did you beg her to dial in so you could get some of your lost credibility back?
Posts by Alfred
Barbara Anderson on conference call right now!
by koolaid-man insat oct.1-2011 8pm edt.
dial 712-432-8710 when asked for pin use 9925. .
Climate change and the WBTS.
by african GB Member inat this year's dc we heard the org's analysis on climate change and the deteriorating ozone layer.
we were told that jehovah will destroy those who destroy the earth, including those who chop down trees that are supposed to give oxygen in exchange for our carbon dioxide.. surely such a big corporation should have done a thourough research and found that they are also culprits.
they print millions, if not billions, of literature each year.
... not to mention all the carbon dioxide they generate at district convention and circuit assembly parking lots...
2011 November Our Kingdom Ministry-PDF!
by Atlantis in.
credit goes to anonymous2011 november our kingdom ministry (and more).http://www.megaupload.com/?d=eq03rgzoatlantis
"the refund function has been disabled"...
nice one... looks like they're expecting a certain percentage of jw's to screw up and hit the "0" button too many times...
Do you think Witnesses would drink the "Cool-Aid" if told to do so...like Jonestown?
by Witness 007 injonestown 1970's, jim jones brainwashed his 900 member cult into committing mass suicide by drinking cyanide cool-aid.
only three escaped.
{the smart ones} one man hid under a building....another escaped into the jungle while armed guards dragged another member to get injected by force.
i'd say about 60? percent would drink without questioning... 30 perecent would eventually drink out of peer pressure... 10 percent would run for the exit...
VAT 4956 - Comparison Of The Lunar Three Time Intervals For Years 568/7 BCE and 588/7 BCE
by AnnOMaly invat 4956 - comparison of the lunar three time intervals for years 568/7 b.c.e.
the online sky view cafe (svc) and the cartes du ciel* (cdc) astronomy programs have been used for these results.. observer's location: babylon, 32 33' n / 44 24' e.. sr = sunrise; ss = sunset; mr = moonrise; ms = moonset.. .
svc's range of difference between its results and that of the text, when a time interval could be taken, is 1.75 to 6.5. average difference 3.5.. cdc's range of difference between its results and that of the text, when a time interval could be taken, is 0.75 to 8.5. average difference 4. .
Alleymom... you have a PM
Autologous Blood Transfusion Jehovahs Witnesses
by Marvin Shilmer inautologous blood transfusion jehovahs witnesses.
today i uploaded a new article to my blog addressing watchtowers doctrinal position on transfusion of whole autologous blood.
what was once forbidden is no longer forbidden.
Blood that is extracted is supposed to travel continuously through a long tube that streches around the hospital several times before any part of it is used on the JW patient. This way, the blood is never actually "stored" since it is constantly flowing through the long and winding tube before it is eventually used.
If it travels through a short tube and is deposited in a collection vessel or other type of container, that constitutes "storage" which conflicts with Biblical principles regarding blood transfusions.
So, before undergoing surgery, JW patents should arrive at the hospital with at least 2,000 feet of 1/4" clear flexible tubing. This should give the blood enough time to flow through the tube without being used...
Walkill Bethel Recreational Facility
by dontplaceliterature inmy wife and i just visited some friends over the weekend from another congregation.
these two are both full time pioneers, and also participate in various construction projects around the country.
the husband just got back from a 3 week trip to walkill, new york to help with construction on a new residence building at 'the farm' (does anyone call it that anymore?)..
I was just searching Google Maps, and noticed quite a lot of construction adjacent to the west side of Watchtower Farm buildings in Walkhill... could part of that construction possibly include this "Rec center"???
By the way, in the already existing facility, I noticed a massive kidney-shaped swimming pool (approx 60 X 30 feet) with a pool deck and what appeared to be lounge chairs. I guess they decided this pool is too small and now they need an olympic-sized one?
My Letter to local Newspapaer - Your Feedback Please?
by cofty inmy local congregation has been in the news this week following a successful application for planning permission for a quick build.
a local vicar objected because the application described it as a building for "christain worship".. .
vicar fury at new home for jehovahs .
Cofty... you rock!
Necessary business with Disfellowshipped ones
by Quarterback ini was reading our study article for next week's wt study there is a subheading in there about treatment of disfellowshipped ones.
in one paragraph they slam the term, "necessary business" when dealing with a family member who is df'd.. this is so confusing.
in one hand they have coined that phrase "necessary business" with relatives that have df relatives.
Ambiguity is probably the most widely used mind-control technique used by the WT... not only does it create dependency for "guidance", it also helps mitigate any possible legal action against the borg...
"Mentally Diseased" comment - help needed
by sizemik ina complaint regarding this comment was forwarded about a week ago to the nz human rights commission.. it was simply an email outlining the complaint and quoting the paragraph in question.. today i recieved a request for more information as follows .
my name is robert hallowell; i work at the human rights commission as its legal counsel.. .
thank you for your email of 14 september 2011. would you be able to send me a copy of the particular edition of watchtower or a copy of the article that you enquired about?.
Assuming it's ok with Sizemik, could someone possibly please send him an actual copy (not a pdf download) of the July 15 WT? In my experience, having the actual publication on hand (rather than a photocopy or pdf download) tends to be more effective when presenting an argument about any subject... again, this is just an observation from one person... just saying...