Konceptual99 wrote...
1. I doubt it. Even the GB are not completely without some level of compassion. Sure the persecution card is likely to be played but I am sure they have a level of concern for the victims.
2. (OT) Why is it US English uses the phrase "could care less"? It's "couldn't care less". Which of the following statements makes logical sense? "The GB could care less about the victims" or "The GB could not care less about the victims". **steps off soap box**
To which I reply.
1. Thanks for your opinion about the 7 narcissistic gluttons in New York.
2. It's a commonly used colloquial idiom (not necessarily intended to have rigidly precise sentence structure that will appeal to the British Grammar Police). It's kinda when Brits use senseless phrases like "she fell arse over tit" or "bugger off" or "Any road" (instead of "Anyway")... Anyway, I digress... I'm not about to get all "Argy-Bargy" over it.