And now a joke:
The bartender says, "We don't serve particles that travel faster than the speed of light in here!"
A neutrino walks into a bar.
cern claims faster-than-light particle measuredgeneva (ap) -- a fundamental pillar of physics - that nothing can go faster than the speed of light - appears to be smashed by an oddball subatomic particle that has apparently made a giant end run around albert einstein's theories.. scientists at the world's largest physics lab said thursday they have clocked neutrinos traveling faster than light.
that's something that according to einstein's 1905 special theory of relativity - the famous e (equals) mc2 equation - just doesn't happen.. "the feeling that most people have is this can't be right, this can't be real," said james gillies, a spokesman for the european organization for nuclear research, or cern, outside the swiss city of geneva.. gillies told the associated press that the readings have so astounded researchers that they are asking others to independently verify the measurements before claiming an actual discovery.. "they are inviting the broader physics community to look at what they've done and really scrutinize it in great detail, and ideally for someone elsewhere in the world to repeat the measurements," he said thursday.. scientists at the competing fermilab in chicago have promised to start such work immediately.. "it's a shock," said fermilab head theoretician stephen parke, who was not part of the research in geneva.
And now a joke:
The bartender says, "We don't serve particles that travel faster than the speed of light in here!"
A neutrino walks into a bar.
a very reliable friend told me this: the bro was commenting on what was "unacceptable" conduct in the bedroom between married persons.
needless to say, he had everyone's attention.
he went on to say "we must avoid perversions such as oral and annual sex.
One WT conductor asked why the Jews seemed to be so much weaker than the Egyptians when they were led out by Moses. He asked what advantages the Egyptians seemed to have, since all the Hebrews had to rely on was Jehovah. One really weird sister was called on, and answered: "The Egyptians had guns and the Jews didn't have any weapons." I looked at my wife and whispered...."Did she really say guns?" We were both trying to hold it together for the next five minutes or so.
One friend of mine, when he was very young, had watched SNL or some other comedy show. They did a spoof of King Kong where they said King Kong was the savior of mankind......Fast forward to next book study.......The conductor said: "So Jesus actually was the only person who could save all of mankind." My friend blurted out: "I saw on TV that King Kong was able to save mankind!" A spanking by his father immediately followed.
i teach in a public high school.
my favorite student is a 17 year old great kid named tyler.
i teach band so he's been my student for 6 years now.
If he's that age, I don't think you have anything to worry about. He is old enough to remember the freedom he's had in the past, I don't think they'll be able to keep the chains on him for long. I wouldn't think he's even inclined to go to Bethel. I've only known 2 people to go to Bethel who weren't raised as JWs.
i need to get this out and this is the only place i know that it will be ok to do so.. so i've been out (inactive) for over a year a half now and decided i wanted a relationship with a non-jw, obviously.
i'm in my late 20s and never really had a girlfriend.
it doesn't help that i'm an introvert and not a very social person, add to that the guilt and control issues i have from jws and i don't think i have many outgoing attractive qualities.. i have been on dates with about 4 girls so far, one i approached randomly and the others from online dating.
It could be as simple as a running or walking club, wine tasting, book club, community gatherings...cleanups and food drives
LOL!!! No offense dag, but the guy wants a date, not a pretentious do gooder. This makes me want to puke!
Women who hang out at a walking club, book club, or community gatherings don't put out!! The guy needs to get laid, not a lesson in civic services.
i need to get this out and this is the only place i know that it will be ok to do so.. so i've been out (inactive) for over a year a half now and decided i wanted a relationship with a non-jw, obviously.
i'm in my late 20s and never really had a girlfriend.
it doesn't help that i'm an introvert and not a very social person, add to that the guilt and control issues i have from jws and i don't think i have many outgoing attractive qualities.. i have been on dates with about 4 girls so far, one i approached randomly and the others from online dating.
I know EXACTLY how you feel. I was in the same boat a few years ago. I had been married to a JW. She cheated on me, I got divorced, she got reinstated, and I got DF'd later. I finally met the woman who is now my wife when I stopped looking. I tried online dating, kept tweaking my profile and met few decent women. Actually, I never had much trouble getting a date, but I had trouble meeting someone I wanted to spend more than a couple dates with.
I agree with Robdar completely. Everyone has insecurities, but some people hide them better than others. You have to have a bit of attitude, a cockiness, and don't be afraid to speak up for yourself, make a joke, and be flirty. Women love confidence and humor. Don't get confidence confused with arrogance. You have to understand that you are just as good as anyone else in the room.
I know a guy who was mediocre looking, didn't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of and had dates all the time......He didn't let fear or intimidation get in the way. He'd say: "The worst thing a woman can tell me is no.......or slap me."
Online dating is fine, but you have to gave a great picture of yourself.......I suggest only one or two because your potential dates will look at every one of them and go over them with a fine tooth comb.......Where was the picture taken; are you dressed nicely etc......
The most important thing is Self-confidence. Women don't want a guy who they can push around. Develop the attitude that no one.....and I mean no one no matter what their social standing, or better than you. Have an attitude that you couldn't care less if that girl you noticed comes over to talk to you or not. Don't be needy or desperate. When you get this down, she'll be coming up to talk to you.
would you have gone to college?.
would you have gone to jail?.
would you have been wealthy?.
How about the look you get when you call on a home where your classmates live? Thoroughly embarassing!! I remember one pioneer friend of mine.....He was a riot. I was about 18 at the time and we were out in service with a young witness who was probably 13 or 14. We were in his neighborhood and passed a few of his classmates who were standing on the sidewalk. The young witness says, "I don't want them to see me" and covers his face with his hand. The older pioneer started honking his horn and saying "Jason Lang is right here" pointing at young Jason who was thoroughly embarassed. It was funny, and it still is. The older one is now a C.O. in the Dominican Republic, and the younger one left years ago. Maybe a little off topic, but it was a memory that was just jogged reading Design's last post.
would you have gone to college?.
would you have gone to jail?.
would you have been wealthy?.
I would have had better social skills growing up.....I'm fine now, but the inferiority that comes with being "different" and not different in a good way is something that leaves permenant scars. Going to the library during Xmas parties, B-day parties, Halloween parties, and Valentine exchanges sure makes an elementary school kid feel like an outcast. Along with not playing sports, or going to college when you get out of High School because you are going to make a career out of "Pioneering" when no one you go to high school with even knows what the hell pioneering is.
(a little background info before i ask my question...).
my sister-in-law (non-jw), who manages a popular chain restaurant near a kingdom hall, just found out that my wife and i have recently faded, so she decided to get something off her chest the other day... you guessed it: she wanted us to know that jws are the worst customers ever!
she then told us some really embarrassing stories about how jws would request a table for 15 to 20 people (after a sunday meeting) and then (when the bill came) some of the jws would start deliberating amongst themselves on whether or not the waiter was diligent or not (to justify the low tip he was getting anyway).
I remember at a Convention in Lousiville, KY there was a newspaper article that said "The Jehovah's Witnesses came to town this weekend with the Ten Commandments and twenty dollar bills and didn't break any of them." They brought it out during the Sunday session and said to remember to tip your housekeepers and wait staff.
i was wandering round the natural history museum in london last week and saw the early man skeltons and learned about how they lived and what they ate etc and thought about the adam and eve who i was taught about at the kingdom hall that seemed to just ignore the fact that people lived many thousands of years ago and not just 6000 .
as a jehovahs witness how did you feel about early man skeltons being found and the dinosaurs etc and how did you manage to explain it in your own mind never mind to anyone else ?
i was told by an elder that if your given a plate of food and dont like something on the plate do you just leave it all ?
The only cave man I ever believed in and still do:
on this forum, i have carefully read most of the experiences of those who left the jw religion, i have even read experiences that have dated back to 2001, i have read the different circumstances surrounding their exits and what ensued upon leaving.
for the majority, i observed they are better remainning in the religion than leaving.
what benefit is there to strain family relationship because you want to be free?, please tell me, of what value is that freedom?,.
Mankelli: You're using pascal's wager to explain why staying is better than leaving. I encourage you to read what Pascal's wager is, and read how it was refuted. You will be enlightened.