That's Gerrit Losche you're referring to... He has someone write his parts... he just reads them (in his usual montone voice)... very strange dude...
Posts by Alfred
My thoughts on this years Special assembly day
by stillstuckcruz inopening comments: so this past weekend was out special assembly, so obviously supplied by jehovah.
we also had the "privelege" of having a gb representative at our assembly hall.
3/4 were young and my guess would be that those were born-ins.
I don't like "taking the lead"
by I Want to Believe insome men probably got off on the power/ego trip being a male jw gets you, but i never cared for it.
i'm an introvert, and was an especially awkward one at that haveing been reaised in social isolation, so it was about the strangest feeling in the world when as a newly-baptized teenager (back in the day) i started to pioneer.
i was about as green as you could get in every way but i was told i had to take the lead in the service meetings and the car group.
I believe one of the reasons the WT eliminated the Daily Text from Field Service was to make things easier for the retired introverts who had to "take the lead" during the weekday field circus (when most elders would be at work).
Have You Ever Walked Out Of a KH "Meeting"?
by african GB Member indid you have enough of boasting, and decided to walk out?.
that's what happened to me during this week's bs about how to "treat the disfellowshipped"?.
i just picked up my bag and stormed out...... will i get called into the back room?.
I walked out of a meeting about 20 years ago when the CO started carriying on about baptized JWs marrying unbaptized publishers... I mean this guy kept it going for a good 5 minutes at least and he was obviously referring to me at the time (as no one else in the congo was in the same situation)... it was completely disrespectful and unecessary since I had already been privately "counselled". (I was the baptized JW and my wife got baptized many years later)...
But after 22 years of marriage, my wife and I are both out of the borg and still happily married (which is more than I can say of some JWs I know)...
Most Overblown Examples Used at Assemblies
by What Now? inat a recent assembly, there was a talk highlighting the dangers of higher education.
the brother used an example of a young girl who went to university, began going to bars, and ended up getting drugged and gang raped - as if this happens to every young jw who chooses to get higher education.. .
what ridiculous examples have you heard used at meetings or assemblies?.
In my district, every three years or so, they would recycle the example of a paraplegic sister who couldn't go out in field service but would instead dial the phone with her tongue and give book studies over the phone... this was usually during "needs of the circuit" talk or a "do-more" talk...
I always thought... "If she's paraplegic, how the hell can she position herself over the phone and dial a number?" I always thought this was complete BS intended to make everyone feel guilty for not reporting more hours...
Most Jehovah's Witnesses dont want ex-JWs, dis-fellowshipped, disassociated to be successful!!!
by Joliette inor to acheieve any goals in their life.
and how dare you try to enjoy your life in this sick and demonic world.
dont you know that this world wont be here for long?
I think some JWs just want to be re-assured that they're not wasting their time going to meetings and field circus... so seeing some ex-JWs fall on hard times gives them some assurance that they are quite possibly in "the truth"... if they see ex-JWs become successful, they tend to explain it away as something that Satan did to make the ex-JW feel good about being a part of the world... it's really pathetic...
Finally an Article About Unthank!
by jamiebowers in prosecution gets thrown out of court.
by louis nelson.
27 feb, 2012 01:00 am.
they didn't post my comment on the article...
Fakeness of the Elders When CO Visits Video
by TOTH ini just ran across this video and enjoyed it a lot.
i hope you guys do too..... i can still remember the fake-ass elders scrambling trying to get everyone to show up for service and put on a big
The CO we had looked tired and defeated... when I was on my way out, I got a shepherding call from the PO and CO because of what I had voiced about 1975. The CO came prepared with about 5 or 6 different articles he'd printed out from the WT Library CD regarding 1975.
Every time he started to read an article to me, I politely interrupted him to let him know that I had already read that article. Until he finally said: "Well is there anything you haven't read about this subject?" My answer was something like: "No brother CO. I've read everything single article about 1975 and all of it is extremely disturbing, particularly the article that blames JWs for serving Jehovah with a certain date in mind."
As expected, he quickly changed the subject and gave me the usual WT Resume... which org preaches worldwide?, which organization uses the name Jehovah?, which organization remains neutral?, yadda, yadda... This is a very typical response whenever a JW gets cornered with something they simply can't answer... sort of like a used car salesman... "forget about that meaningless noise coming out of the engine... did you notice it has leather seats and a new paint job?" ... pathetic...
How Come I Rarely See People In Field Service, Vs The 1980-1990s Doing House2House?
by Bubblegum Apotheosis infield service hours have hit new records each year, but i am seeing less people working the territory.
where is all the time spent, that people are putting in the field ministry?
it's been close to ten years, since i have seen people working certain territories.
When I stopped going to Field Service in early 2010, the service overseer would approach me with something like: "Alfred, are you sure you didn't have at least one conversation with someone at work about Jehovah??? You may not know this yet but all you need is 15 minutes and we won't need to mark you down as IRREGULAR."
I'd say: "Yes brother Worried-About-The CO's-Visit-Next-Month, I'm 100% sure... I have no hours to report at all."
He would then look down in dissapointment and his mind would start to race... but before he could think of anything else to say, I'd be long gone...
Finally an Article About Unthank!
by jamiebowers in prosecution gets thrown out of court.
by louis nelson.
27 feb, 2012 01:00 am.
I posted a very polite comment on this news article over 8 hours ago... and I still see the same two comments that were posted before mine... I guess the moderators are still aslepp in Australia?... is anyone else here still waiting to see their comment posted on this article?
Drawings of NEW Watchtower World Headquarters in Warwick, New York
by Alfred inscroll down to last few pages to see the drawings....
among the ammenities are a sand volley ball court, two tennis courts and a full basketball court.... there's also parking garages and picnic areas for visitors.... by the way, not sure exactly what this is but you'll notice a shaded area labelled "undergound chamber"... interesting.... (i wonder if moving out to the middle of nowhere was intended to keep bethelites from sneaking out at night and going to the liquor store... just saying).
Yan... i just looked at it again...
On page 534, it's simply labelled "UNDERGROUND CHAMBER"
but if you back up to page 517, it appears that the same area is given a more specific label (Underground Stormwater Infiltration / Detention Chamber)...
so you're right... thanks for catching that!