thanks Blondie
Posts by Alfred
Babylon The Great Has Fallen (1963) and Finished Mistery (1969)
by Libarian inwho could help me with the pdf files of the following books...1963 babylon the great and 1969 finished mystery.
i know it has been posted some time ago but they are not online any more.. thank you in advance..
Are JWs the worst restaurant customers?
by Alfred in(a little background info before i ask my question...).
my sister-in-law (non-jw), who manages a popular chain restaurant near a kingdom hall, just found out that my wife and i have recently faded, so she decided to get something off her chest the other day... you guessed it: she wanted us to know that jws are the worst customers ever!
she then told us some really embarrassing stories about how jws would request a table for 15 to 20 people (after a sunday meeting) and then (when the bill came) some of the jws would start deliberating amongst themselves on whether or not the waiter was diligent or not (to justify the low tip he was getting anyway).
I hate to shamelessly bump this thread, but last night my non-JW sister-in-law brought up this subject yet again... she said that last Saturday was an usually busy day during lunch... apparently, 2 party busses (or tourist busses?) pulled up and filled up the remaining seats in the restaurant...
In the middle of all the chaos, two JW sisters that she recognizes walk in requesting a table for two (pioneers taking a break maybe?)... they were asked if sitting at the bar was OK... of course, they said no and even requested a booth. Finally, a booth opens up and they are seated, given menus and asked if they wanted anything to drink. They both ordered Sprite... After serving the Sprites, their waitor came by their table several times over a 25-minute period asking if they had decided what they wanted... not surprizingly, they weren't ready to order yet and continued their conversation without ever looking at their menus... Meanwhile, there were about 12 people (approximately 4 parties) waiting to be seated as the restaurant continued to be unusually full.
Finally, after occupying the table for 35 minutes, they order nothing, pay for their Sprites and leave a $1 tip... the waitor was pissed!!!
Again, my sister-in-law asks me why JWs are so clueless when they go to her restaurant. All I could say is that the WT dumbs down the rank and file so much that some JWs tend to lose all situational awareness and practically live in hermetically sealed bubbles where they apparently feel that they need not behave like normal human beings... (In retrospect, this is probably not the best response I could have given, but it was the only thing that came to mind after hearing her vent for 5 minutes...)
Are you sure leaving the JW religion has made your life better?. Lurkers think twice
by mankkeli inon this forum, i have carefully read most of the experiences of those who left the jw religion, i have even read experiences that have dated back to 2001, i have read the different circumstances surrounding their exits and what ensued upon leaving.
for the majority, i observed they are better remainning in the religion than leaving.
what benefit is there to strain family relationship because you want to be free?, please tell me, of what value is that freedom?,.
Sizemik... Mankelli really can't substantiate anything...
Mankelli... all baptism surges were due to fear of Armagedon... Ray knew this all to well and was not at all confused or sickened by it at all... I think you might be though...
Are you sure leaving the JW religion has made your life better?. Lurkers think twice
by mankkeli inon this forum, i have carefully read most of the experiences of those who left the jw religion, i have even read experiences that have dated back to 2001, i have read the different circumstances surrounding their exits and what ensued upon leaving.
for the majority, i observed they are better remainning in the religion than leaving.
what benefit is there to strain family relationship because you want to be free?, please tell me, of what value is that freedom?,.
I'm 100% sure that leaving the JW religion has made my life (not better) MUCH better...
I now have peace of mind, tranquility and much happiness. I've also learned to be much more tolerant of others (regardless of religious beliefs or sexual preferences), less judgmental and a lot more loving (than when I was a JW)...
Lurkers... Do you really want to live a liejust to maintain friendships that would turn their backs on you in a second simply because you have discovered the truth about "The Truth" while they continue to have a twisted reasoning of the Bible? Do yourself a favor... Read Deu 18:20-22; Acts 1:7; 1 Tes 5:21 and 1 John 4:1 and then ask yourself... would Jesus turn his back on me for taking these texts seriously???
Mankelli... you seriously need some help... you are obviously NOT looking at the bigger picture here...
9/11 Security Camera Footage Of Plane Hitting Pentagon
by Bangalore in9/11 security camera footage of plane hitting pentagon..
Almost any 10 year-old can fly a 757 into a building the size of the pentagon at any speed...
Embarrassed As A Witness
by EmptyInside ineven as a witness,i was uncomfortable talking about everything we believed.
i remember working with my brother out and service and he found an interested person.
my brother was sharing information out of the bible teach book.
I really hated being paired with this particular MS (ex-elder who demoted himself to care for his chronically ill wife)... whenever the house holder mentioned anything that was the slightest bit contrary to JW beliefs, he would get excited and start raising his voice at the house holder... then the house holder would raise his/her voice and all hell would break loose... whenever this happened, I simply could not get a word in edge-wise (to pacify the situation)... it usually turned ugly very quickly... extremely embarrasing...
How many ex-JW's are musicians on here?
by NoRegrets injust wondering how many of us on here are musicians, what we play, and if we had witness bands and/or performed.
i have had quite a few funny moments of being in bands that wanted to be cool, but always had to nerf the edginess of any songs we played and watch the noise!
i played with different elders who loved to rock out, but when they played at a congregation party didn't even want to use overdrive of any kind!
I'm not really a musician but do enjoy playing my bass guitar once in a while... it's quite relaxing...
Do the Governing Body members ever go Door-to-Door?
by 00DAD inin his book, in search of christian freedom, ray franz wrote that that gb members for the most part never participated in door-to-door work.
they were "too busy with more important things.
" (gee, how come that excuse wouldn't work for the rest of us?
Don't know the answer to the poster's question, but...
...who is that guy grabbing Sam Herd's ass?
December 18, 2011, a member of the GB will be in South Africa at last year's Soccer World Cup Final stadium...
by african GB Member city stadium.. they are selling tickets to go and listen to a gb member talk for about 3 hours.. they price them at r20.00/ $2.40.
I also find that hard to believe...
...unless they're planning to charge attendees for vehicle parking that is already included in the stadium rental (as they've done in the past)
WT Funny Slogans
by fedup ingenerations are forever.
good to the last flip-flop.
we love to see you cringe.
Stay alive 'til 2075...