If all fails, elders can use these handy devices...
Posts by Alfred
Fakeness of the Elders When CO Visits Video
by TOTH ini just ran across this video and enjoyed it a lot.
i hope you guys do too..... i can still remember the fake-ass elders scrambling trying to get everyone to show up for service and put on a big face...lol.
"Get out of the bleachers and into the game"... Memorial 2012 demonstration.
by koolaid-man innow is a good time to start making preparations for the memorial night demonstration at your kingdom hall thursday, april 5, 2012, after sundown.. close to 20 million people will attend this annual global witness event including active witnesses, relatives and friends of witnesses, bible studies,return visits and still attached former witnesses.
the evils of the watchtower org.have to be exposed and this is an ideal time to do it.. many around the world have been adversely affected by their association with jehovah's witnesses and you can be an instrumental force by standing tall and courageously exposing the watchtower organization.. there is no better way to let the watchtower know your revulsion than to broadcast and present your view by standing fearlessly, demonstrating in front of a kingdom hall.. i am fully aware that a handful of the internet therapists who post on this forum will not agree with this method of unmasking the watchtower.. those intolerant, contemptuous critics who will comment on this thread making harsh judgements and finding fault with those who protest are perhaps deep-down wishing they had the backbone to stop hiding in cyber-space, step away from their computer and "get out of the bleachers and into the game" .
lets make this a global event!......
Rick's crowd grows to a whopping 16 in 2034 at Watchtower Headquarters...
How truly happy are you?
by Freeof1914 ini am just curious to hear of some you who have left the org completely, how happy are you?
in my situation i feel like i am on a precipice and about to make a leap into the unknown.
since i have told my family elders and wife that i will mo longer go to the meetings or out on service i feel as if a load has been lifted.
When I discovered the truth about the "The Truth" I went through these 6 stages in about an 18-month period...
- Shock
- Dissapointment
- Anger
- Depression
- Recovery
- Happiness
I'm actually transitioning from 5 to 6 right now, but I'm much happier now than when I was in...
LOVE-BOMBING TRAINING just before the Memorial
by Alfred inthe last memorial i attended was in 2010 and i havent been to the kh since june of 2010... but when i was in, it seemed like every year, usually 1 or 2 weeks before the memorial, the service meeting would have a skit on how to behave when new faces enter the kingdom hall on memorial night.. it was always extremely painful for me to watch (and sometimes humorous) because the elder in charge of that service meeting part would usually select 4 of the grumpiest elderly sisters in the congo to do the skit.
one pair of sisters would play the part of the "love-bombing" jws and the other pair would play the interested ones entering the kh for the first time.
then they would switch roles and change up the script a little.. i always thought to myself: those sisters are never going to put that into practice... theyll show up late before even thinking of love-bombing anyone.
The last Memorial I attended was in 2010 and I haven’t been to the KH since June of 2010... But when I was in, it seemed like every year, usually 1 or 2 weeks before the Memorial, the Service Meeting would have a skit on how to behave when new faces enter the Kingdom Hall on Memorial night.
It was always extremely painful for me to watch (and sometimes humorous) because the elder in charge of that Service Meeting part would usually select 4 of the grumpiest elderly sisters in the congo to do the skit. One pair of sisters would play the part of the "love-bombing" JWs and the other pair would play the “interested ones” entering the KH for the first time. Then they would switch roles and change up the script a little.
I always thought to myself: “Those sisters are NEVER going to put that into practice… they’ll show up late before even thinking of love-bombing anyone.”
But the part of the skit that I always found most ridiculous and pointless was the part where the love-bombing sisters offers the “interested ones” a tour of the KH… I Thought: “Really?... WTF? Are they going to get lost going to the bathroom?” How incredibly stupid…
But I could see that this particular Service Meeting part (just before the Memorial) was viewed as a golden opportunity by some of the elders to provide much-needed Love Bombing Training to the antisocial JWs in the congo. However, it only made everyone in the hall cringe and never yielded the desired effect.
But I’m curious to know if this Love Bombing skit in the Service Meeting just before the Memorial is a standard world-wide practice… if so, was it ever used in your congo to “train” the antisocial brothers?
Looking forward to reading your comments!
Steven Unthank is a true HERO
by Shawn10538 ini just got done listening to hsi interview on six screens.
if any of you have any doubt about his motives and the greatness of his heroic actions, listen to the entire interview.
it is more than 3 hours long and i believe he addresses many concerns some here have had.
shutting down computer... PM me instead...
Steven Unthank is a true HERO
by Shawn10538 ini just got done listening to hsi interview on six screens.
if any of you have any doubt about his motives and the greatness of his heroic actions, listen to the entire interview.
it is more than 3 hours long and i believe he addresses many concerns some here have had.
Why is it absolutely necessary for some posters to immediately offer what they believe is a "balanced" point of view on every freakin thread about Steven?... if people want to hail him as a hero or even worship him, let them... that's their perogative.
Does anyone have the 2012 Memorial Talk outline?
by Alfred injust wanted to see if they included 1 cor 11:26... or if they elaborate on that text... thnx.
Ynot... Thanks for that 2006 outline... looks like they conveniently left out 1Cor 11:26 from that out line ....
I just wonder if they plan to leave it out the 2012 outline as well...
Governing Body two-thirds majority
by wannabefree ini believe current count is 9 gb, so that makes 6 out of 9 for it to be so?.
how about two-thirds when all 10,800 or so are given a say?.
I bet they got this 2/3 mayority vote method from the UN...
Are changes in the U.N. the answer? Consider the one that was made during the Korean War in the early 1950’s. At that time a resolution was passed that made a two-thirds vote in the General Assembly enough to override a veto by one of the members of the influential Security Council. It was believed that this modification in procedure would curtail any attempt by a Security Council member to hinder the peacemaking efforts of the United Nations.
Actually, this change was not drastic enough, as subsequent history has proved. In a crisis it was found that a two-thirds vote usually could not be mustered to overrule a veto. The influence of a larger nation in the Security Council Frederick Franz has a great effect on how members of the General Assembly Governing Body vote.
-Awake! March 8, 1972 page 5
When does the Lord "arrive"?
by Alfred in(credit to therevealer for finding this and posting on another thread).
from watchtower march 15, 2010 page 27 "one flock, one shepherd":.
who should partake?.
When does the Lord "arrive"?
by Alfred in(credit to therevealer for finding this and posting on another thread).
from watchtower march 15, 2010 page 27 "one flock, one shepherd":.
who should partake?.
Same ole crap... that it most certainly is...
These are one of those bizarre teachings where you can easily get three different responses (to the same question) from three different elders (one of them being, did you look it up in the CD Rom?)