So funny that you ask this tonight, as I was getting ready to post a thread updating my status regarding my "fade".
So far, so good, although I have been taking some considerable risks. Hopefully, it won't come back to bite me.
I have spoken with my husband, told him that I no longer believe this is God's channel of communication, will no longer attend meetings, and will not go in service. He is not, nor has he ever been a believer. He just about roared. He laughed a full minute. He just couldn't believe that after all these years, I suddenly up and changed my opinion without warning. I explained that it may seem to him to be without warning, but that it was not without a great deal of thought. He is pleased, but in practice, it will mean little change in his life. We never, never talk religion. Made that pact many years ago to keep peace between us. He has never cared to celebrate holidays much, and if I wanted to or wished to, then I would have to be ready to take on all that it would entail. He wouldn't bother. So.......husband told, he was pleased, and he well understands what would happen to my family relationships if he shared that information. He advised me to tell no one else. No one.
I spoke to one of my sons. He was totally shocked. Actually, I had counted on him to be a little weak in the faith, as he is very irregular in service and meeting attendance. But no, he is a believer. He listened, could see my points, (kept returning to the shocked repeatedly) and said he still believes, but respects my right not to, understands my reasons, and will never, ever shun me in any way. He assured me of his love, and assured me that he will tell no one. He was very firm that I not tell anyone else as he believes it will eventually get me DF'd. So........son is shocked but supportive.
I spoke to one of my grandchildren. She understood what I was saying, and the reasons, as well as to admitting to very serious doubts herself. She will be supportive, will never give me away, and said she was probably not going to get baptized anyway, and this just makes it easier for her. grandchild clearly okay with it.
I spoke with one of my sisters. She was floored, but admitted to having the same issues for many, many years as well. She assured me she will never turn her back on me no matter what. She is fine with me leaving, and will not try to pressure me in any way. She asked me not to go the the assembly and hand out apostate literature. (I think she was kidding) I really think she is of the opinion that there is just no where else to go. sister is okay with this.
Now I really took a chance with this one. I didn't go so far as to commit myself, but in a family reunion last month, we all got into a bible discussion and one of my nephews was very open in his belief that no one will be destroyed at Armageddon, and everyone will get a resurrection. I encouraged him and asked further questions. I agreed with him as he made his points. He suggested that the reason the society tells us this (the destruction at Armageddon) is true is so that we won't stop attending the meetings and preaching. This statement was met with some agreement by some in the room, and denial by others. He finished by saying that everyone must come to their own conclusions about what they believe regardless of what the Watchtower says. General consensus on that point. It was all I could do to restrain myself from exclaiming that they were ALL apostates. Enough questions were raised that several have agreed to look up things and email them around. I was careful not to be one of them. So........some extended family is open, particularly my nephew and one of my cousins.
I haven't been to a meeting in six or seven weeks, nor out in service for at least two months. I stopped both instantly the minute I made up my mind. The rest of the family is keeping silent on my absence. I am not sure why, but it can't last.
I hope I won't be on this board hysterical some day soon. It could happen, you know.