- Please stop playing at being the victim. Also, just a reminder of what 'persecution complex' is: an irrational and obsessive feeling or fear that one is the object of collective hostility or ill-treatment on the part of others.Try being part of a discussion in an open-minded, receptive manner and see what happens.
JoinedPosts by ReallyTrulyAthena
Why disbelieving in God is foolish
by HopeEverLasting inlook, now before i speak, i want to say that it is very okay for someone to not believe.
are they hurting anyone?
killing anyone?
she passed faithful to the end to them!
by jookbeard injust found out (second hand of course) and by someone on here that my faithful jw mum passed away within the last couple of days, dont know the exact day, and what cause, she spent the last few years living with my fanatical sister, she was 65 and survived my father by 10 years, bitter, angry and hateful till the end and never as so much enquired or asked how her 2 grandchildren ever were , they are 5 and 7!
feeling a mixture of emotions right now, they were lousy parents in all honesty, she suffered health wise so maybe its for the best, dont even know when the funeral is!
So sorry to hear this My heart goes out to you; I too understand the mixture of emotions. May you find peace (and may this cult just go the heck away...it's horrible what some people do - or rather, DON'T do - in its name. Most loving people, indeed!)
US Zone visit
by obarac inanyone will atend?.
how we can follow this meeting?.
anyone will inform us live?.
alexandre: obarac referred us to Reddit in their post #102 ("Some info and live update on reddit"). What I shared was taken from Reddit user "freeyourthoughts". To re-state what I posted previously:
From the topic posted on exjw subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/2loyn1/branch_meeting_live_update/ , user "freeyourthoughts" is posting:
You can click on the link to read directly from there as well.
US Zone visit
by obarac inanyone will atend?.
how we can follow this meeting?.
anyone will inform us live?.
Continued from "freeyourthoughts":
- Dont be jealous of people going on vacations and concerts and having a good time because they are "terminally ill" and are going to die. We should pity them. Cuz we are gonna live forever. (Fucking cult!!)
- Bro Morris Governing Body member giving talk 'is your family a spiritual family?'
- Morris is going to give counsel to families. Going to quote publications so if we have a problem with it we can take it up with God. (So publications are now God's words??)
- Spiritual families visit bethel. If you haven't you need to do it. (The JW Mecca?)
- World makes it hard to make ends meet with taxes. (Hidden Republican?)
- If your kids fall out of the truth it is the parent's fault. (holy shit he is actually saying this!)
- Sisters shouldn't marry brothers who are not Ministerial Servants. Sisters will pay for that bad decision.
- We need to dress appropriately. Some sisters are wearing skin tight "spanks" when exercising. It's not appropriate. Some brothers are doing the metro sexual look. Wearing tight suits and tight pants. One brother was "man enough" that he told a brother that he wasn't doing service until he took his dress off.
- The homosexuals design the clothes and like brothers in tight pants. (OMG he is saying it again)
- Counsel on entertainment. No violent movies or videogames. No spiritism. No vampire movies.
- Brothers who repeat prayers where their children know what they are going to say "is just sad" (So encouraging! /s)
- If you don't go in service you have blood on your hands. Some might say some brothers are just going through a hard time and may be inactive. But Jehovah understands. Morris said what Jehovah are they talking about? That's not the Jehovah I know. (Jehovah doesn't care if you're going through a hard time! Go in service!)
I guess our family wasn't spiritual enough all because we didn't go to Bethel. Probably because we were too poor to travel there what with Dad and Mom working menial jobs....
US Zone visit
by obarac inanyone will atend?.
how we can follow this meeting?.
anyone will inform us live?.
.....and more from "freeyourthoughts":
- Armageddon is near. Addressing old ones. Even tho getting old 'do not get tired and give out'.
- Addressing Bethelites. Read bible. Read your magazines and publications. Keep praying. Keep going to meetings even if you are tired. (There must be a slacker problem.)
- Interesting comment from Herd, "at bethel you are at the top of the ladder of Jehovah's work".
- Bethelites need to be on time to their assignments at 8am and stay until 5pm. (Why are we hearing this?) "Late arrivals are rude arrivals" (Definitely a slacker problem)
- Yay fat wife jokes
- Give to the organization financially, physically and prayerfully.
- Bro Schaffer Governing Body helper giving talk Jehovah is taking action.
- 200 Regional Translation Offices RTOs are being built.
- Bro Crast? Talk about Coping
oh yeah...Armageddon is near. But keep giving, giving, giving to the BORG...give 'til you drop.
US Zone visit
by obarac inanyone will atend?.
how we can follow this meeting?.
anyone will inform us live?.
Thanks obarac! From the topic posted on exjw subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/2loyn1/branch_meeting_live_update/, user "freeyourthoughts" is posting:
I am leaving for the Branch Meeting which is starting for me at 12:00 PM PST. I will be live updating in this post then.
Edit: it's a bunch of generic crap. I will bold anything of interest.
- It's starting!
- Spanish congregations tied in
- Video of some of the governing body helpers
- Bro Corkrin? Governing body helper leading WT summary
- Generic Satan is cause of all our problems
- Stay loyal to organization and get to live forever blah blah blah
- Be faithful to those taking the lead in the worldwide congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses aka the Governing body
- Bro Leon Weever helper of Governing body presenting a report on kingdom work
- Talking about the JW.org campaign. 900% increase in auxiliary pioneers.
- Experiences of people from other religions saying they would look at JW.org and loving it
- Governing body made pilot program of ten brothers working remote northern areas. Hearing stories and watching slideshow of their adventures
- International convention highlights. Worldly people so amazed how nice JWs are. Implied Jehovah helped get stadium contracts signed.
- Talking about need for more Kingdom Halls. New Local Design Committee LDC will have full time workers. RBC will change but we will hear how in the future.
- Donations appreciated
- Bro Herd Governing Body member giving talk How the Time Does Fly"
London Press Conference on CULTS and UNDUE INFLUENCE - Aug 22, 2014
by Watchtower-Free inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtkhwfsnq7o&list=uuz1w0ll081jjiycjb298pow.
Enzo blithely - and without any sense of empathy or understanding - spewed out:
can people not see, or evaluate the risks involved by joining a destructive cult?
Many of us did not join a destructive cult. We had no choice as we were born into it.
And thank you, bohm, for your comments to this person's obtuse behaviours:
Enzo, on another thread:
... i know a lot of JW's who have contact with expelled family despite the policy they have to follow.. And of course others who are following strictly the rules...but I think you are making an overstatement....we are approximately 4 miljard people on earth, if 4 miljoen people don't want teoretically speak with you, There are other 3 miljard people where you can have a good time...
I don't see any reason why being rejected by ones loved ones should be a problem because there are other people on earth. In other words, I do not think there is a difference between loved ones and total strangers.
The only question that remains is if Enzo is a moron, a troll or a shill from some weird cult which hate Hassan.
Enzo, for someone who claims to be university-educated, you sure don't act like it. Oh, and having such an education does not equate moral justness. Just because "a lot" (oh brother, the imagined "power" of some people's anecdotal evidence) of JWs contact their DFd family members (and I applaud their rule-breaking ways to any non-biblical, human-created medieval barbarism, by the way) does NOT in ANY way diminish nor deny the horror of shunning amongst those who have/currently are experiencing it. How dare you. What utter dispassionate disregard you display.
Yet another flip-flop from this damnable organisation.
First, the internet is comparable to a snake. Snake = Satan = BAD.
Now it's all internet all the time. iPads and smart devices for EVERYONE!
In the section below this picture on JW.borg - "JW.ORG is not only widely available but also popular." SAYS WHO?
To borrow a phrase said by many here ~ "Let's review: IT'S A CULT!"
Harrass them before they harrass you
by SonoftheTrinity inwhy don't dfs who really know how evil jehovah's witnesses are just harrass them as they go door knocking so that when someone intervenes to defend them they get a balanced story about what the jehovah's witnesses are all about.
the ones that were raised in it were raised to be anti-intellectual wusses, they aren't going to win a debate or kick anyone's ass.
but they certainly deserve philosophical and rhetorical smackdowns, they deserve haters standing in their way as they go harrassing everybody in the neighborhood.
^^^ +1,000 to all the reasons above ^^^
Plus it'll only feed the JW persecution complex as well as possibly reinforce their abhorrent "apostates are mentally diseased" belief system (w11 7/15 pp. 15-19 - "Will You Heed Jehovah's Clear Warnings?").
Edited to add:
How can we protect ourselves against false teachers? The Bible’s counsel regarding how to deal with them is clear. ( Read Romans 16:17; 2 John 9-11 . ) “Avoid them,” says God’s Word. Other translations render that phrase “turn away from them,” “keep away from them,” and “stay away from them!” There is nothing ambiguous about that inspired counsel. Suppose that a doctor told you to avoid contact with someone who is infected with a contagious, deadly disease. You would know what the doctor means, and you would strictly heed his warning. Well, apostates are “mentally diseased,” and they seek to infect others with their disloyal teachings. ( 1 Tim. 6:3, 4 ) Jehovah, the Great Physician, tells us to avoid contact with them. We know what he means, but are we determined to heed his warning in all respects?
Board of bitterness
by 1009 ini always was a critical jw, now df and agnost.
but still this religion fascinates me.
in my eyes most jw are very sincere, but dumb sheep.. this board is filled with ex-jw.
I always was a critical JW, and still am pretty critical, can't you tell, now DF and agnost.
Fixed that for ya.
They shun ex-JW? I don't miss them.
That's nice that you don't. Not everyone is YOU, though. I used to beg my counsellor to teach me how to utterly and completely turn off my VERY HUMAN EMOTIONS of loving my family and missing them. I'd gladly pay for a surgery to remove those pieces of my heart and mind.
I may not know "the truth" to the universe and everything in it, but I know my truth. And I would never deem to tell anyhow how to think or feel or act, especially an ex-JW. Telling others how to think or feel or act is very reminiscent of a certain cult, don't you think? Hmm.
I agree with TD:
Your word choices and reliance upon personal perspective when it comes to total strangers are both interesting.