A love note or poem to go with the tickets? Chocolates, a book or CD she wants?
JoinedPosts by Nice_Dream
Women - what the hell do you guys want for Christmas?!?!?
by sinis inmy sig other thinks i can read minds or something!
she doesn't want jewelry - just bought her a diamond ring for her b-day.
she has a new laptop, perfume, clothing, etc... i have no idea what to get - she actually told me not to get anything... does it look like i have stupid written on my face :).
As An EXJW Does Christmas Mean Anything To You?
by minimus ini've been thinking how correct the witnesses are regarding an aspect of xmas.
it is totally commercialized and it's big business and materialism.
having said that, i enjoy giving presents and recieving them.
Yes, we have a lot to make up for! This is our first Christmas post-JW. We want it to be a cozy, fun time for our children, so they grow up having good memories and pass on traditions to their families.
I love Christmas trees, the glittering decorations and sparkling lights, hot chocolate with Baileys, candy canes, and presents. I have a Nativity set, stockings hung on the mantle, Christmas carols playing in the evening, and old Christmas movies to watch cuddled up on the couch.
We're simply having a wonderful Christmas time!
Not sure what to tell my 4 year old about Santa
by jwfacts inmy adorable little son is very excited about christmas.
i have not made a big thing about it, but he must have picked up the christmas spirit from what he is seeing in the shops and on tv.
he loves the music, and movies and all the decorations.
My husband didn't want to do the Santa thing, but changed his mind when our 3 year old kept talking about Santa. We decided to tell him the story of Santa too, and let him make what he wanted out of it. We went to the office xmas party, and Santa was there, and our son got a cool toy he wanted and asked "How did Santa know I always wanted this!?!" It was so sweet.
I say let your boy have wonderful, magical memories from his childhood. I believed in Santa until my parents "got the truth." I didn't mind that Santa wasn't real...I was devestated about not being able to participate in the holidays like all my friends and be told that "magic" was "bad."
(Your son is really cute by the way!)
When you were active, did you feel you would survive Armageddon?
by Band on the Run ini am curious about this issue.
personally, i never felt i would be good enough for a split second.
one would think that knowing you can not be good enough to survive would it make it easier to leave the witnesses and live for the present.
No, I always felt not good enough. I hoped that I would be able to "walk on through" to the New System and plead my case and hopefully Jehovah would take pity on me.
So my JW wife cheated on me. Need some help or at least a sympathetic ear.
by JonathanH ini have neither friends nor family to turn to.
the result of being born in a cult.
but i need to talk about this.
So my JW wife cheated on me. Need some help or at least a sympathetic ear.
by JonathanH ini have neither friends nor family to turn to.
the result of being born in a cult.
but i need to talk about this.
It's important to ask what the counselors philosophy is, and you can find counselors that have a Christian viewpoint and probably wouldn't recommend having affairs on the side.
by binadub inapologies all.
my questions did not appear in the body of the first post and i didn't know the reason.
thanks leavingwt for informing me that another drawback of the new internet explorer is that it is not compatible with jwd.
1) How have Franz's books influenced (or not) you? Also Carl Olof Jonsson's and Jim Penton's?
Did Franz write about why the JWs were chosen in 1914? If he did, I read about that somewhere and thought it didn't make any sense. He seemed kooky and too out there to be a real prophet.
I read "Gentile Times Reconsidered" and found it very helpful to deconstruct the 1914 business.
And James Penton's "Apocalypse delayed" was the first "apostate" book I read that started me on my way out. It was interesting to learn about the history of the religion, and how crazy it sounded.
2) Do you understand Jonsson's chronology arguments and their effect on the parousia doctrine?
It was a bit confusing, but I felt like I understood it enough to see that the Watchtower wasn't correct.
3) Would you like an alternative religion to the Watchtower organization? If so, what do you think it should offer?
Sort of, I miss the association and structure sometimes. However, I don't think I would ever want to be part of a religious group again. If I were to join a group, it would need to allow freedom of thought and not be controlling or dogmatic.
4) Are you familiar with Channel C.
5) What do you think is the most influencial medium for JWs leaving the religion? Forums like this? Books? Other exJWs?
The Internet. I first saw something about Ray Franz online and it bothered me until I looked into it. The Wikipedia article on JWs was one of the first things I felt safe looking at, and started my journey out of the religion from there.
6) Do you know who the current WT leaders are?
Balaamsass - your church sounds awesome!
What would you do if your JW spouse did...?
by garyneal inokay, i don't mean to rant but i am not sure where to turn.
the issues that i am having with my wife are not related to her being a jw but it does make me think of other situations where the religion is credited for the jw spouse's exceptional behavior (even when it has nothing to do with the religion).. my wife has her heart set on going to disney this year, but she has no real plan on saving the money to go.
in addition to this, she needs have some money to replace her lost income over the summer when she takes her internship to get her teacher's license.
Have you ever read any Dave Ramsey books? They have some Christian things in them. There is one that talks about finances and romance to help marriage partners be on the same page. http://www.amazon.com/More-than-Enough-Changing-Financial/dp/0142000477/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1322713322&sr=8-8
Hopefully that helps! I'm the saver, and my husband is a spender. But we both value being debt free and make financial goals together.
"Feeling sorry for yourself" about being hit by your husband is not Christian 2/15/12 WT Page 25 P 12
by yourmomma inhave anyone of you read, the absolutly jaw dropping paragraph in this article about a women who was hit by her husband?
its in page 25 of the 2/15/12 wt study edition (i read the dumbed down version).. .
if there was any question, that the watchtowers stance is for wives to simply take it when their husbands abuse them, this makes it crystal clear.. who the hell is scanning these things before they go to print?
It also disturbs me the way the sister "spoke softly" to Selma. Subtly demonstrating how Christian sisters shouldn't raise their voices to make their points and be submissive. What a horrible article!
Is anyone else getting ready for Christmas?
by juni ini was in the mood today... got the tree cheap (came w/lights), decorations and ribbon for half price and made the bow myself to save money.
i was going to put it aside until after thanksgiving, but couldn't resist completing the project.
i just have to get some fiber fill for "snow" at the base.
Juni - I love the bow you did at the top of your tree, it looks great! What a neat idea.
Lilbluekitty - I love the star ornaments you have on your tree. Very nice!
We're getting our first tree this year, I'm so excited. I still need to get all the lights and ornaments, but hope to go shopping soon. I planned on making an Advent calender of activities for my little fellas too. So exciting! I loooooooooove Christmas.
I was three the last time I celebrated Xmas, and my oldest is three and it will be his first real Xmas. Full circle moment!