VM44... last I heard, 85 Jay Street was just an empty lot... but it's probably up for sale by now...
Posts by Alfred
Watchtower hires NYC Lobbyist in 2004 for $59,880
by VM44 innyc lobbyist search.
http://www.nyc.gov/lobbyistsearch/search?client=watchtower+bible+and+tract+society+of+ny%2c+inc.. .
client name & address:.
A Brief History of Racism in Watchtower Publications
by cedars ini've just completed a lengthy article on the history of racism in the society's publications.
many people (including myself, until recently) aren't aware that the society's early publications were brimming with racist rhetoric, and this only calmed down as the public mood towards racism changed, most notably with the civil rights movement in the 50s/60s.. a few "headliners" from the article are:.
russell segregated blacks from whites for viewings of the photodramarussell believed that the skin of a black man would turn white during the millennial kingdomunder russell, the society's publications portrayed the black races as "degraded" and the white race as "superior"rutherford viewed the blacks as a "race of servants", and spoke of "sobering the southern negro" in an article against prohibitionunder rutherford, the golden age slammed uncle tom's cabin (a work that helped end slavery) as being "the work of satan"; the same article branded spaniards a "backwards race"rutherford accused "jewish business men" of "oppressing the peoples of many nations"in 1929 the golden age (acknowledged by the society as essentially the same magazine as the modern awake!
Have you seen the 2010 DVD "Faith In Action"?
It has a reenactment of brothers sitting together at the Orpheum Theater (or Carnegie Hall... I forget which) getting ready to watch the Photo-Drama of the Creation and guess who's sitting in the front row?
An african-american couple!
This DVD had so much bull sh*t in it, that the Society probably figured: "one more misrepresentation won't make much of a difference"
Any rumors about any releases? - Conventions start in 12 days
by Gayle inconventions start may 18 according to jw.org.. hopefully, there will drops in baptisms as reported from 2011. unfortunately, there will be the poor kids..
That assembly hall in Sunnyside, NY used to belong to Freemasons...
Why is the Faithful and Discreet Slave thanked in every prayer?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inevery prayer at any meal,congregation meeting,and assemblyhas the fds being thanked for the spiritual food that they provide.jesus gave us an example on who to pray to and what to say.the society or any human were not included and was not ever mentioned by jesus.the society has always included themselves in prayers.
do you think that by including themselves in every prayer,they intentionally try to inculcate that into each brain,so that their powers are never questioned?.
Mentions of the phrase “Faithful and Discreet Slave” in Watchtower Magazine in last 4 decades...
70’s 116
80’s 184
90’s 259
00’s 294
Mentions of the phrase "Faithful and Discreet Slave" in prayers in last 4 decades
(don't have the numbers but it's likely proportionate to the numbers above)
A JW's Comment Regarding The Magazine downsizing
by Bangalore inon one of those pro-jw message boards there was a small discussion about the magazine downsizing.here is one comment that stood out.. .
though the special letter read, mentioned printing, paper and the cost of presses has led to a reduction in the number of pages in the public issues of the magazines, it makes me wonder- hummmm.
the message to the public will now be shorter - and more than likely more direct.
In this case, I think "Bye" means: "I tried warning you... but at least I counted my time and saved myself."
it just underscores the mentaility that some JWs have in Field Service... the "love" slowly fades away and counting time eventually becomes more important than saving lives.
More Publishers requires MORE Watchtower buildings ALL OVER THE WORLD.
by Alfred inkindom ministry 1970. .
branch letter.
dear kingdom publishers:.
Sorry... that's Kingdom Ministry January 1970
More Publishers requires MORE Watchtower buildings ALL OVER THE WORLD.
by Alfred inkindom ministry 1970. .
branch letter.
dear kingdom publishers:.
Kindom Ministry 1970
Branch Letter
Dear Kingdom Publishers:
The 1970’s have arrived! What will this decade mean to Jehovah’s witnesses? When we look back we see that 1959 closed with 803,482 publishers in the world, and 1969 closed with 1,256,784 publishers. In ten years Jehovah’s witnesses increased by 453,302 publishers. That is truly remarkable! But during just the past service year, 1969, the total average of publishers increased over the previous service year of 1968 by over 100,000! Will this rate of increase continue in the 1970’s? Without question the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is preparing for such increase with the purchase of new property in Brooklyn, buildings that are equal in total space to the four factory structures that it already had. So, evidently the Society expects things to expand rapidly, and to keep pace with the increase 100,000 publishers in a year’s time requires more buildings all over the world.
In addition to what we have purchased in Brooklyn, we are finishing a large printing plant in Thun, Switzerland. We recently enlarged the Bethel home in Wiesbaden, Germany, remodeling the top floor of the home there and putting in more bedrooms. Chile has just put the roof on their large new branch office and missionary home. And the reports coming in from all over the world show marked increases.
Truly, things are happening! Did you notice that here in the United States we again had new all-time peaks in the number of both congregation publishers and regular pioneers in November? All of us who have dedicated our lives to do Jehovah’s will want to keep active in the field, helping people to take their stand on Jehovah’s side. This includes showing them the importance of associating with us in our Kingdom Halls. It will not be long before these, too, will be deciding to dedicate their lives to Jehovah.
So what will 1970 bring? Will it mean another 100,000 regular publishers on the average? The 1970 Yearbook has now been shipped out to all the congregations and to the branches in all parts of the world, and the brothers will be thrilled when they read the report, for they will see the marvelous witness that was given in but twelve months’ time. Readers of The Watchtower will also enjoy a summary of this report in the January 1, 1970, issue. Many, we hope, will want to know why Jehovah’s witnesses are so energetic and active, and, if it be Jehovah’s will, they will associate with us in the 70’s, sharing in the house-to-house work, making back-calls on interested people, starting Bible studies with those who really want to know, aiding them to be disciples of Christ Jesus.
This is another year in which we will keep our eyes on the text for the year, and, together, all of us will try to follow out this admonition so positively stated by Christ Jesus, namely, “Go therefore and make disciples . . . baptizing them.” (Matt. 28:19) May all of you have that pleasure before 1970 ends.
Your brothers,
How Long Did You Wait On Jehovah?
by God_Delusion inhowdy guys and gals!.
here is my latest article on "waiting on jehovah" because the organisation is run by "humble imperfect men.".
- Micah 7:7 -Wait on Jehovah TM
- Proverb 4:18 -NuLite TM Gets Brighter(Patent Pending)
Sadly, only a handful of JWs ever read the entire chapters of Micah 7 and Proverb 4 (to grasp the full context of Micah 7:7 and Proverb 4:18).
If they did, they'd realize that the prophet Micah wasn't waiting on Jehovah to fix a f**k up by a self-proclaimed religious leader... he was merely hoping Jehovah would eventually set matters straight in the corrupt society he was living in.
And that Proverb is just a comparison between good and bad people.
But the "Faithful & Discreet Slave" has cleverly managed to use these texts to deflect blame from themselves to the rank & file...
7 Governing Body Members = 21 Condo Apartments ?
by Alfred ina few years ago, a bethelite mentioned to me that each gb member has an apartment in patterson, walkhill and brooklyn... a total of 21 condos.... now, assuming this is true, i'd like to make an extremely conservative estimate of these condos.... if each condo is worth only $250,000 us, that's still a total of $5.25 million.
assuming the furnishings are worth on $50,000 for each apartment, that's another $1.05 million.
add to that number their vehicles (worth roughly $30k), that's another $630k... all told, we're looking at a number well over $7 million (by this conservative estimate).... any ex-bethelites care to shed some light on this subject?
A few years ago, a bethelite mentioned to me that each GB member has an apartment in Patterson, Walkhill and Brooklyn... a total of 21 condos...
Now, assuming this is true, I'd like to make an extremely conservative estimate of these condos...
If each condo is worth only $250,000 US, that's still a total of $5.25 Million. Assuming the furnishings are worth on $50,000 for each apartment, that's another $1.05 Million. Add to that number their vehicles (worth roughly $30K), that's another $630K... All told, we're looking at a number well over $7 Million (by this conservative estimate)...
Any ex-bethelites care to shed some light on this subject? thanks!
Prozac Use Among JWs, Bethelites, Circuit Overseers and District Overseers, What Gerritt Loesch Said
by Scott77 inany bethelite whom served the past 5/6 years remembers gerritt loesch's morning worship when he mentioned over 40% of those in special full-time service (bethel, missionary, co, do) were on antidepressants, such as prozac.
serious phenomena affecting many, but throw the tight reins, multiplies it.
mc rubbermallet.
They ARE receiving Holy Spirit... The Prozac merely enhances the human body's ability to assimilate the Holy Spirit when they're feeling depressed. Wait on Jehovah and he will clear this up in due time...