Ham with honey mustard sauce, shortbread cookies, and pumpkin pie. I guess I should start baking! And chocolates of course.
FloridaPerry - You sound like a true gentlemen.
i'm hungry!.
i'd love to eat a greek salad with plenty of feta and a blt (with the bacon crispy!
Ham with honey mustard sauce, shortbread cookies, and pumpkin pie. I guess I should start baking! And chocolates of course.
FloridaPerry - You sound like a true gentlemen.
i wonder if i can get into trouble for having a christmas tree and sending christmas gifts on farmville?
wouldn't it be something to be the first farmville disfellowshippee?
i'd like to hear that that judicial committee!
Last year, a "sister" sent me holiday gifts on Farmville, only to turn around and call me out for sending some back! She decided it wasn't right, and posted a condescending message on my board. Oh the hypocrisy! I sure don't miss it.
slimboyfat and cantleave - I sent you a PM
onemore started a thread on the organization's year in review.... i thought it would be interesting to hear of individual's highlights of 2010. magwitch's 2010 review.
i totally stopped drinking (which i started with gusto when my brother died in 2007)i learned i can live alone and be independent and happy (both physically and financially)
Nice_Dream's 2010 Review
* I researched this religion online and realized it wasn't the "truth" this Spring
* I attended my last memorial and DC ever! Didn't even bother with the CA
* I am enjoying life and making new friends
* Sent out my first Christmas cards!
my wife and i were both jw's for the past 28 years.
we left two years ago, we wrote our da letters and split.. my wife felt very contained, there was no room to grow.
i started to fade slowly, but when my mom died, i saw the complete lack of love from the brothers and that sealed the deal for me.. we have two sons, 22 and 26, who we raised as witnesses, not the die hard type, just try and do your best.
I am a born in child, and I recently left at age 27. Unfortunately, I'm still in the angry phase. I hate the fact that I wasted most of my life trying to be someone I wasn't. Although I tried to explore different spiritual paths, they all feel false to me, and sometimes I feel like life has no purpose which gets depressing. My sister also left the religion and is an atheist.
I don't blame my parents though. I know that they did the best they could, and tried to raise us with good morals to protect us from some of the things they went through growing up. Children and teenagers experience suffering no matter what. And it has made me a stronger person, and I've learned invaluable lessons.
It's brave of you to leave the religion, I wish my parents and inlaws would. Time heals all things. And your children are lucky to have parents who love them unconditionally.
im just about at 14 weeks.
i thought i had the answers to all, until i got that "positive" on the pregnancy test.
I just received your postcard today. You are such a cute, happy looking couple.
Sending you a PM.
i will volunteer to coordinate this.. if you would like a card sent to you or send a card, pm me your mailing address and a name the post office will deliver to.. what do you think the cut off date should be for sending the exchange lists out to everyone?.
do you want it pm'd or e-mailed (if emailed send your email address with your snail mail.. i know that cards going overseas can take longer.. .
I sent the rest of mine out yesterday. So everyone outside of Canada will get them within 4-7 business days.
Drive safely only me.
i will volunteer to coordinate this.. if you would like a card sent to you or send a card, pm me your mailing address and a name the post office will deliver to.. what do you think the cut off date should be for sending the exchange lists out to everyone?.
do you want it pm'd or e-mailed (if emailed send your email address with your snail mail.. i know that cards going overseas can take longer.. .
AwSnap - Wow! You're fast. From Canada, it's going to be around $30 to send them all.
i will volunteer to coordinate this.. if you would like a card sent to you or send a card, pm me your mailing address and a name the post office will deliver to.. what do you think the cut off date should be for sending the exchange lists out to everyone?.
do you want it pm'd or e-mailed (if emailed send your email address with your snail mail.. i know that cards going overseas can take longer.. .
Ziddina - Here's a link for USPS International mail: http://www.usps.com/prices/first-class-mail-international-prices.htm
It looks like Canada is $0.75, Mexico is $0.79, and all other countries are $0.98 for a small letter under 1 oz.
Hope that helps!
well, an interesting thing happened today, here in southern california.
as i was sipping my morning coffee, i heard a distinct knocking on my door.
the front door was closed, so i didn't open it.
I've had 4 visits this month! The old school elders ring the doorbell...so I disabled it. But the elder who came by was just on regular service, and he knocked really, really softly.
I hated bothering people at their home, so I would always knock softly and hope people wouldn't come to the door! My husband would ring doorbells and I would get mad at him and tell him it was too early to disturb people, lol.
in january 2009 i was disfellowshipped from jw's.
i documented the whole process and recorded it which you can find here:- death or obedience.
many people asked for english transcripts of these recordings and i'm pleased to say i now have full transcripts kindly supplied anonymously for those who wish to read them.. these will be of great help to those who have trouble hearing or cannot understand the scottish accents on the recordings.. they are available here:- the trial of a jehovah's witness the new site has it's own audio link for each transcript so you can listen along as you read.. the person who has supplied me is interested in the moral and ethical issues this case has thrown up.
Thank you for posting; marked for later.