JoinedPosts by antes8080
Child abuse a sin not a crime to JW's
by snare&racket inthis australian investigation is astounding to watch.. the elders clearly don't see child abuse as criminal, if a jw confessed to murder, the police would immediately be called.
yet child rape is a spiritual issue..... ridiculous.. this is what happens when 7 window cleaners lead a bunch of dangerously loyal, ignorant middle aged men ...... in managing 7 million people..
When your a Elder you become heartless. You don't have critical thinking is just the instructions say this or I have to call the branch. That's why the gb discourage education, don't want elders to start thinking. -
Today I reversed preached to JW's about the scandal in Australia
by ILoveTTATT2 inso today a friend recommended that i ask the witnesses about the news in australia.
i am in mexico, in a city called mazatlan.. two weeks ago i talked with some jw's on the cart about the septuagint and the different bible versions.
so we had had a decently amicable conversation back then (i have never admitted i was a jw).. so today i saw them again, same place, same time.
Yeah well Mr Campos who molested many kids in San Diego fled to Mexico fearing extradition and he is freely going door to door. -
FMF Rant on Abuse and JW Apologists: The Single Root of the Whole Issue(s)
by freemindfade infor the jw apologists, they debate certain factors to down play all the recent sex abuse information in the jehovah's witness organization.
and there is so much focus on "two witness rule" and "parents can report" the "elders aren't legal authorities" and many other smoke screen issues.
a lot of these issues and discussion are down stream from what i believe to be the root of the issue.
@clambake good job.
I took a different approach yesterday with the wife. I was like, look honey JW's are trending on yahoo she clicked on and it and read one of the articles. She tells me I can believe a MS molested his daughters, am like yes Holy Spirit sure does a fine job picking MS and Elders.
Wednesday Hearings LIVE LINK NOW
by Mad Sweeney in,-july-2015,-sydney.
Australia commission is doing a wonderful job. I wonder if any of the elders had any coaching before going against the commission. There doing real bad job defending themselves. -
Jehovah's Witnesses #10 in Yahoo trending
by TweetieBird ini'm sitting here drinking my morning coffee and opened up the yahoo page to see jw's trending at #10. clicked on it and the first article is about the child abuse.. did something happen lately that would get so many people doing a massive search?.
Just now they were at number 7 on yahoo!!! -
1,000 sex abuse cases hidden in Australia for 68,000 publishers...what is it worldwide?
by cappytan inthe press is reporting that over 1,000 cases of abuse were hidden from authorities in australia.. australia has around 68,000 publishers.. if you that ratio applied to the u.s. also, there could be over 14,700 cases that were covered up here.. if the ratio held the same worldwide, that would be over 117,600 cases.. just let that sink in a little..
I know for certain that every wensday the service dept has child abuse comitee and they meet every week to talk about new reports.
I think you are right Cappy am thinking the number is closer to 200,000.
Media headline:Jehovah's Witnesses did not report 1006 alleged sex abusers to police, royal commission told
by fulltimestudent incheck it for yourself: .
not a good look!.
Am sure one of the main reasons mr tony gave his child abuse spill last broadcast was because they new this would come out.
Name "UNWRITTEN" Rules That JWs Are Supposed To Follow
by minimus inas with the scribes and pharisees, there are a number of unwritten rules that witnesses are supposed to follow.
here's a couple : "worldly" kids in society depictions are shown quite often wearing their baseball caps backwards.
jehovah's witness youths would not want to imitate that "look".
Women should not wear jeans only if your going to the beach, because you can't wear shorts to the beach-Mexico unwritten rules -
Im ready to leave
by SpunkedTeen ini just found this website and im so glad because for the first time in a long time i dont feel alone...i am a born in and in the last two years have been struggling because i thought that i was the problem and i was the reason for not feeling any love from and for the other pubs .i want to leave the org but have no idea how to tell my mother(who is a faithful jw).
If you still depend on your parents for financial reasons hang on till you can make it on your own.
BURNING AMBITION by Jehovah's Witness YOUTH: "I want to clean toilets in Bethel for the rest of my life."
by TerryWalstrom inas i have written previously, i crashed a discussion between a young j-dub and his baptist workmate who were having.
a religious debate outside starbucks.
this was months ago.
Some young ones have that mentality, but most see it as the org been to restrictive. Am working with a young one in the congregation encouraging him to go to colleges after high school. He told me last weekend he regrets that he got baptized so young. So most of the young ones are going to give the GB the one finger salute and go to college.
@ the mavster welcome to the board, a lot of us taught that working meaningless jobs and pioneering was the way of life. But learning you been lied to for so many years makes you realize how much time you wasted. In reality you still have a lot life ahead of you go ahead and work towards something you enjoy doing.