Is this really happening or will it just be another Rick Fearon thing with 2 protestors?
Posts by Alfred
The upcoming protest at Warwick on November 5th
by UnshackleTheChains inhey all.. just saw this video about the upcoming protest at warwick on november 5th.
it looks like some momentum is building up to it.
but what i really want to know is will it have much impact?
October 1, 1914 -- October 1, 2017
by Alfred in“october 1, 1914, on taking his place at the breakfast table in the brooklyn bethel dining-room, he in a strong voice denoting conviction announced: “the gentile times have ended!” “ – watchtower july 15, 1950 page 216 paragraph 1. .
October 1, 1914 - October 1 2017 (103 Years)
by Alfred in“october 1, 1914, on taking his place at the breakfast table in the brooklyn bethel dining-room, he in a strong voice denoting conviction announced: “the gentile times have ended!” “ – watchtower july 15, 1950 page 216 paragraph 1. .
New "Annointed" Brother In My Old Hall...
by pale.emperor ini've only just stopped laughing.. in my old hall there's a brother who's now claiming to be of the anointed.. he's 28.. i do wonder if he's doing this for attention, if he's awake and messing with them, or if he really is that deluded.
when i was in he was an ms. which surprised even me because only a year earlier than that he was "a bit of a lad", is rubbish at talks and relies on his elder uncle to get him out of trouble all the time.. i guess this now means he's get his pick of jw sisters.
he's been after the same one as the rest of his peers since 2014..
WT Flip-Flops on Jesus Inspection Was it in 1918 or 1919?... Did the WT PASS or FAIL?
by Alfred inthis is utterly ridiculous.... .
the more i research this particular subject, the more flip-flops i uncover.
it seems the fds cant even make up their minds regarding what happened in 1918 (or should i say 1919?).
So was it in 1918 or 1919? Did they PASS or FAIL Jesus' inspection? What's the latest on this? Or is this doctrine not being mentioned anymore??
Circuit leasing is expanding
by DazedAndConfused ini don't have time to look up a post that showed that the society has a circuit leasing here we go.
i looked up circuit leasing in my program "copernic" (ah what a wonderful thing) and i came up with a page that shows that not only are they in grand rapids, mi but they are also in 4 other states.
Now Circuit Leasing has heavy construction equipment for sale. The money keeps rolling in...
We don't take collections like other religions do...
by Alfred ini think this screen shot says it all... need i say more?.
We don't take collections like other religions do...
by Alfred ini think this screen shot says it all... need i say more?.
I think this screen shot says it all... Need I say more?
Cart Witnessing in Giethoorn, Netherlands (My recent experience)
by Alfred inso i visited the netherlands last week and decided to stop by giethoorn.
this is a town whereby many (if not most) of the homes are accessed by small boats via narrow water canals.
during the summer months, the residents of this isolated picturesque town welcome visitors with their seasonal tourist attractions such as canal cruises on eco-friendly boats, restaurants and a small museum which highlights the history of the town.
So I visited the Netherlands last week and decided to stop by Giethoorn. This is a town whereby many (if not most) of the homes are accessed by small boats via narrow water canals. During the summer months, the residents of this isolated picturesque town welcome visitors with their seasonal tourist attractions such as canal cruises on eco-friendly boats, restaurants and a small museum which highlights the history of the town.
There are a few narrow walking paths within this village, such as the one pictured below, allowing tourists to enjoy the beautiful gardens that the residents of this town take great pride in. But I was really surprised when I turned a corner along the walking path and ran into this literature cart. Like me, you’ll probably notice 2 interesting things right away:
1) The flow of pedestrians (relative to where the JWs are standing) practically causes the JWs to be out of the tourists’ direct view since their attention is focused mainly on the beautiful gardens across the canal as they walk past the literature cart. Very clever cart positioning by these two since this generally results in much less interaction.
2) The literature cart had mostly Asian (Manadarin, I think) literature on it. There may have been a few Dutch “Bible Teach” books on the cart facing in the opposite direction, but most of the books in both carts were of an Asian language. No English at all, even though I could tell that most of the tourists spoke English and I didn’t see any Asian tourists at all in the entire day I spent there.
Not pictured here is when I purposely lingered in front of the cart for a few seconds to see if I could get any sort of reaction from these 2 dubs who were clearly passing the time to pad their Field Circus hours. They never approached me, said hello or reacted in any way as I perused the contents of the cart for a good 10 to 15 seconds. Nothing. Nada.
So I decided to continue on my way, turn around and snap this picture which says it all. You can just imagine what they’re thinking as I snapped the picture. Also, the “Sense Of Urgency™” J-Dubs used to have has completely died in the mid-90s. Now it’s just a social club whereby your social standing is apparently dependent upon how long you can stand away from cleverly positioned literature carts while ignoring passers-by all day.
ANGOLA - JW Regional Convention target of attack.
by EdenOne inaccording to news sources in luanda, angola (read it here, although it's in portuguese language), a regional convention of the jw's taking place this weekend at the outskirts of capital luanda was targeted yesterday, friday, by what may be described as a 'terrorist attack'.. more than 400 attendees (mostly female) passed out in rapid succession in the vicinity of a toilet at the convention place.
reportedly, toxic gas devices were planted there by 3 young members of unita, the main political party that opposed mpla, the dominant regime party in angola since its independence in 1975.
43 people were rushed to the hospital and a few remain there, under medical surveillance.
Konceptual99 wrote...
1. I doubt it. Even the GB are not completely without some level of compassion. Sure the persecution card is likely to be played but I am sure they have a level of concern for the victims.
2. (OT) Why is it US English uses the phrase "could care less"? It's "couldn't care less". Which of the following statements makes logical sense? "The GB could care less about the victims" or "The GB could not care less about the victims". **steps off soap box**
To which I reply.
1. Thanks for your opinion about the 7 narcissistic gluttons in New York.
2. It's a commonly used colloquial idiom (not necessarily intended to have rigidly precise sentence structure that will appeal to the British Grammar Police). It's kinda when Brits use senseless phrases like "she fell arse over tit" or "bugger off" or "Any road" (instead of "Anyway")... Anyway, I digress... I'm not about to get all "Argy-Bargy" over it.