I can't help but think that the hero complex is what delusioned so many elders. The hero being the GB, then with the video's we now see what you can't ignore, and it saddens so many elders who are lacking the superiority complexes. What it has done is magnify the doubts. These men were on pedestals and could do no wrong, now you see them on TV as men, and the mistakes manifest themselves quickly.
I saw it in the elder body I was part of this year that the GB themselves are making it worse not better. Especially after AMIII tight pants talk last year.
I left quite simply after I said I would never do what they asked with regards to a child abuse case. Some lines can't be crossed. Like you I see that it was clearly the correct decision, and that my conscience is much cleaner now that the WT is not leading my family and I down a hole they would have further difficulty going down.
To those that have stepped down and remained in the congregation, I applaud your first step of a difficult journey. Just don't let doubts be your first and last step.