How awesome would it be to have a flashmob at a convention with that Uprising song? I would so be in it.
They could also use Apocalypse Please by Muse for a more dramatic song about "the end."
just a thought yesterday as i was eating lunch with my 5 yr. old son.
the restaurant had ccr's bad moon rising playing, and i thought,.
this could be a real up temp song to sing at the hall and it even has the lyrics that speak of impending doom.
How awesome would it be to have a flashmob at a convention with that Uprising song? I would so be in it.
They could also use Apocalypse Please by Muse for a more dramatic song about "the end."
i would assume that some or a good number of us here as normal humans in this society - consider " lawless " actions to include murder , robbery, extortion, rape, child abuse, war , terrorism, etc.
the wt society has their own definition of what's considered " lawless ".
anything that's considered a disfellowshipping offense in the jehovah's witnesses is now considered " lawless ".
Shunning someone, especially your own child, is so unnatural and unloving. It works at keeping people in for the wrong reasons. My husband is petrified of losing his whole family, he almost has a nervous breakdown thinking about what will happen to him if they find out. That's no way to live your life, it's sick.
perhaps some of you who are unbelieving spouses married to witnesses have had to deal with this at one point of another.
this is the first time for me and my wife and it has her concerned.
my wife wants to plan an anniversary party for us and she wants to invite everyone that she and i know.
We never mix our JW friends with non-JW friends, so I'm not sure what I'd do in your situation. Even as faded JWs, we were invited to a Super Bowl Party with my non-JW friend and her JW family and we declined because we are afraid of being judged by the JW relatives.
That's great your wife wants a party though. Perhaps you could have a party with the JWs (if you could stand it), and then another with the rest of your friends and mutual friends? I've never been to a witness "gathering" (excluding weddings) that had worldly people mixed in with the would cause quite a stir I'd imagine.
I'm sorry you have to deal with this. I'd try to work out a compromise though, or maybe just do something together as a couple.
there are many "proof" texts that people (including jws) use to justify their rejection of anyone that is gay.
there are a few scriptures that you can pull up and try to make a case for show homosexuals why they are evil and wrong.. i've been researching more of these scriptures and i'm coming to some very different conclusions than many other christians hold, especially jws.
i wanted to talk about the first text used by many people to condemn homosexual behaviour.
Interesting points! I enjoy reading your thoughts.
I have, but she didn't know too much about witnesses, so it didn't help that much. But I keep meaning to see another one who understands controlling religion a bit better. Sometimes I feel like I've opened Pandora's box or something, and I have a difficult time realizing this life may very well be all there is...and I've wasted so much of it. I guess I just need help moving forward by myself, as my husband isn't in or out of the religion.
man in black - I can't believe the conductor said it wasn't "conducive to theoctatic thinking" to take off shoes! In Canada, people are expected to take off their shoes...I don't know anyone who wears shoes in their house. Even if you go to the doctor's office in the winter, they have signs to take off your boots so the floor doesn't get yucky.
Was it difficult getting rid of your bookstudy group? No one in my hall wanted to have it at their house, so a few groups met at the hall.
im looking for some advice.. so i grew up as a witness was baptized when i was seventeen, which by the way i was pushed into baptizm cuse my parents kept asking me when i was and threatned to not buy me a car if i didnt get baptized.
since it was never in my heart i was never very dedicated and was disfellowshipped by nineteen i started the process of coming back but after bout four months i moved out.
i started partying alot mainly with my other disfellowshipped friends and nonactive jw frien, we were drinking alot and smoking weed but soon i started feeling the need to go back so i started up at the meetings but i got bored and went back to my old ways, this has been what i have been doing for the last five years, partying getting drunk and drugs and then stopping and going back to the meetings for a couple months, the same process for last the last almost five years.
You've received some really great advice already, so I won't add much. I just wanted to share this info about rebalancing your life after leaving a controlling religion: It mentions the 12 areas of life we can strive to balance to have happiness in our lives. If we're missing attention to even one life section, it is very likely we will experience dysfunction, pain, and unhappiness. Of course the family aspect is more difficult for people with family still in the religion, but there are other ways we can try to fill that.
It sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders, and are on your way to making a great life for yourself. Is there anyone at work you could become friends with? Or join a gym or fitness class? If you have any hobbies or interests, you could seek out a class and get to know others there - like photography, or drop-in sports.
I'm still in the process of making new friends. Luckily I found an old friend from over 10 years ago who recently settled down and stopped her party life. As you get older, hopefully your friends will start settling down and starting families, and their priorities will change.
been thinking about this and curious about what makes us all come to the decisions we came to in our fade/exiting the jw organization.. i think for myself having been born-in & raised a jw my doubts about the generation doctrine had simmered for years within me quietly and by the time i finally left in 2003 i had reached my breaking point.
also seeing unjust treatment of rank & file witness ( myself included ) just propelled me into my decision even quicker.
so - one day after meeting with 3 elders in a back room before a meeting and seeing their judgmental aggression towards me - i just told myself " enough is enough ".
I started doing research last April and was shocked to learn this religion wasn't what I thought it was. This caused me to have anxiety at the meetings, and I couldn't sit and listen to the talks without my heart racing. I used that as an excuse to stop going, and we haven't been back since. We have had many elder visits, monthly at times, but we don't answer the door or just tell them we're busy. They have finally cooled off a bit. Ideally, we would have moved to a new hall to fade successfully, but our circumstances didn't allow it. And I don't think my husband is ready to be a full "apostate" yet. He's stuck in a weird limbo, probably because he has his whole family to lose.
well, the new semester has just started.
as some of you know, i'm a college professor.
i was in my large lecture course yesterday (a couple hundred students).
What a relief to hear the threat was taken seriously. A student like that does not deserve to be there, and I hope he is identified and expelled. If he was working at a company and made a comment like that to his boss, no doubt he would be fired.
was there a person, a book, a situation that helped you see that the "truth" was not what it was supposed to be?
I had a baby and that changed everything. There was no time to study or listen at meetings, and my mind was no longer being constantly indoctrinated. A question about "how do I know this is God's organization?" crept in and I did research to try and prove it true. Instead my whole belief system came crashing down.
This site has been tremendously helpful for research, and learning how to think critically...something my born-in brain had trouble doing on its own.
The "new light" about the overlapping generation led me to this site. And it was after reading Crisis of Conscience that I realized the Governing Body were just men and not inspired by God like I had believed my whole life. This was just another man made religion, except for its horrible cultlike control of its members.