Very relevent.
JoinedPosts by GrandmaJones
Copy of CO Letter/Outline Regarding Education - In Spanish
by grassyknoll07 inthis site has a copy of the co outline... in spanish
Is Forgiveness Overrated?
by leavingwt in.
is forgiveness overrated?.
if i'm being completely honest with myself, there is a short list of folks who i haven't forgiven.
Wow, I guess I am all kinds of bad. I have all kinds of things that I refuse to forgive. Period. And, it doesn't bother me that I don't forgive. I don't feel the need to forgive, but I recognize others as having the need to be forgiven. The other person's repentence carries no weight if the offense was sufficiently heavy. That's just the deal.
Favorite quote from 2011 School for Ministerial Servants
by iamwhoiam in"let's see a show of hands of those who know that the end is very close (everyone raises thier hands while looking around at each other).
excellent!...we know this because we have a whole-hearted faith in the faithful and discreet slave don't we?".
no explanation needed .
I think the party thing was in our area. Yes, a lot were disfellowshipped, (fifty sounds about right) and many many more were reproved. However, I don't think Facebook was involved at all. Yes, it was a multistate thing, with people I know being called to the back room in at least three states where I have friends, Illinois, Indiana, and Missouri. It was mostly young couples, and it wasn't some party that hundreds showed up at uninvited. (Although some did show up uninvited.) It was generally invitation only, and spread amoung the young people through the kind of word of mouth and friends of friends kind of thing. A lot of drinking, some pot, some sex. Wife-swapping? None of my friends admitted to that. Two young couples that I know well, (I am in fact, related to one of them) as well as several couples that I don't know well, were interviewed extensively. My young family member didn't go, but her friends may have. She was invited.) It was actually a series of parties, not just one. That's how so many came to be involved. Amazing how once the investigation got going how many ratted each other out. It was quite the scandal...
If this happened more than once, well, I guess this is really falling apart for the young isn't it?
Some observations from the KM Elder School I wanted to share with you.
by miseryloveselders inmy school was a couple weeks back, and it was interesting to a degree.
to be honest with you, it reminded me of a police crime scene investigation with yellow tape.
what i mean is, in one respect it was business as usual.
I wonder what effect this had on the elders and MS's who have teenagers. Hmmmm....
I'm feeling disappointed now
by Nobleheart ini've been in this board for 2 months now, and have read and researched enough to know that what i thought was the one and only true religion isn't actually true.
finding out real facts has brought me severe disillusion and sadness.
as a jw i was taught that we were special in view of john 6:44 "no man can come to me unless the father, who sent me, draws him; and i will resurrect him in the last day.".
I had never agreed with all the Watchtower answers, like eveyone dying at armageddon or that idea that every single person who had ever lived did not have the hope of the resurrection. I thought the Revelation book was nuts. I had serious issues with disfellowshipping, and when my sister was disfellowshipped, I saw her anyway. A lot. She was, and will always be my sister. One of my sons was inactive, and although I wished he weren't I did not stop loveing or associating with him. I could go on...
That being said, I did love the idea of a paradise earth, the restoration of man to his relationship with god by means of Christ. I believed there could not be a trinity, hellfire, an immortal soul, and I incorrectly saw those those teachings as unique to Jehovah's Witnesses. I believed it when they said that it must be God's organization, "look at the growth" "look at the persecution" (but the persecution scared me as much as hell might have. I feared death, and I was obsessed with it.) I always felt I wasn't good enough. Felt guilty most of my life. I never lived in the present, only for the future, that I now know will not come.
I long for those feelings of being sure of the religion I was in. I miss that. But, I have conclusively proven to myself that this is NOT god's chosen channel of communication. It was sad for me, terrifying. I cried and prayed for months inconsolably. Begged Jehovah. Nothing. Nada. I realized that it was just a farce.
I am in a place now where I don't believe anything. I am distrustful of any relgion. I can't say I trust the bible. I will never join a religion again. If there is a true one, I won't be seeking it. If there is a God in heaven looking for my worship, then the Watchtower has my blood on its hands...
WT Society's Paranoia Over Spiral Binding of Elder's Textbook - Crazy
by flipper inthis letter was sent as an addendum to the elders regarding their latest elders textbook.
i think you'll find this interesting and also disconcerting as well.. to all bodies of elders.
re: spiral binding of shepherding textbook.
I am a lowly woman, and must sit submissively, not voicing opinions....
Sooo happy with my new life
by ele_lux ini haven't posted in a while, it's just that i've been so busy with my new life!!
i'm so glad i left the org, and so is my brother.
i feel so much happier, i'm at peace, i don't have that feeling like something's missing anymore.
Thanks, and I am glad for you.
To all lurking JW elders
by Mickey mouse income on in, the water's fine.
you may even realise you have close friends and family here.
You know, I can understand why you are afraid to read Crisis of Conscience, etc. Let me recommend something you should have no objection to whatsoever, and see where it leads you...Read the Studies in the Scriptures and then think really seriously about what we were teaching during the period in which we were "chosen". I read them, it was probably the thing that was the proverbial "icing on the cake". We just had the DVD this past summer released making a fuss over Russell and Rutherford. See for yourself what they had to say. It's enlightening.
"Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in."- Michael Corleone in Godfather III. Sorta reminds me of my life.
by miseryloveselders inmost of you recognize that line from the godfather iii, which wasn't the greatest film in my opinion, but that line was classic.
it perfectly depicts my life as it stands now.
i'm at a crossroads in life, and my heart is being tugged in different directions.
Very interesting insights to your inner self. Thanks for the open and honest story.
by dontplaceliterature inbefore i begin my introductory post, i would like to mention that a number of my initial comments here may be viewed by several of you as watchtower apologist or as sympathetic to the views of the jehovahs witnesses.
the last thing i want to do is incite a flame war regarding my legitimacy or intentions in joining this forum.
mostly, i would describe myself as on the fence.
Dontplaceliterature - You are an apostate. You have already defined yourself as an apostate when you indicated a problem with any of it's teachings, much less major teachings. You have apparently been apostate for quite some time. You can be, and will be disfellowshipped in a country minute if you voice those opinions publicly.
Welcome to the forum.