I asked an elder this question once...
Where does it say in the Bible that Jesus was referring to the lives of annointed brothers?
(i'm sure anyone here can pretty much guess what his response to that was, so I won't aggravate you so early in the morning)
Also, assuming the generation happens to span 140 years, for example... 140 years could easily have been the overlapping lives of the "great crowd" or the overlapping lives of Catholics or the overlapping lives of any group for that matter...
Why does this 140-year period herein referred to as the "generation that shall not pass" necessarily have to signify the lives of the "annointed"??? Is the Watchtower trying to give this period a mystical significance so that it carries more weight? What's the point of assigning this period of time exclusively to the annointed???
These guys are totally full of sh*t...