The Tea Party was tying HCR to Nazi death camps and doing so graphically.
I'm sorry, but I fail to see any equivalency whatsoever with OWS.
This is what you posted several minutes ago, Bizzy.
Here's what you posted earlier:
I viewed the clips you posted and I see a small handful of people taking advantage of the OWS movement to express anti-semitic views (and others expressing anti-Israel views, which are not the same thing). I don't see how that tiny sample can define a movement which, as yet, does not have a single, unifying, articulated message.
My question to you, bizzy is simple. Why did you want Tea partiers to express outrage at someone's graphic and tasteless reference to the holocaust even though, as you said in the quote I've highlighted in yellow, that a tiny sample can't define a movement? By your own standards, I would expect you to express outrage at the anti-semitic rhetoric spewing from people in the OWS movement.
And the fact that some observe Jewish holy days doesn't mean there isn't anti-semitism evident, does it? You've seen the proof of the racist rhetoric, and yet you give thumbs up to someone pointing out that some people observed Jewish traditions as if that proves your point? WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE FROM YOU CONCERNING THE ANTI JEW FORCES IN THE OWS MOVEMENT. Are you denying it exists, or are you just not going to address it, or are you not outraged because you agree with it?