Rodger as a fellow drummer I know we can work four different beats with our two legs and two hands. We can also sing if needed all at the same time. A JW has only one beat unless they have a few minor doubts.
The JW mind set is what the conductor (The Society) wants to hear. They have their Play list and how they play it.
So you jump in and make your point to these trolley JWs and you still don't get it. It isn't that your wrong it's that they don't hear you or simply don't want to hear you.
They have their own band and are not interested in what you have to say even if your right because your not in their band. And if you were in their band and started with your personal bullshit......... that wouldn't be well received either.
Right is what they believe...... wrong is what you have to say cause they are not interested in your music or your opinions.
Stop wasting your time trying to reconvert the converted. There are people trying to break out of the JW world on this and other forums.....try helping them...they are willing to listen.
It only works with people who have questioned their religious beliefs......who have found out some troubling things.....been disrespected. Have cause for what their religion has done to them.
The ones sitting by the Trolley are content.