seen.
the thumbing down or the minimizing of spiritual food is reason enough that people are starving for something good.
If you hadn't found it elsewhere online almost word for word, as you put it, I would think that she used a large language model to generate the content. Maybe the original author did so.
LLMs have a way of just making stuff up.
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
It does not seem as if anyone is paying him for trips around the globe, or offering to fund another holiday. Could this be the beginning of the end?
No. That's what OF is for...
feb broadcast they have a drama about someone who works with a colleague who is gay.. they actually make it sound like the jws are the only ones who support him and is tolerant of him and everyone else is against him🤣.
after all these years they try gaslighting and saying we are the ones who are tolerant and everyone else is not!!!.
you couldn’t make this up.. after this monumental u turn now, what about all the gay people who were born in’s who have been shunned by their own family?.
Clearly, all that the gays need to do is start attending meetings. Then they will realize how wrong they were and change....
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
Just checking in on the thread, looking for an update to Lloyd's effort to gain mastery over his penis. Has he succeeded in any measure yet? Has he started his OF account yet?
so i went to a christmas evening candlelight service tonight and it hit me.
i was primarily doing christmas since leaving the jw for the children.
lots of people do it for family without really thinking of the relevance.
Also - all that dry ancient middle eastern air. The God of the universe, after a hard day of being perfect, surely picked his nose a bit... I mean He must have cleaned house from time to time...
so i went to a christmas evening candlelight service tonight and it hit me.
i was primarily doing christmas since leaving the jw for the children.
lots of people do it for family without really thinking of the relevance.
I would like to offer some ramblings too. As most Christians are Trinitarians, even some on this forum, and although I am not a theist, I always liked to imagine the Word of God, with all the fullness of God, contained within this shell, offering Himself as the ultimate sacrifice; And yet, being fully God, Jesus was also fully man. And since he was fully man, it's completely conceivable, nay probable, that within his short 33 years, at least once He didn't boil his water throughly, or perhaps had some undercooked passover lamb. Someone's innocent mistake sent the God of the universe into the privy for a night of painful diarrhea. Imagine looking up at the night sky at all the stars you created, simultaneously doubling down into uncontrolled bowel contractions.
The moral of the story : cook your food well.
no wonder the left was furious when elon musk bought twitter.. someone leaked some of the names of the epstein files before they went public.
the complete list is still pending.
doesn't matter if it's the governing body, celebrities, politicians, theoretical physicist, cosmologist, the royal family, and more, are just ordinary humans who lust for sexual ..............!!!!!.
I don't really care about Hunter. I wish he would have fought the gun charge up to the Supreme Court. I don't think a gun form should require you to self-incriminate.
But speaking of the 5th... now that Hunter is pardoned for everything in the last 10 years, I don't see how he could refuse to talk if summoned to Congress. Nothing he says can result in criminal charges. And again, I wouldn't be interested in Hunter. I'm more interested in how he funneled money from the tax payers to "The Big Guy" ...
we are constantly being attacked by scam marketers who create a perceived need , not a real one, and hence create within us a want.
if we fill our desire for that thing or things by buying in to it, we then end up with totally unnecessary expense.
we have been scammed.. whether that be something to do with the latest fashions and trends, the latest 'phone, car or something similar.. the longest running, and most lucrative marketing scam in all human history has been religion.
Scams are fraudulent. If you see the latest iPhone and buy it, even if you don't "need" it, and the phone is exactly as what was advertised, then you were not scammed.
If you can't afford the new iPhone, and yet you bought one anyway, perhaps sacrificing against a food budget or a clothes budget or by going into debt, then that's an inability to delay gratification. It's a personal fault, and something to work on. But you weren't scammed.
Religion is more complicated. You could probably argue, with some success, that religion in general is not what's advertised. More so with the WT, I imagine.
interesting video connects the dots.
If in future elders come around and tell them to knock it off and resume shunning in full then I think they’ll have some difficulty because, as they see it, they have written permission in black and white in the WT itself to stop shunning.
Sure. I'm sure elders will have no trouble showing these sisters how their reading is, in fact, not quite accurate - especially in light of that particular situation. You know, "the GB meant someone like this, but the person you love is waaayy worse because of... reasons"
The options are endless.
interesting video connects the dots.
@slimfatboy - likely the line will be held at the local level. You know, when the elders have their "school". They review the elders manual, and all the direction the WT doesn't want to have in writing gets filled into the "side notes" during those meetings.