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Disfellowshipping Changes
by UnDisfellowshipped inparaphrase of the watchtower 1955, page 607:.
quote from the watchtower august 1st 1974 issue, page 465:.
quote from the watchtower august 1st 1980 issue, page 19:.
Watchtowers million dollar scam
by GeddyLee inback in the late eighties i was on the committee to build our cities new double kingdom hall so that all five halls would be under one roof.
we needed to come up with five hundred thousand dollars to complete the new hall, so we had a kingdom hall fund drive where the local brothers would raise the needed funds.
after two years we had collected the half million dollars, and guess where that money went????????
Was J.F. Rutherford - Exonerated?
by Amazing inone of the cornerstones of the watchtower society's claims about the 1918 trial of joseph f. rutherford and seven other co-defendants, is that the trial was a travesty of justice, where the defendants were railroaded off to prison.. to make their point, the society has repeatedly stated that joseph rutherford and his fellow defendants were "exonerated" of all charges, and subsequently released from prison fully vindicated.
the society also attributed this 'victory' to jehovah's hand in matters, restoring the symbolic 'two witnesses' spoken of in revelation, and thereby, reactivating the kingdom preaching work.. what actually transpired is that the convicted defendants filed a petition for a "writ of error.
" (trial transcript, pages 1-10, parts 1-30 ) the writ of error was allowed by the trial court, judge howe, and granted by the district court judge chatfield, whom the society earlier objected to and had removed from their trial, because they felt he would not be fair to them.. what does this mean?
"Dubs For Dummies"
by Farkel indear brothers and sisters in the worldwide brotherhood of jehovahs witnessestm,.
there has been much public interest in our beliefs lately, so we have prepared a very brief summary of our core beliefs in a new pamphlet which you may offer to interested persons.
hopefully, this pamphlet will generate enough interest with honest-hearted people and enable you to start many new bible studies.
Why No Disfellowshipping Before 1952?
by blondie inwhy was there no official arrangement before 1952 to disfellowship people?
was there a different procedure with a different name?
was no one committing disfellowshipping offenses?
The Watchtower and the Masons
by ozziepost inthe latest edition of the free in christ ministries journal contains a very interesting article entitled the watchtower and masons.. drawing upon material from the book the watchtower & the masons by fritz springmeier, it gives the following parallels between the things that c t russell believed and those taught by the masons:.
* both believe jehovah is the most important word being the basis of their dogma, and the name of their god.
* both believe god yielded power to a lesser god.
ANOINTING - How JWs really know!
by Amazing inanointing - how jws really know!
[note: this is a 7 page post in case you may want to print it out and read it later.
i hope that i do provide clarity on this topic, but i accept that i may have muddied the waters as much as i have tried to clear them up.
Perversion of Baptismal Vows
by AlanF inan appendix in the book contains some 120 questions along with hundreds of scriptural "proof texts" that the proselyte is then expected to study.
12 jesus commanded his followers to baptize new disciples in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit.
the following quotation shows what the proselyte is expected to study just prior to baptism:.
Greetings, yet have problems
by Dubby ini'm married, have a wonderful, but "unbelieving" wife.
i have three kids, all of whom are honor students and very responsible.. now my dilemma: none of my kids are the least bit interested in being jw's.
i took them all to meetings even as babies without the help of my wife or anyone else in the congregation.
Preacher Jimmy Swaggart and JW Lawyers
by waiting inin the supreme court of the united states, october tenth, 1988, case no.
88-1374, filed on june 22, 1988, clerk joseph f. spanol, jr.. on that date and file number, the attoreny james m. mccabe,and donald t. ridley, 25 colombia heights, brooklyn, ny 11251 (718)606-4993, attorneys for amicus curiae, watchtower bible and tract society of new york, inc. filed a "friends of the court" brief on the behalf of the famous preacher, jimmy swaggart and his ministries.. why would the watchtower society, direct channel for jehovah's holy spirt, which also godly hates babylon the great, which also christiandom is the largest part, go into the supreme court of the united states and file a legal brief to help jimmy swaggart's ministries in his trial which was case no.
88-1374: jimmy swaggart ministries, appelant vs. board of equalization of california, appeller?.