The order of these don?t mean anything because they all suck. Some are recent ones I?ve seen, a few others I threw in there for old times sake.
1. The Day After Tommarow- ok, Jake Gylennhall is a cutie? but the inaccuracies were more mind blowing than the special effects were
2. Dogville? I just didn?t get it. I know it was supposed to be all artsy fartsy. The only thing it was to me was fartsy. Snooooooore. I rented It and I just didn?t finish watching it.
3. Exit to Eden?. Rosie O?Donnell in a dominatrix outfit. Nuff said.
4. The Godfather Part III-Let?s just say I?m glad Sofia Coppolla decided to start writing and directing instead of acting.
5. The Core-another ?the world is going to end! Only five bad actors pretending to be scientists can save it!
6. Godzilla (1998)- Barf
7. Psycho (1998)-oh hey I have an idea! Let?s take a terrific classic horror film and spend millions of dollars to remake it shot for shot!
8. Troy. Hell let?s just lump all of last years big budget sandle, sand, mystical, historical, three hour long snorfests into one ?The Alamo (I?m trying to forget it)- Alexander(I avoided this one on purpose) King Arthur (sigh?)
9. Willard-hmmm rats. Lots and lots and lots of rats hmmmm
10. Ok, two movies I didn?t see but I avoided because I just know they suck- Catwomen and The White Chicks
Any movies you?ve seen recently that should be added to this list? I?m sure there's plenty of room.