Don't tell us why you're giving us your hard earned money... just give it to us and shut the f**k up!
Posts by Alfred
WTBTS: Do Not Mark Donations For Relief Efforts - Mark World Wide Work
by Honesty ini have just talked with the wtbts service department at 718-560-5000.. you can contribute for hurricane katrina relief efforts through your local kingdom hall and put your donation in the contribution box marked for the world wide work.
you may also send donations directly to the branch office... to the brooklyn address.
donations should be marked for the world wide work and not specificically reserved for relief efforts.
It's impossible for these things to happen.... elders are appointed by the holy spirit...
Religious man's murder rap offends church
BUYEKEZWA MAKWABE | 26 February, 2012 01:57
CHURCH elder Walter Qusheka had lectured groups of worshippers about the Bible before he was implicated in a murder investigation.
The businessman, who recently landed a R25-million government tender, faces a charge of murder in a case that has shaken the local chapter of Jehovah's Witnesses in Mthatha, Eastern Cape.
Qusheka's company, Qush Cleaning Services, has a three-year contract to provide cleaning services to the local Mthatha Hospital Complex.
But it was at his hardware store in a small village near Mthatha that one of his employees got beaten to death three months ago.
Sakhumzi Ncedana was tied to a pole and beaten viciously, allegedly by Qusheka and four security guards. The Qunu-born victim's family is still "too traumatised" to talk about his death.
Prosecutors at the court in Bityi, where Qusheka and his four security guards appeared two weeks ago, said the victim was allegedly beaten for driving one of his employer's trucks into a ditch, getting it stuck.
Qusheka, 37, is alleged to have instructed the guards to assault the driver. The men are out on R1500 bail each. They have not pleaded.
Following his arrest, Qusheka told fellow Jehovah's Witnesses elders that the beating was administered by his security staff.
Jehovah's Witnesses have strict views on killing. White members of the church refused to be conscripted into the defence force, as apartheid laws ordered them to do, because they are forbidden to kill .
Frans Muller, head of the Watchtower society, which furthers the interests of Jehovah's Witnesses in South Africa, said an internal committee would investigate the matter.
"We take a firm stand on murder and have a definite policy to look into anything done by people who deliberately violate principles. People make mistakes and we are merciful when that happens."
But, he said, "scriptural principle" forbade, among other things, murder, fornication, theft and adultery and action could therefore be taken against Qusheka. "Even if it is for so much as giving the command that this man be beaten, leading to his death, he is responsible, even if not directly. A command to beat another man, and that man dies, makes him guilty before God," said Muller.
A meeting was held by elders on February 11 to determine Qusheka's fate. No action has been taken yet.
Mark Sherwood, also an elder at the church, said on Thursday that the matter was still "under consideration". He denied that Qusheka was still actively involved in the church's leadership.
Within months of joining the Qunu congregation, Qusheka gave a lecture at the Walter Sisulu University of Technology to worshippers on how to teach their families about the Bible and how to interpret it.
In three weeks, Qusheka did not respond to a number of voice messages and SMSes left on his cellphone, and messages left with his relatives elicited no reaction either.
Qush Holdings Group is a 100% black-owned firm that has spawned several businesses in the province, including security services, pest control, cleaning and gardening services, and cartage services.
Eastern Cape Health Department spokesman Sizwe Kupelo confirmed that Qusheka had secured a three-year tender - worth R8.3-million a year - for cleaning the Mthatha Hospital Complex.
I've been away, need an Anointed update
by UnConfused inhow have the numbers of the anointed been doing - staying steady or finally declining?
that was always a puzzle to me how that could stay so steady..
I think the Society is purposely cranking up the number of partakers to buy some more time...
Have You Ever Walked Out Of a KH "Meeting"?
by african GB Member indid you have enough of boasting, and decided to walk out?.
that's what happened to me during this week's bs about how to "treat the disfellowshipped"?.
i just picked up my bag and stormed out...... will i get called into the back room?.
His deafness is actually a blessing!
Watchtower Motion to Dismiss - DENIED
by jst2laws inbarbara anderson and joseph anderson vs watchtower society.
as you may remember the watchtower has petitioned the circuit court of manchester tennessee to dismiss the case against them filed by barbara and joe anderson.
Barbara... what was the outcome of this case? I'm looking for a separate thread that might have the answer but can't find it yet... thanks!
Private prosecution gets thrown out of court
by iamwhoiam in
The situation that arose in Australia is a perfect example of why the WT recently spun off into a million pieces... from the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses on Fiji Island to the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylnavia...
they simply want to keep the government authorities guessing which targets need to be struck 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.. if/when the sh*t hits the fan...
theocratic warfare...
Finally an Article About Unthank!
by jamiebowers in prosecution gets thrown out of court.
by louis nelson.
27 feb, 2012 01:00 am.
Mind Blown... I posted mine very early yesterday morning... it was very polite but highlighted how the WT hides pedophilia... I agree.. if they don't post it, something's fishy
Rick Fearon should apologise for accusing faders of being cowards
by cedars ini hate doing this type of thread.
none of us are perfect, least of all myself, and i would rather focus any criticism on the watch tower society for damaging people's lives.
however, in the short period since i've been a member of this forum i've noticed one member in particular deteriorate in his behaviour into the type of individual who threatens to undermine the credibility of the entire website.
James_Woods ... I agree...
Anyone who engages in any kind of gay bashing, however subtle, should be banned from this site...
My thoughts on this years Special assembly day
by stillstuckcruz inopening comments: so this past weekend was out special assembly, so obviously supplied by jehovah.
we also had the "privelege" of having a gb representative at our assembly hall.
3/4 were young and my guess would be that those were born-ins.
That's Gerrit Losche you're referring to... He has someone write his parts... he just reads them (in his usual montone voice)... very strange dude...