I had to look it up: Found this site called http://www.gotquestions.org/liberal-Christian-theology.html whose moto is: got questions? the bible has the answers....we'll find them for you! LOL.
Answering the question they actually make a case for liberal-Christian-theology: "In “liberal Christian” teaching, which is not Christian at all, man’s reason is stressed and is treated as the final authority. Liberal theologians seek to reconcile Christianity with secular science and “modern thinking.” In doing so, they treat science as all-knowing and the Bible as fable-laden and false. Genesis’ early chapters are reduced to poetry or fantasy, having a message, but not to be taken literally (in spite of Jesus’ having spoken of those early chapters in literal terms). Mankind is not seen as totally depraved, and thus liberal theologians have an optimistic view of the future of mankind. The social gospel is also emphasized, while denying the inability of fallen man to fulfill it. Whether a person is saved from their sin and its penalty in hell is no longer the issue; the main thing is how man treats his fellow man. “Love” of our fellow man becomes the defining issue. As a result of this “reasoning” by liberal theologians, the following doctrines are taught by liberal quasi-Christian theologians: "
I'll leave it up to readers to pop over for a quick look (my new years resolution is not to quote obsessively from the internet) and see how smug and arrogant really sounds.