Thanks Simon... Do you need the name of the latest spammer? I can post it here or send you a PM... Please let me know
Posts by Alfred
Simon... has the WTBTS ever tried to hack this site?
by Alfred ini've only been on this site for 10 months or so and i've already received 2 pms from members of this site (who have no posts)requesting my friendship and providing an email address where i can request a photo of the person... i happen to know that i am "marked", so i wonder if this is just a ploy to match my personal email address to the one the elders in my congo have... this also makes me wonder if the wtbts is behind some theocratic warfare strategy to obtain proof for judicial committees.
i realize this is purely speculative, but i would be interested to know if the wt or any other party has ever tried to hack this site for the purpose of obtaining members' personal email addresses...
Simon... has the WTBTS ever tried to hack this site?
by Alfred ini've only been on this site for 10 months or so and i've already received 2 pms from members of this site (who have no posts)requesting my friendship and providing an email address where i can request a photo of the person... i happen to know that i am "marked", so i wonder if this is just a ploy to match my personal email address to the one the elders in my congo have... this also makes me wonder if the wtbts is behind some theocratic warfare strategy to obtain proof for judicial committees.
i realize this is purely speculative, but i would be interested to know if the wt or any other party has ever tried to hack this site for the purpose of obtaining members' personal email addresses...
Nick... Valid point... However, they have done some really stupid things in the past (like joining the UN, allowing Mexican brothers to bribe military officials and charge for parking at stadiums where the parking was included, etc, etc)... Mad... You're right... They're not smart enough... Which is why I think theykre stupid enough to try...
Simon... has the WTBTS ever tried to hack this site?
by Alfred ini've only been on this site for 10 months or so and i've already received 2 pms from members of this site (who have no posts)requesting my friendship and providing an email address where i can request a photo of the person... i happen to know that i am "marked", so i wonder if this is just a ploy to match my personal email address to the one the elders in my congo have... this also makes me wonder if the wtbts is behind some theocratic warfare strategy to obtain proof for judicial committees.
i realize this is purely speculative, but i would be interested to know if the wt or any other party has ever tried to hack this site for the purpose of obtaining members' personal email addresses...
I've only been on this site for 10 months or so and I've already received 2 PMs from members of this site (who have no posts)requesting my friendship and providing an email address where I can request a photo of the person... I happen to know that I am "marked", so I wonder if this is just a ploy to match my personal email address to the one the elders in my congo have... This also makes me wonder if the WTBTS is behind some theocratic warfare strategy to obtain proof for Judicial Committees. I realize this is purely speculative, but I would be interested to know if the WT or any other party has ever tried to hack this site for the purpose of obtaining members' personal email addresses...
Long Call With Elder: Doesn't Know About "Generations/Overlapping"
by daringhart13 ini had a call with a good buddy......still an elder the other night.. when i mentioned generations/overlapping.......he had no clue what i was talking about.
such a good man.......... but it doesn't matter.....they don't even realize what is being said to them; what is being done to them.
a high stature elder in their organization....and he had no clue there was another change..... how the hell does this happen?.
Don't get me started... When that April 15, 2010 issue of the Watchtower arrived at my hall, I immediately showed one of the elders the page that revised the generation definition, essentially pointing out that it is now taught to be TWO overlapping generations... His smug response was: "That's a change? I don't see that as a change. It's still one generation." I couldn't believe how incredibly oblivious he was to this... Either that, or his JW defense mechanism activated when he sensed I was being critical of the WT (which I really wasn't at the time)... I then showed it to the elder in charge of the WT Study and when this study article came up in June 2010, he completely skipped the question as he knew I would be picking him apart after the meeting... He's knows something isn't right but he has way too much to lose, so he'd much rather prefer to remain ignorant...
Refuting Franz's Crisis of Conscience
by irondork ini'm about halfway through crisis of conscience.
some pretty extraordinary stuff in there.. wondering, aside from telling people not to read "apostate material", has there been any official denial or refutation of the books contents by the watchtower society, official or otherwise?.
side note: franz is a wonderful writer, if a bit repetitive in places.
Godrulz... Did you lose pentecostal family or friends to the WTBTS... If so, posting on this site won't get them back... Just saying...
Governing Body readying the Witness community
by Marvin Shilmer instop asking decide for yourself!
today i uploaded a new article highlighting the method of choice by watchtowers current governing body for dealing with problematic details haunting its doctrines.
moving forward the current governing body will expand on this theme.
In April 2010, I sat down with my PO at my dining room table and overwhelmed him for 3 hours with solid proof that Jesus could not have taken the throne in 1914. He basically had nothing to say except that I should consider writing the Society about my "doubts" (which weren't really doubts... I already knew it was a Nelson Barbour copy-paste gone bad). A few weeks afterwards, I finally decided to write to Brooklyn. After getting no response 3 months later, I sent another letter, then another. Finally, I receive a response which totally dodged my basic and simple questions, so I write back and get no response this time. Several months later, I finally get an email from the elder (who suggested that I write the Society)... he apparently received "instructions" to sit down with me and another elder (not a 3-elder JC but a 2-elder shepherding call). I respectfully declined to meet as I was already well into my fading process.... but I wonder if they received instructions to tell me "believe whatever crap you want to believe, we're done answering your questions" or somthing along those lines... I guess I'll never know... just sharing...
I have question about the new light on the statues toes
by Igot2bme inmy son went to the dc this past weekend and we visited on the phone for a bit about what he picked up there.
he of course was sad and worried for us because we no longer have anything to do with the org.
we covered alot of issues that had to do with why i felt that the org did not have gods holy spirit.
@ 20571pnt428571...
Fascinating stuff... so what do the ten toes of the statue represent in this so called anglo-american quest for world domination?
Also, it sounds like you're suggesting that the American banking system is suffering an inevitable decline that was purposely engineered by the Rothschilds. Could you please elaborate? (not sure if I understood correctly)
@ jwfacts... interesting point on the 1,000 year gap... thanks
Paraplegic JW example used at assemblies
by Alfred init seems like every time our circuit failed to meet the field service goals set by our co, the very next circuit assembly would invariably include a talk that mentions a chronically ill paraplegic sister who would dial the phone with her tongue to make return visits or conduct bible studies... i must have heard this experience at least 6 or 7 times in the past 20 years or so.
and every time i heard this recycled talk, they would add even more guilt-inducing twists to it.
to me, it eventually became way to difficult to believe...
It seems like every time our circuit failed to meet the field service goals set by our CO, the very next Circuit Assembly would invariably include a talk that mentions a chronically ill paraplegic sister who would dial the phone with her tongue to make Return Visits or conduct Bible Studies... I must have heard this experience at least 6 or 7 times in the past 20 years or so. And every time I heard this recycled talk, they would add even more guilt-inducing twists to it. To me, it eventually became way to difficult to believe... Anyway, I'm very curious to know if this example has been given in your Circuit... If so, did you think it was a completely made-up story or did you tend to believe it? If you believed it, how did it make you feel?... Looking forward to your responses...
I wish JW's would stay home when they are sick!
by life is to short inas some of you know my husband got pneumonia on the way down to lake tahoe and wound up in the hospital.
we have not been around anyone that was sick nor did he seem to have a cold he just got pneumonia.
i had, had surgery for hernias amost three weeks ago but i doubt that gave him exposure to pneumonia.. well out of the blue while i was in tahoe a older sister called me and told me one of the elders had bronchitis really bad.
Fairplay... Sounds like YOU also found a little thing to pick by posting your 1st comment on this thread... But why don't you read some of the others posts on this site that thoroughly expose the lies, flip-flops and false predictions of the Watchtower backed with actual undeniable evidence? Instead you choose to single this one out.. Why?
I wish JW's would stay home when they are sick!
by life is to short inas some of you know my husband got pneumonia on the way down to lake tahoe and wound up in the hospital.
we have not been around anyone that was sick nor did he seem to have a cold he just got pneumonia.
i had, had surgery for hernias amost three weeks ago but i doubt that gave him exposure to pneumonia.. well out of the blue while i was in tahoe a older sister called me and told me one of the elders had bronchitis really bad.
If it's the last Saturday of the month and they haven't been in FS that month, some JWs will feel the pressure and get out of bed, sick or not... I've seen it countless times... The thought of being labelled "irregular" is too much for some JWs to bear...