outlaw are you one of the moderators? would you be able to help me with my posts? i know this might be foolish but I need to delete a thread (my posts only of course). If something like this will banned me from this website so be it. I really want those removed there's someone whose feelings I have deeply hurt.
JoinedPosts by justbreathe825
I feel ashamed of some of you
by Lady Lee ini did not sleep well last night.
i tossed and turned until 4 am .
got up and decided to see what was going on.. i am so disappointed in some of you.. simon posted a thread requesting people not post links to the new shepherding book.
Dating a JW for 3 yrs
by justbreathe825 inmy bf and i are thinking on getting married.
i posted a foum early this week on whether or not i should get baptized.
i decided not to.. now even though he says he "doesn't care" he got upset last night when i mentioned the subject and how confused i was.
Dating a JW for 3 yrs
by justbreathe825 inmy bf and i are thinking on getting married.
i posted a foum early this week on whether or not i should get baptized.
i decided not to.. now even though he says he "doesn't care" he got upset last night when i mentioned the subject and how confused i was.
Little Imp thank you for your kind works...I also feel related to what you said about the meetings they constantly remind people not to associate with non-believers and that makes u feel uncomfortable. At some point somebody told me that it was my bfs fault for not following the elder's counsel and that I shouldn't feel bad...well he obviously loved me and what's wrong with that? as far as I am concern he didn't do anything bad, they just wanted him to feel guilty for loving a "wordly girl". He has put up with so much this poor guy. I certainly believe he is a good catch
he's a great guy with a very kind heart..he is just in a very difficult situation.
Dating a JW for 3 yrs
by justbreathe825 inmy bf and i are thinking on getting married.
i posted a foum early this week on whether or not i should get baptized.
i decided not to.. now even though he says he "doesn't care" he got upset last night when i mentioned the subject and how confused i was.
Incognito, I am not breaking up in a public forum. maybe what i said gives that impression. I just wish him best that's all...we obvioulsy talked before I posted this. Anyway I am better off not saying anything private like that you are right. But this website doesn't allow you to edit or delete anything!
Dating a JW for 3 yrs
by justbreathe825 inmy bf and i are thinking on getting married.
i posted a foum early this week on whether or not i should get baptized.
i decided not to.. now even though he says he "doesn't care" he got upset last night when i mentioned the subject and how confused i was.
Also, if possible, I would like to delete this thread out of respect to him. So far I haven't find out a way to do it so if anybody knows how to please let me know.
Dating a JW for 3 yrs
by justbreathe825 inmy bf and i are thinking on getting married.
i posted a foum early this week on whether or not i should get baptized.
i decided not to.. now even though he says he "doesn't care" he got upset last night when i mentioned the subject and how confused i was.
My bf came across this post and he realized it was me. I just want to apologize to him for writing about our relationship in public and saying all those horrible things about him/family/religion and for agreeing with the many comments that criticized him. I don't think there's anything wrong with you and I am sorry I did this and hurt your feelings and I hope you can forgive me. I feel very sad for the way this religion has affected peoples lives including yours and I hope you can all recover from such pain and can have a happy life and enjoy of freedom. For the ones that remain loyal I understand how much you care about your loved ones and you will do anything to make them happy, I really admire such effort and hope you can cope.
My dearest love I know nothing will be the same between us but I just want you to know you will always stay in my heart and I only wish the best for you and I hope some day you will be happy and find someone that understands you more than I ever did and loves you the same way I do.
I'm coming out
by MsDucky ini just found out that i have breast cancer on thursday (see topic http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/medical/190249/1/i-was-in-the-hospital ).
my sister has breast cancer too.
she has had it longer than me.
I am glad to hear you have people around you willing to help. Just be strong. Many people beat Cancer I am sure you'll be one of them!
Dating a JW for 3 yrs
by justbreathe825 inmy bf and i are thinking on getting married.
i posted a foum early this week on whether or not i should get baptized.
i decided not to.. now even though he says he "doesn't care" he got upset last night when i mentioned the subject and how confused i was.
my dearest fellow wordly friends i hear you all and im digesting all this information and trying to figure out what to do with my life.
I have found so much support in this website is unbelievable. It's such a complicated situation and after reading all the posts I realize is not my fault! and there's no reason why I should feel bad because I didn't purposely put myself in this situation. I didn't think it was half this bad.
My bf has tried to convinced me to attend the sunday meetings and has pretty much assured me our kids WILL do the same. But I don't care I can do whatever I want with my Sundays. Why should i compromise? I don't see how he's compromising with me or meeting me in the "middle" I don't see him putting his parents in the same situation that I am telling them how they need to meet ME in the middle. So in other words I have to do all the work and be a hypocrite and they get to still be on my case trying to convince me to convert....and what r they doing for me? what is he doing for me?
Ayyyyyy what a dilemma...I wish I could just say heck with all this and find myself a new guy but ahhhh some of us are just too weak!
Letslatejws (lol) I am def. asking those questions...and since we have now changed khs I am going to see how he puts into practice what he says he's going to do (only do to sunday mtgs) becasue whats the difference between now and then? diff kh, no parental CONTROL...why not? WE'LL SEE!
You are all awesome...thanks for keeping up with my thread
Dating a JW for 3 yrs
by justbreathe825 inmy bf and i are thinking on getting married.
i posted a foum early this week on whether or not i should get baptized.
i decided not to.. now even though he says he "doesn't care" he got upset last night when i mentioned the subject and how confused i was.
oh and one more thing....the "emotional blackmail" that blacksheep is referring to has not showd its "true colors" yet...we were over his parents on sunday and everything was normal...that might be bc i e-mailed them that I didn't want to talk about anything (jw related) and that i needed time. let's see how much time they "allow" me to have.
I'll keep you all posted!
Dating a JW for 3 yrs
by justbreathe825 inmy bf and i are thinking on getting married.
i posted a foum early this week on whether or not i should get baptized.
i decided not to.. now even though he says he "doesn't care" he got upset last night when i mentioned the subject and how confused i was.
well I have to say most of you are absolutely right...My head tells me I should break up with him...we talked on sunday. we agreed on celebration certain holidays. But he wants me our kids (when we have) to take them to the kh every sunday. I asked him, if we change kh and we go to a kh where ur parents don't know anybody would you still be going to the thurs. mtgs, service? he says yes. That right there shows me is not only about the parents...he wants to satisfy the entire government body!!!! he doesn't want to be "looked" down by people from whatever kh he goes to. So he's willing to wats all that time he could be spending with his family jusy to make some randome ppl happy. Ugghhhh
I mean he can do whatever the heck he wants but why force kids...he excuses himself by saying is normal to take kids to church....but kh? that isn't a church...isn't it slightly different? I have never seen such thing as shunning!!!
Ah somne girl gor "unshunned" on thursday...so on sunday everyone was greeting her as they have never seen her before LOL it was just bizarre.