Go back in the old w/t and awakes and see how many host cities/countries had tourism articles published only to host an international convention in the next 6-12 months.
I think I'll do that... this should be interesting...
i remember the whole process of selecting a host city for australias last international convention.
the australian bethel played the nsw government against the victorian.
it was so similar to choosing an olympic city and the big boys from bethel knew how to play the game.
Go back in the old w/t and awakes and see how many host cities/countries had tourism articles published only to host an international convention in the next 6-12 months.
I think I'll do that... this should be interesting...
madison avenue became famous for selling the sizzle rather than the steak.. the point of advertising was to create an appetite for a product.. sometimes, in order to create desire for the product, advertising consisted of imposing an embedded fear that could only.
be resolved by purchasing the solution: the product.. .
four hundred and twelve billion dollars annually is spent on advertsing in the u.s. ($412 billion).
grass-eating lions and pandas..
i remember on my visit to the bethel, one of the stops was this machine that allowed rapid production of layout in different languages.
they were very proud of it, i guess it was invented by a poor volunteer there and it was enough of a breakthrough that they claimed that international companies were looking to buy or license the technology for millions.. the guide was very proud to say that they were keeping the technology and not sharing.
tee hee hee, take that satan!.
The sad thing is that I was actually convinced (for a few years) by this elder that this was am automatic translator/printer... This was one of the things I used to tell co-workers whenever they made fun of me for being a JW... that and 1914...
I felt really stupid when I finally realized that the information circulating about MEPS (and 1914) was completely distorted (like everything else that comes from the WT...)
iunderstand from a recent watchtower/awake that elders ask 100 questions before u are allowed to b baptized?.
what questions?
I n answer the eunuch said to Philip: “I beg you, About whom does the prophet say this? About himself or about some other man?” Philip opened his mouth and, starting with this Scripture, he declared to him the good news about Jesus. Now as they were going over the road, they came to a certain body of water, and the eunuch said: “Look! A body of water; what prevents me from getting baptized?” With that he commanded the chariot to halt, and they both went down into the water, both Philip and the eunuch; and he baptized him. -Acts 8:34-38
But wait! The eunuch's baptism is null and void! No one read him any questions to see if he is worthy enough to get baptized! Philip should have checked with the Governing Body in Jerusalem before running ahead of them and baptizing a total starnger who had zero (0) hours of Field Service... Let this be a lesson to us all... Never baptize anyone unless you're 100% sure he meets WTBTS citrieria...
how many people still have the book aid to bible understanding?
and when did the watchtower decide to scrap it?
was there any offical anoucements anyone rememeber to please return the books?
Blues Brother...
Two years ago, an elder saw my Aid to Bible Understanding book while on a shepherding call and told me that it had been written by an apostate (I guess he was referring to Ray) which is why we the Insight books were printed in 1988...
update on swarm:
most of you are aware that the wtbts owns stocks on at least three companies dedicated to provide rand cam engine technology to the u.s. navy.
the engine in question has been mounted on the spy plane previously known as swarm (smart war-fighter array of re-configurable modules).
Brochure for Silver Fox aircraft...
interesting stuff
since jehovah's witnesses supposedly have "the truth" and are part of god's visible organization living in a "spiritual paradise" you would naturally expect that they should be the happiest people on earth!
this clearly is not the case.
wha happened?
I've only heard of such suicides from nearby congo's... but it was always explained away as the victim's fault...
-Watchtower November 1, 1987 page 14
Yet, the Bible’s words are not easily brushed aside: “God is not one to be mocked. [“There is no thumbing your nose at God.”—Byington] For whatever a man is sowing, this he will also reap; because he who is sowing with a view to his flesh will reap corruption from his flesh.” (Galatians 6:7, 8) Lewd behavior often results in sickness, or even untimely death, from diseases such as syphilis, gonorrhea, and AIDS, to name the outstanding ones. Mental and emotional imbalance, depression, and even suicide are also at times the result of promiscuous life-styles. So while those sharing in immoral practices may laugh in scorn at those trying to keep themselves clean, the laughter stops as the mockers begin ‘reaping what they have sown.’—Compare Romans 1:24-27.a very reliable friend told me this: the bro was commenting on what was "unacceptable" conduct in the bedroom between married persons.
needless to say, he had everyone's attention.
he went on to say "we must avoid perversions such as oral and annual sex.
One brother made this bizarre comment intended for the next paragraph of the WT Study (not the one being considered when he raised his hand): "In Jehovah's eyes, it's acceptable to have a luxury car as long as it's primary purpose is to transport brothers to the KH, assemblies and field service." The study conductor could barely keep a straight face and and asked: "Anyone else?" There was also a loud giggle from a sister in the second row who couldn't contain herself...
... weeks later, the brother who made this bizarre comment (from the wrong paragrah) traded in his old Nissan Pathfinder and bought a BMW 7-series...
well, i knew it would happen, and i wasn't surprised when it did.. a friend of mine, older brother with a heart condition, was assisting in shoveling snow at the circuit assembly this weekend (suit and tie, no less!
) and slipped on the ice and cracked a couple of his ribs.. what is the likelihood that the circuit or society will assist or cover his medical bills?
any takers on this?.
You need to inform the elders in your congo that you are unable to pay for your medical bills. The elders will prayerfully consider your situation and then decide whether you are worthy of the congo's financial help. If they find that you are worthy of this assistance, they will make a brief mention of your situation during the Service Meeting and the head of each family is left with a decision to make as the Society will always back away from these situations...
The money you receive from the congo will usually be proportional to your field service hours...
in an earlier thread, i went off topic for a moment to share excerpts from an email i received from an active sister living in the midwest usa.
she mentioned that the elders in her congregations were extremely conservative and criticized the flock for using certain colors of highlighters in their magazines.
she also reported that they were all over the sisters for wearing stylish boots or tennis shoes during the winter months.. i know that some elder groups can be very liberal, supportive and loving toward their flocks - while others are exactly opposite to the point that they become overbearing and oppressive.. what have you experienced as far as ridiculous, over-the-top rules and ideas enforced by local elders?.
In the early 80's a fanatic elder in my congo (who would later become a CO) had my father (an MS at the time) make several signs that read "Gum chewing not allowed" and "Talking not allowed" (in Spanish)... each sign also had a Bible text about "obedience" (can't remember which one right now)... Anyway, my father made some really nice-looking signs that I remember being very proud of at the time... This elder then had my father hang these signs in strategic locations throughout the KH on a Saturday after field circus...
The following Sunday, this elder (who was also the Watchtower Study conductor) stops the study after the first few paragraphs and says: "When sister (Gum-chewer) removes the gum from her mouth, we will move on to the next paragraph." As you can imagine, the KH went completely silent... I remember everyone becoming completely still with their eyes glued to their magazine for what seemed to be an eternity. Then he asked the reader to read the next paragraph and the study continued as is this elder's public humiliation of this sister never happened. But just before the last 2 paragraphs or so, he stops the WT study yet again and says: "When sister (Chatty) is done talkng to sister (Nosey), we'll continue to the next paragraph." Again, the entire congo cringed...
I'm not sure what happened afterwards as I dared no look in that direction. But this was the subject of many a conversation for many weeks afterwards and the two sisters who were publicly humiliated never returned to the KH (at least not ours)...
(I could tell you other stories about this elder but I'd be seriously derailing this thread...)
That being said, I seriously doubt that this has been seen anywhere else in any other congo... this is probably as extreme as it can possibly get with a fanatic elder...