I think everyone's missing the point... The most important thing to keep in mind here is that there's only one weekend remaining this month and the weaker brothers who have not been in Field Service this month will be able to count their hours on this KH build (until the wind kicks up) and won't have to memorize the WT & Awake presentations in the latest KM. The fact that these brothers will be able to escape being labeled "irregular" without actually doing any preaching at all is a loving provision from the governing body...
Posts by Alfred
Hurricane Irene and a KH build
by PaintedToeNail inthe northeastern usa is under hurricane warnings, evacuation notices, people are being told to have emergency supplies and that the east coast will have possibly 10 million or more without power...and yet they are still planning on doing a hall build in our area.
we are listed in the 'to be hit by irene area'.
does anyone else think this is a ridiculously foolish thing to do?
Am I on thin ice with my friend?
by cedars ini'm a former mts graduate, and it's a long story but i recently became inactive after realising it was all nonsense.
the problem is, i've noticed that my mts background makes it almost impossible for people to accept my new status as an "inactive" one.
people think that, given the amount of knowledge i have, there is surely no excuse for me to reach this preposterous decision.. a friend from my mts recently began emailing me to find out my reasons.
Can you please share what exactly made you wake up?... did you wake up while you were in MTS or afterwards?... was it a particular doctrine that you discovered to be false or was it some shady activity you uncovered?
You'd be surprized how many people benefit from others' experiences... I certainly have....
According the WT, how many comings or returns of Christ are there?
by cyberguy inaccording the wt, how many comings or returns of christ are there?
and the follow-up question is: how many comings of christ are actually indicated in the scriptures?
(yes, we can debate for days, needlessly, concerning the 1914-calculus, but the truth is so much simpler than this!
I got an unexpected call from an elder just before the memorial this year asking me if I had planned on attending (the memorial)... I thanked him for the invitation but told him I didn't plan on attending. He was quick to point out that this was a "biblical" requirement mandated by Jesus himself, to which I responded... "yes, it is... but only until he returns, right?".... he said "exactly... then why are you not attending?" I then reminded him that Jesus returned in 1914... there was a long pause and then he suddenly started to dance around it by saying that this is not what was meant... I told him he really needed to study the subject more, to which he quickly changed the subject and then ended the conversation abruptly...
Earthquake at Bethel...mysterious Bethelite speaks up on significant concerns at world headquarters .
by koolaid-man ini know this post will bring out all those who love to criticise and rebut.
the following information is timely and very plausible.
in view of recent posts and special announcements to be taking place in the organization i found the following to have credibility.
Rick... How much is the WT paying you for your role in portraying "apostates" as "mentally diseased" and delusional?
Cambridge: JW tries to entice 11 y. o. boy into having sex
by behemot ina jehovah's witness who tried to get an 11-year-old boy to have sex with him turned himself in to police after being told to by counsellors.. cambridge crown court heard kirk lefcovitch, 25, had repeatedly asked the child to perform sexual acts, as well as handing him pornography and sex toys.. despite his admissions, and previous convictions against a boy aged 8 in 2000, he was spared jail.. sara walker, prosecuting, said: in december last year mr lefcovitch asked the 11-year-old to expose himself, and the boy refused.. the defendant then offered to show the boy his privates, to which the boy replied that he didnt want to see it.. he then showed the victim some porn and told him he wanted to have sex with him.. there were occasions when the two spoke on the phone, and mr lefcovitch also made inappropriate comments then.. the court heard that lefcovitch had made a full confession to police, who were previously unaware of the incident, after being advised to do so by a counsellor at cambridges centre 33 an organisation which gives advice to young people aged up to 25.. georgina gibbs, mitigating, said: it is a very rare occurrence for an offender of this type to put themselves at risk and report themselves.. the defendant has been receiving help from centre 33 and his jehovahs witness group.. he is trying to go down a different course in his life.
he has thrown away all his porn and has been deliberately excluding himself from activities which could have him in close proximity to youngsters.. lefcovitch, of the brook, sutton, was described in a pre-sentence report as a serious risk to children.. he has a previous conviction from 2000 for a string of sexual assaults on an 8-year-old boy.. judge anthony bate said: there was clearly an intention for the offence with the 11-year-old to go further than it did, but the prison sentences suggested in my guidelines would not be long enough for you to complete a sex offenders course in prison.. judge bate instead ordered lefcovitch to take part in the thames valley programme, which is a community sex offender group work course.. lefcovitch was also made the subject of a 3-year community order with supervision requirements, and he must pay 400 court costs.. source: http://www.cambridge-news.co.uk/home/religious-man-tried-to-entice-boy-11-into-sex-24082011.htm.
It's interesting that he turned himself in after being advised by a worldly counsellor... had he gone to the elders, they would have kept this hidden from the authorities...
Overlapping generation
by mankkeli inif according to the wt, overlapping generation theory is true,then someone born in 1914 could live to be 100, then overlap with another person born in 2014 who also lives to be 100,bringing us to 2114. by that time any?
jehovah's witness will have long forgotten that once upon a time 1914 was pointed to as the start of the last days.. .
a close insider in patterson told me john barr proposed the overlapping theory on the gb meeting.
The toes of the the statue in the book of Daniel represent the 10 overlapping generations of annointed ones starting in October 1914. Assuming a generation is 70 years and a 1-day overlap between generations is acceptable, armageddon can come as late as September of 2614...
What if....
by factfinder inwhat if the gb somehow finally did admit they were wrong about 607 and 1914- what percentage of publishers do you think would remain active?.
I'd say about about 10%-15% would leave immediately, followed by Nu-Lite at a Special Assembly assuring the remaining JWs that this was simply the "final test" from Jehovah in order to finally separate the goats from the sheep and clean his organization in preparation for the new system. This Special Assembly would, of course, announce a new DVD from the GB encouraging everyone to get in their final hours of field work before the final stretch has reached its end... many will sell their homes to spend the rest of their lives pio-sneering. These will be recognized in the KM as fine examples of what we should all be doing in the final days... recruitment numbers would show a slight increase. Eventually, those who sold their homes will run out of money, become disillusioned and leave the Borg. The WT will then accuse them of "conjecturing" or "serving Jehovah until a certain date"... lather, rinse, repeat...
Finished Mystery
by dontplaceliterature ini just started reading this last night.
i've seen it referred to on this forum a few times.
any weird things i should keep my eyes out for?
Either that, or he was a freemason... they use that symbol in some masonic lodges also... I'm just saying...
How many partook in 1935?--BIG discrepancy in the WTS numbers
by M.J. inin a 1996 questions from readers, the watchtower reported the following regarding the number of partakers in 1935: .
w96 8/15 p. 31 questions from readers ***.
the facts over the decades reflect both the completion of the calling of the anointed and jehovahs blessing on the growing "great crowd," who hope to survive "the great tribulation.
It's no wonder why the WT quietly tossed out this absurd "1935" teaching four years ago (in 2007)... I just have to wonder if this thread had anything to do with it... it really makes the WT look ridiculous...
Scan needed 1897 Thy Kingdom Come
by jwfacts in.
does anyone have a copy of the 1897 studies in the scriptures, or a scan?
i particularly am after page 342. .
I have the actual book... Not sure of the edition though... Will check later this afternoon after work... Please PM me so I won't forget.