think something major is missing from this story. 3 a.m.--maintenance worker discovers bag of parts
? a.m. or p.m.--JW sees person carrying bag of parts while passing out propaganda literature
Does anyone notice something strange here? What time was it when the dub saw the person carrying the bag, and who was it?
If the dub saw the maintenance worker carrying the parts, why was he/she witnessing at 3 a.m.?
If the dub saw the killer carrying the parts, why did she not report it to the police? If she did, why was the bag not recovered until 3 a.m., and by a maintenance worker instead of the police?
Let's just say it was a killer carrying those parts. Psychology plays a very big part in why this witness didn't call the cops: because she thought someone else did and therefore it wasn't her responsibility. It's called Social Loafing or Diffusion of Responsibility: assuming that our fellow citizens are going to pull the weight so we do nothing to help.
There was a case in the 1960's of a young lady named Kitty Genovese, who was attacked one night repeatedly by knifepoint. She screamed for help and eventually got away to try to call authorities, but the attacker eventually caught up to her and kept stabbing. Kitty's neighbors heard her screaming and some turned their lights on, but did nothing to help (because of social loafing). She was repeatedly stabbed for 30 or so minutes until she was finally killed. In fact, no one even called authorities until after she died. Obviously the whole country was outraged when Kitty's story became public. But her neighbors all gave the excuse that they thought the authorities had already been called.