Thanks Mad... I came across some old note books clearing out my desk the other day and noticed a note to myself about this documentary... (Don't remember why a wrote the note)... Decided to search here and found this thread.
Posts by Alfred
by DannyHaszard insome pbs stations won't show knocking .
even though knocking is scheduled for a national pbs broadcast on may .
2007, as many as one-quarter of local pbs stations will not show .
by DannyHaszard insome pbs stations won't show knocking .
even though knocking is scheduled for a national pbs broadcast on may .
2007, as many as one-quarter of local pbs stations will not show .
Does anyone know who financed this documentary?
Survey - Are DF'ed ones allowed to be around for the prayers at the meetings where you live?
by StandFirm inand please state the general area you live in, if you could.
thank you..
AGuest... I'm guessing that Standfirm will wait for some more replies to his question before posting a summary of this thread on another site (Topix I think)... Maybe you'll find what's behind this on that web site...
Feeling a bit alienated
by factfinder ini notice mostly everyone at jwn was a "born-in".
i actually chose to become a witness.
i was born and raised jewish but by the time i was 15 i had lost interest in judaism and stopped practicing it.
Concerned JW... One question... Can you name one "mistake" or one "false teaching" that any of the writers of the Bible put on paper? No, you cannot.
Don't try to compare the WTBTS with people who made errors in the Bible... you need to compare apples with apples... but your comparing apples with poison ivy...
What is the ULTIMATE goal of the Watchtower Society?
by MrDarkKnight inin a number of different threads comments have been made about the motives of the gb and the wtbts.
it made me think, what is their ultimate goal?
what is their end game?.
What Sab said... Also, I'm still trying to figure how being nice equates to being self-righteous...
Thinking about loosing my friends ....
by Dudu ini think the harddest part of all this process of fading is losing friends .... ive been jw all my life and my all my close friends are jw ... im sad.
What Billy said...
we all know that there are some really bad people in "the world"... but there are also millions of genuinely friendly people who are honest, law-abiding and truthful... a lot more than 7 million, that's for sure...
What is the ULTIMATE goal of the Watchtower Society?
by MrDarkKnight inin a number of different threads comments have been made about the motives of the gb and the wtbts.
it made me think, what is their ultimate goal?
what is their end game?.
Billy... I believe it...
Early last year, Anthony Morris visited our district and made a ridiculous comment about Field Circus... Basically, he asked the audience of about 6,000 to raise their hand if they enjoy getting up early saturday morning to go to FS. i'd say about 10% or less raised their hand... his response to that was: "wow, that's a lot more than I expected... I (Anthony Morris) certainly don't enjoy getting up early and then have to face the kind of treatment we usually get in FS, but we all have to do it if we want Jehovah's approval" (or words to that effect)... It just left everyone looking at each other and thinking WTF...
Still Amazed to Have Escaped
by leavingwt ini escaped the wt more than three years ago.
yet, even today, i'm still amazed, surprised and thankful that i got out.
it's easy for me to imagine having never getting the information i needed to make a clean break.
LeavingWT... I hear you man... On a scale of 1 to 10, my stress level dropped from about 7 to 2 after reading Crisis of Conscience and several other books... My wife took about 4 months or so to convince, but once she woke up, her stress level dropped from about 9 to 1... We were always trying so hard to meet our "theocratic" goals but always felt that we should be doing more if we wanted to be accepted by Jehovah... Thank God we're free!!! We're both much happier now than ever...
Demos on the platform versus actual reality in FS
by Alfred inwe've all seen these demos a million times... perfectly rehearsed mini-dramas at the end of the theocratic school and during the service meetings (usually played by the same "exemplary" publishers and pioneers of the elite congo clique).
you know what i'm talking about... the ones where they always speak the right words and cite the "appropriate" proof texts in perfect harmony with borg guidelines.
so much so, that new "studies" or visitors who are unfamiliar with these "elite" brothers and sisters are completely awe-struck by their enthusiasm, "spirituality" and eloquence displayed on stage.. but then an inexplicable "phenomena" unfolds every saturday at 9am.
We've all seen these demos a million times... perfectly rehearsed mini-dramas at the end of the theocratic school and during the service meetings (usually played by the same "exemplary" publishers and pioneers of the elite congo clique). You know what I'm talking about... the ones where they always speak the right words and cite the "appropriate" proof texts in perfect harmony with borg guidelines. So much so, that new "studies" or visitors who are unfamiliar with these "elite" brothers and sisters are completely awe-struck by their enthusiasm, "spirituality" and eloquence displayed on stage.
But then an inexplicable "phenomena" unfolds every Saturday at 9AM. These exemplary publishers and pioneers who showed so much zeal and biblical knowledge on stage are completely transformed into their "real" character once they start field circus. It's as if they enter some kind of time warp which sets them back 10 or 15 years. They suddenly forget "the script" and go back to the same old feet dragging, magazine placing mode they had all along while hoping that no one will open the door or ask them anything requiring any level of thought or analysis. God forbid they should have to actually use the Bible (like they did on stage 2 nights earlier) or even remember what they said in the last demo they gave so perfectly to impress the elders.
Then again, the same could be said of any demo or drama whether at the KH or at an assembly. What you see on stage is not what you get in reality. In fact, the WT knows all too well that the vast majority of JWs (whom the WT themselves have "dumbed down" over the years) simply don't rise to that level of proficiency in field service (except for a rare few). So it would appear that these demos are yet another mind-control method that the WT employs to ensure that the rank and file continue to feel less than adequate when it comes to their service.
At least this has been my observation over the years in the few congos I attended... looking forward to reading your thoughts on this "phenomena"... please do share... thanks...
What has the WT$ TAKEN from you?
by VampireDCLXV inif you've been around here long enough, you will have seen people saying how they "gave up" or "sacrificed" certain things so that they could be good little jws.
what about those of us who were growing up in it and we didn't even have a choice in the matter?
what about those of us from whom some things in life were forcibly ripped away, things that 'normal' people take for granted in their life?.
Hmmm... I never really thought about that... let's see, at about $20 a week for about 20 years... holy sh*t!!! ... they stiffed me for $21,000 !!! That's easily a $3,000 tailored suit for each GB member... damn!