Well, an interesting thing happened today, here in Southern California. As I was sipping my morning coffee, I heard a distinct knocking on my door. The front door was closed, so I didn't open it. I looked through my kitchen window, to observe two female Witnesses on my front porch. I just sat down at my table to continue my coffee-drinking activities. But, what is interesting about this, is that this time, as with the most recent times that they have come to my front door, is they did not press the doorbell button. This happened the past few times that I was at home, and a couple of Witnesses came by. Just knocking---not pressing the doorbell button. I DO have a functioning doorbell. Is it a new edict now, don't press doorbell buttons to alert someone that they are there? A few years ago, when a couple of them came, the knock was so light and imperceptable, that if I had been in my back bedroom, I wouldn't have heard anyone knocking. (As mentioned by someone on this site before, could it be the "Invisible Presence Knock"? Well, maybe) Could it be that on that occasion, they really didn't WANT to have someone open the door and engage them in conversation. Hmmm, could be, could be. Just knock VERRRRRY lightly, so that no one inside will hear and open the door, and converse with you. But, what has me REALLY baffled is this...You know how many Witnesses are living with the mindset that there are angels---invisible spirit creatures---who are assisting them in the so-called Field Service. Well, if that is really true, then why did they come to my residence? Don't those invisible angels know that behind this door is a "fader"---a person who faded out of the organization in the late 80s? Don't they know that behind this door is a person who regularly logs onto, and reads THIS Website? (Ah, ah, ah, don't go to THAT door---there's a fader inside there, a person who looks at and reads JWN!) Hmmm, I guess not. Maybe those invisible angels didn't get the "inter-heaven" memo yet, regarding this residence. Well, just thought I'd mention it...