When does the Lord "arrive"?

by Alfred 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Alfred

    (credit to therevealer for finding this and posting on another thread)

    From Watchtower March 15, 2010 page 27 "One Flock, One Shepherd":

    Who Should Partake?

    15 Those in the new covenant "have boldness for the way of entry into the holy place." (Read Hebrews 10:15-20.) These are the ones who are "to receive a kingdom that cannot be shaken." (Heb. 12:28) So, then, only those who will be kings and priests in heaven with Jesus Christ should drink from the "cup" that represents the new covenant. These participants in the new covenant are the ones promised in marriage to the Lamb. (2 Cor. 11:2; Rev. 21:2, 9) All others who attend the annual Memorial are respectful observers, who do not partake of the emblems.

    16 Paul also helps us to understand that those with an earthly hope do not partake of the Memorial emblems. He said to anointed Christians: "For as often as you eat this loaf and drink this cup, you keep proclaiming the death of the Lord, until he arrives." (1 Cor. 11:26) When does the Lord ‘arrive'? When he comes to take the last of his anointed bride class to their heavenly home. (John 14:2, 3) Clearly, the annual observance of the Lord's Evening Meal is not to continue endlessly. "The remaining ones" of the woman's seed yet on earth will continue to partake of this meal until all of them have received their heavenly reward. (Rev. 12:17) If, though, those who will live forever on earth were entitled to partake of the emblems, then this Memorial meal would need to continue forever.

    OK... let's back up here for a second... How does this work then (according to the WT)? What on earth does the WT writer mean when he says that Jesus "arrival" will occur "when he comes totakethe last of his annointed"??? Is Jesus coming down in one fell swoop to inflict fatal harm to the few remaining annointed so they can receive their heavenly reward and officially mark Jesus' arrival? The way this is written in paragraph 16, it is implied that this is a one-time event... not something that would happen continuously as more annointed pass away... So what the f**k is the Watchtower trying to say here???

  • mrsjones5

    That the lord will get here when he gets here. Basically not much. Same ole crap.

  • Alfred

    Same ole crap... that it most certainly is...

    These are one of those bizarre teachings where you can easily get three different responses (to the same question) from three different elders (one of them being, did you look it up in the CD Rom?)

  • therevealer

    Truly it is a difficult assignment to explain the "deep things" that the holy spirit conveys to them. They have to break it down in a way that the other sheeples can grasp what they so easily understand because of the priveleged position that Jah has put them in. We can only hope that with the new simplified watchtower they will include this spiritual information in the near future. I am sure that it will then become clear and understandable even for those of us simpler ones.


    The Lord will Arrive on the..


    ...................... ...OUTLAW

  • Berengaria

    Durnit Outlaw!! I was gonna say "what train is he on?"!!!

  • Alfred
  • OnTheWayOut

    WTS knows that one reading of the scriptures could indicate to a JW that their memorial should have ended when the lord alledgedly arrived in 1914, so they release articles that say soething more in line with their agenda. The NWT was written to fit doctrines, but sometimes they are stuck with what it says and have to find a way to contradict it.

  • Ding

    Doesn't the WTS mean TWO flocks (anointed and great crowd) and TWO shepherds (Jehovah and Jesus)?

  • therevealer

    You have to love how stupid they think the followers are. They explain that the memorial ends when Jesus comes, which now coincides with when the last ones of the annointed die and necessitates his arrival to take them home, but then use this to explain why those with an earthly hope or those who live for ever on earth don't partake. If as they say, Jesus's arrival terminates the memorial what would the partaking by these other ones have to do with anything.

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