hiya and... i do not really know where to begin... currently a jw... slightly starting to fade... got a girlfriend baptised... i am baptised also... my head is a mess... i do not know what to believe anymore... never really fully trusted elders as it comes to 'leading the flock'... got burned a few times with their ... decisions etc.
read a few articles in here about their alleged false beliefs... do not really know what to do... wondered if any of you felt like that at any point... when something that you trusted and followed most of your life... does not seem to be what you thought it was... .
take it slow and keep your mouth shut until you are comfortable that you have researched enough to make an informed decision... it won't be easy discovering all the lies and deception but you will learn to cope with it and come out a better person on the other end... but again, take it slow... good luck....
let me explain a little about what i do each day...... i work for a company that arranges trusts in the cook islands, turks & caicos, panama, etc.
i know that blondie is against what i am about to say, but i do not just believe that the wts have a variety of trusts in various jurisdictions around the world......i am absolutely positive they do.. .
A missionary/CO mentioned in James Penton's "Apocalypse Delayed" and in Ray's COC told me how the big boys in Brooklyn would have him make frequent trips between NY and Barcelona (or Madrid?) in the late 70's and he would have to hand carry large amounts of cash (mostly from assembly contributions) and hand these over to someone in a Bethel accounting office... this was illegal and the Bethel brass knew it... but they justified it as "theocratic warfare" since there was some light persecution of JWs in Spain during that time...
Their basis is that missionaries are supposed to to take a vow of poverty... by taking a part-time job and keeping the money, they demonstrate greed and bring reproach on Jehovah's name. So the WT lovingly helps these missionaries by taking their salaries and giving them a monthly stipend imnstead... in this way, they give a fine witness and contribute to the worldwide life-saving work...
(sorry... I was about to write some more but I'm making myself sick with this BS...)
victoria, australia: report on oct. 11th hearing involving steven unthank.
(this report is from an anonymous xjw who attended the hearing.
i had no plans to turn up to the court hearing as an observer, as in my experience, it can take several hearings and a number of months before any court case gets rolling.
I'm sure that any pedofile elders in Australia have already been identified by the WT and asked to step down immediately or leave the country. The WT lawyers are always one step ahead... as usual, the WT will come out of this smelling like a rose and claiming that Jehovah has once again led them to victory...
even though i knew some of the doctrines were so convoluted they couldnt be genuine, every prophecy mentioned in the bible was simplistic and direct i still felt it was the best place to raise a family.
i felt like i could ignore the hypocrisy, manipulative and fake personalities and still have true friends and unbreakable family bonds.
even though my concience would bother me i would always try to forgive.
here on this forum there are so many sinners, many here are doing things that will bring god's wrath upon themselves.
consider yourself if you in some aspect fit the description in romans 1:28-32:.
and just as they did not approve of holding god in accurate knowledge, god gave them up to a disapproved mental state, to do the things not fitting, filled as they were with all unrighteousness, wickedness, covetousness, badness, being full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malicious disposition, being whisperers, backbiters, haters of god, insolent, haughty, self-assuming, inventors of injurious things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, false to agreements, having no natural affection, merciless.
many former jehovah's witnesses are now coming forward and reporting of traumatizing events when they were young witnesses, that have left them emotionally chalenged and scarred.. crying babies only weeks old are taken in the back room of the kingdom hall and spanked, many young jw's are severely beaten with belts, rulers, wooden spoons ect.. the physical abuse in the organization is extreme and excessive...... but it does not stop there.. when a jw youth is disfellowshipped the emotional damage can be very dangerous even pushing many to commit suicide.. one of our guests on the six screens of the watchtower conference call sat.
nov 5, 2011 at7:pm edt is a former jw named shane who was disfellowshipped at age 16 and has been suffering for many years since then.. .
our second guest is former jw joe hewitt the author of the new book rescuing slaves of the watchtower.. .
i'd like to call lurkers attention to the need of being discreet when contemplating joining or staying in the the jw religion.
my general observations on active jw's and how their lives are going.
the majority of them relate many beautiful ways their lives have turned out after joining but they refused to mention how rough and tough the journey truly is., here in america, we have received reports of many jws who terminated their lives because of the difficulty of coping with the cultish shunning and abandoment of those they love.
i'd like to call lurkers attention to the need of being discreet when contemplating joining or staying in the the jw religion.
my general observations on active jw's and how their lives are going.
the majority of them relate many beautiful ways their lives have turned out after joining but they refused to mention how rough and tough the journey truly is., here in america, we have received reports of many jws who terminated their lives because of the difficulty of coping with the cultish shunning and abandoment of those they love.