Most Overblown Examples Used at Assemblies

by What Now? 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • What Now?
    What Now?

    At a recent assembly, there was a talk highlighting the dangers of higher education. The brother used an example of a young girl who went to university, began going to bars, and ended up getting drugged and gang raped - as if this happens to every young JW who chooses to get higher education.

    What ridiculous examples have you heard used at meetings or assemblies?

  • Coffee House Girl
    Coffee House Girl

    The last few years that I went to Dist conventions and circuit assemblies it just seemed to me that I kept hearing different versions of the same story:

    there was always a kid that looked 13-16yrs old and told how they started home schooling so that they could full time pioneer and turned down a scholarship,

    then there was always an adult MS or Elder who quit his full time job to full time pioneer and moved his family of five kids and wife and dog into a smaller appartment so they could "simplify" their lives,

    then there was always an aged sister who was still full time pioneering and who has done so for sixty years or so and still "loves" it got to be very uninspiring and drol


  • wasblind

    " then there was always an adult MS or Elder who quit his full time job to full time pioneer and moved his family of five kids and wife and dog into a smaller appartment so they could "simplify" their lives,"

    Quit job + fulltime pioneer = Foodstamps

    There is nothin' wrong with applying for help

    due to unforseen circumstances, but to deliberately

    become a burden, on an already overburdened system

    is pathetic.

  • grewupjw1969

    At a recent CA I heard the example of a young man who while in HS was offered a full scholarship to college. He turned it down so he could pioneer. He stated that many times he would think back and wish he'd gone to college and had a more lucrative career like his peers, but he was confident that something better was waiting for him....while at 30yrs old he was still living with mama. SMH


  • Iconoclast

    We had one example of Brother Perfect's five sons. Brother Perfect was the one giving the talk and he used all five of his sons to give examples of how they twarted the evil presences of peer pressure in high school. One by one they gave their glorifying moments of faith and strength, beating away that roaring lion! No, they would not fall to Satan! High school must have been pretty hard for them, too, because they were laying it on thick.

    Sadly, this was done at a Cir. Ass. Sadly, still, everyone knew this Brother Perfect and his five sons.

    And we all knew his sons were homeschooled since middle school.

  • Nebeska Nada
    Nebeska Nada

    I know a former sister who went in Bethel in Zagreb (Croatia) when she was very young. Before that she was a regular pioneer. Then, while she was in Bethel, she commited adultery with brother of her husband. Everybody knows who I am talking about (initials H.B.). It is also good example.

  • d

    I once heard an experince of a brother who went to college in 1955 and regreted it. Then a sister said she never went to college and works 2 jobs and is doing just fine. I was like this cannot be possible. I think even then I was able to detect such BS. You need college in this day and age.

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    at my assembly, every talk in which college was bashed was delivered by guys who I happen to know are college-educated and all have lucrative careers.

  • B_Deserter

    The school-age child who tells the story of being invited to a birthday party and responding with "GET BEHIND ME SATAN!" or some other over-the-top condemnation much to the delight of the audience. It always made me cringe to think of how difficult their school life was.

  • Iconoclast

    It has always freaked me and my sister out when, at the assemblies, the speaker goes through this engerized, THE-BIG-A-IS-ALMOST-HERE diatribe and everyone breaks out into feverish applause. It was pretty scary to know that 8,000 people were sitting around us, wishing for billions of people's death.

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