That's actually a good idea from Tony... I've already started protecting my furniture too...
Posts by Alfred
a top tip from tony
by pepperheart inin the july broadcast of jw broadcasting tony morris one of the gb was telling people about what the jws do in iceland with the cart work and mentioned that they have plastic covers for the books and magazines so that they last longer, ialways thought the end of the world was so close ?.
"You're going to die in Armageddon"
by Jules Saturn ini'm sure i am not the only one to have heard this come out of the mouths of my loved ones.
it's a very painful thing to hear, especially when it comes from the people like your own parents/family.
even after i've been told that, they would say "we'll just continue life without you.
cleveland ohio convention results
by nowwhat? inof 3 in cleveland: avg.
attendance 7500 baptised 27 a robust growth of 0.38%!
not my convention so no details..
Yeah but that's because we're so close to the new world order.
Study with an Elder - propose a question.
by CitizenofEarth inhello there.. as some of you might remember i am keeping my facade up by "studying" with an elder.
this study however is more of a session where i put hard questions about the org, doctrine and so on, on the table.
the time has come for the next session in a couple of days, and i have quite frankly lost the will to keep digging up things that just shouldn't be happening.
Ask him why none of the JW publications mention the book "The Even Tide" written in 1823 by English Bible prophecy speculator John Aquila Brown. This book is what started it all.
I remember my Grandfather who was a CO saying;
by dogon ini was thinking of my co grandfather who passed on a few years ago.
his wife my grandmother passed on in 99. i can remember him saying "i know after armageddon i can not be married to her but maybe we can live next to each other.
not sure where the cult stands on this issue today.
In the mid 80's, I clearly remember a CO mentioning (at an informal lunch gathering) that he believed Armageddon survivors would get to keep their genitals, but resurrected ones may not have any genitals because they would be considered holy and have no use for these. WTF??? -
This Story Says It All
by Lee Elder inthis story shows the sad reality of being a jw in a medical emergency, and how incredibly difficult it is to make an informed, free choice about medical care.
it also shows that for jw's, obeying watchtower leaders is more important than marriage or even the life of your child.
very sad indeed: .
"My daughter and I are not allowed to attend services anymore."
This "story teller" didn't do her homework before making up this story.
Who is benefiting from Watchtower Corporation financially
by John Davis inwho do you believe is financially benefiting from watchtower business dealings.
i know about the gold apple watch, but that is only a small percentage of the billions that they have.
so who do you think is keeping all of this money.
Londo... it was actually the GEICO gecko lizard who killed JFK in a jealous rage... he saw JFK smooching Marilyn the day before the Main Street parade. He couldn't stand it. Those pesky little lizards!
Who is benefiting from Watchtower Corporation financially
by John Davis inwho do you believe is financially benefiting from watchtower business dealings.
i know about the gold apple watch, but that is only a small percentage of the billions that they have.
so who do you think is keeping all of this money.
Who benefits? Many people, but mainly Baron Benjamin Rothschild and Rothschild Continuation Holdings (a Swiss-registered holding company currently controlled by Baron David Rene de Rothschild). Hope this answers your question.
Hello, fairly new, studying for around 7 months, just thought I would introduce myself.
by Conanthebeliever inhello everyone, i hope you are all ok. .
my name is conan, i am 25, and from the uk.
i have some brain damage, so i apologise in advance if my syntax is off or i go a long way around explaining things.
I'm glad that elders now allow JWs to listen to Satanic music... I especially love the song "Devil's Dance" by Metallica. -
Nestor and Toni Kuilan in the works of a new book!
by A.proclaimer innestor and toni kuilan are writing a book of their memoirs surrounding their experience with the 1980 apostasy hunts.. .
read a little bit about it here:.
I had the great pleasure of having them over my home about 2 years ago. I tried to convince them back then that they should share their story for the spanish speaking community... I'm glad they're finally doing it... very nice couple... can't wait for the book...