Thomas Jefferson (Declaration of Independence): But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government
JoinedPosts by badcompany
This is my favorite quote! What’s your favorite?
by Iamallcool inno one can steal your thunder when you are the fucking storm!
This is my favorite quote! What’s your favorite?
by Iamallcool inno one can steal your thunder when you are the fucking storm!
Masks Are Coming Off
by minimus ina number of states are allowing people to not wear a mask.
some think this is disastrous!
what’s your view?.
Couldn't agree more. It's about freedom. The rona is being used to destroy freedom. Of business, of people, of nations.
Masks Are Coming Off
by minimus ina number of states are allowing people to not wear a mask.
some think this is disastrous!
what’s your view?.
I don't wear a mask. Never have. I've been licking shopping cart handles trying to get the rona. No luck. It's a joke and hoax designed to destroy small business economy. Created by Chicoms and weaponized by the lib parties.
What JW Subjects Interest You The Most On This Site? What Doesn’t??
by minimus ini like subjects that delve into the history of the religion and proofs that the witnesses are not the true religion.
i’m not so much into apologists saying we need to go to meetings, especially if the poster looks like a scammer trying to get ex jws going.
what subjects interest you ?
I have mostly come here to escape politics. If I want politics I have dozens of sites to go to.
I've been on this site for ~20 years under various names. My favorite topic is what the current JW policies are. My parents are still active JW's (Dad a PO for many years). I've been DA for about 30 years and find it fascinating how their attitude and treatment of me changes over the years. I come here to inquire and find out how the policies have changed. Right now it appears to have gone much more liberal than the past. I visit them often and they even call me from time to time. That used to be a no, no.
I also am intrigued by input from former (and current) Bethelites, CO's and Elders.
What Song Reminds You The Most of Your JW Experience?
by Sea Breeze inwhat song takes you back there?.
here's mine:
When I got df'd back in 1980 I was standing on the porch with 2 elders that gave me the news. My room mate put this on at volume eleven. I started laughing and I could even hear the elders talking.
What’s Your Prediction For The Future Of The Covid Virus?
by minimus inwill it ever end??
will a vaccine end this pandemic?
will it suddenly dissipate if joe biden becomes president?
Would You Ever Go Back To The Witnesses??
by minimus inevery once in a while you hear people say they actually “miss” their old witness friends and or family.
some would have even stayed in the organization if they became a bit more liberal and open minded.
Spiral: Ditto. The dude that df'd me was shooting daggers through me with his eyes when I showed up with my new wife who was casually interested in my former religion. That was over 20 years ago and haven't been back since except for funerals.
Were You Willing To Die For Jehovah?
by minimus inwe were supposed to be dedicated unconditionally to jehovah god.
we were willing to be persecuted to the death if need be.
if it came to taking a blood transfusion or dying, we were loyal to jehovah and would be a martyr for god.
I'm not sure anyone can answer the question for yourself or your children until that time comes if your a die hard dub.
I don't know if dubs still carry the blood card BUT an MS friend of mine had the best answer. "No blood transfusions....but for God's sake, don't let me die!"
The Apology Tour
by minimus ineveryone seems to be hitting the apology circuit.
if you ever said anything inappropriate or what might be considered offensive, then you must apologize.
if you possibly could have hurt someone’s feelings, you need to say sorry.