Super Geek Super Geek Super Geeky!
dork dorkity dork dork dorkin.
Dork Dorkmeyer of Dorkslyvania. King Dork of the Dork Dynasty.
for the sake of being legally correct... today i was told a person i work with is a jw.
there is a man at work who is not...he is apostate too.
really off the deep end though...conciders himelf a warlock and trys to cast spell, shapeshift and be a jedi.
Super Geek Super Geek Super Geeky!
dork dorkity dork dork dorkin.
Dork Dorkmeyer of Dorkslyvania. King Dork of the Dork Dynasty.
the order of these don?t mean anything because they all suck.
some are recent ones i?ve seen, a few others i threw in there for old times sake.
1. the day after tommarow- ok, jake gylennhall is a cutie?
also recall that Manos was picked as the best episode ever of Mystery Science Theater 3000 (the funniest TV show ever)
my two fave episode is when they were watching "I Blame My Parents" and "The Atomic Brain".
"The Atomic Brain": she's so, dang old. she creaks. look at her. she's old---they're yooooung, they're scaaaared----she's old, look at her, she creaks...
the order of these don?t mean anything because they all suck.
some are recent ones i?ve seen, a few others i threw in there for old times sake.
1. the day after tommarow- ok, jake gylennhall is a cutie?
Cast Away w/Tom Hanks was the longest Fed Ex commercial I ever did see...
But "jumpseating" is cool. You get to go anywhere--and I do mean anywhere--free of charge if you work for FedEx. I worked in the Memphis Super Hub for two years and I've been all over the country. You get to sit in the cockpit and everything. heh heh, "cockpit". laters kaykay_mp
kansas district overbeer
I dunno, he's a little cutie, but definitely too young for me. they have to be at least 23 .
kaykay_mp (of the non-pedophile class)
the order of these don?t mean anything because they all suck.
some are recent ones i?ve seen, a few others i threw in there for old times sake.
1. the day after tommarow- ok, jake gylennhall is a cutie?
Alos the Blair Witch 2 . Where are the stars of that movie now.
The fact that the first Blair Witch was a fake-out completely pissed me off and I was definitely dead-set on not watching the sequel. The "stars" of the movie are probably in college or something.
i was watching robert tilton the other night(yes he's back) and he was asking everyone to send him $1000 even if they dont have it and they will be blessed by the lord jehovah-jirah.
any ideas?
he was asking everyone to send him $1000 even if they dont have it
um, okay! *starts pulling money out of ass*
i know i've asked this before, but i sometimes feel like i'm all alone here.
i get the emails about ex-jw meetups but no one ever meets.
was just trying to see if any new ones here are from la... .
I get the emails about Ex-Jw Meetups but no one ever meets
I know exactly how you feel. I'm the organizer of the El Paso meetups but no one ever RSVP's. The day of the Dallas fest was a meetup day but I knew no one was coming. I have 6 people in my group but I don't think they even care: "yeah, I'm an ex-JW so that entitles me to be in your meetup." all righty then...the point is to actually go to the meetup.
my rant is over now.
the order of these don?t mean anything because they all suck.
some are recent ones i?ve seen, a few others i threw in there for old times sake.
1. the day after tommarow- ok, jake gylennhall is a cutie?
Legally Blonde 2: Red White and Blonde
simply-freakin-horrible. I couldn't watch this movie without nearly hurling. I couldn't even finish watching the movie, period. The plot is all over the place. I'm really tired of valley-girl-aspiring-to-be-something-better-movies, such as Bring It On Again, which is another bad bad bad bad bad movie!
the order of these don?t mean anything because they all suck.
some are recent ones i?ve seen, a few others i threw in there for old times sake.
1. the day after tommarow- ok, jake gylennhall is a cutie?
My sister, her hubby and I saw The Royal Tenenbaums at the theater and me and sis laughed until our sides hurt.
I dunno. I...just...don't...know.
the order of these don?t mean anything because they all suck.
some are recent ones i?ve seen, a few others i threw in there for old times sake.
1. the day after tommarow- ok, jake gylennhall is a cutie?
7. You Got Served:...with Breakin' 3: Electric Boogaloo
I believe it's Breakin' 2. Although I did like the part where O-zone takes that construction worker's lunch and starts taunting them: "I gotcha luuuunch, I gotcha luuuunch.." and then he runs from them and totally breaks his ass falling down the stairs.