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Restructuring Bethel
by LaFrancia inan announcement to all congregation in italy :.
the project of a new bethel in italy was allocated .
the number of temporary special pioneers will be reduced significantly.
Thanks for explaining SlidingFast. Sounds like a bit of a challenge for someone with little income. -
Restructuring Bethel
by LaFrancia inan announcement to all congregation in italy :.
the project of a new bethel in italy was allocated .
the number of temporary special pioneers will be reduced significantly.
I've never heard of a temporary special pioneer. It sounds crazy. Imagine having a temporary regular pioneer, they have a different name for that's an auxiliary pioneer. -
"The Word" includes the book Vindication!
by Atlantis incan you send me the quote where the watchtower said that the word includes the book vindication?
thanks a bunch!.
.. the quote is in the 1932 watchtower, april 1, pg.101, par.
Simon says - I would much prefer that you tell us about your friendship with Ray Franz and why you believe he wanted to go back to the ways of Rutherford.
It is not up to me to say definitively where holy spirit is operating or not operating, at best I can only state where I might feel it is or isn't operating.
Does his HS operate over the Wtbts? I have no reason to believe that God would not use his HS on occasions just as he might over any other organisation.
Samuel Herd's statement about donations and Cialdini's social proof
by slimboyfat insamuel herd made a statement a few weeks ago about halting construction work, laying off bethel workers and reducing printing output: severe cutbacks all round.
he said, like the head of a household, the gb has to make sure the organisation is living within its means.
but he added a very careful phrase, something like: "be assured brothers these measures have not been taken as a result of any lack of financial support on your part.
There was a reason Herd read out a letter, the wording had to be exactly right. It was very calculated. -
"The Word" includes the book Vindication!
by Atlantis incan you send me the quote where the watchtower said that the word includes the book vindication?
thanks a bunch!.
.. the quote is in the 1932 watchtower, april 1, pg.101, par.
Simon says, please prove that the holy spirit is not with the Mormons or Ray Franz. -
Do You Think 10% Tithing is Coming?
by xjwsrock infirstly, there are cash flow problems in wt town.
i don't think it's necessary to list all the cutbacks and layoffs, but there have been many.. their thirst for money seems higher too in my opinion.
more entitled may be a better way of putting it.
Finding a new way to get more money from the sheep is on their agenda. What the next form that will take is not certain but I don't think it will be a set policy of tithing, although it may be suggested.
The JW religion is more about being a works based religion so it would be hard to continually sell this idea of tithing. They need to come up with the an idea that will make it seem that JWs are providing a sacred service which is clearly identifiable, not just by giving 10% of their income.
Here's some comments that they have made about sacred service -
W 76 10/1 re Sacred Service
Par. 5 “So their doing something of a sacrificial kind would be out of the ordinary, something not carried on in general by the unchristian people of this worldly system of things.”
Hebrews 13:16 16Moreover, do not forget the doing of good and the sharing of things with others, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.”W80 8/15
Par. 3 “Obviously, this has to do specificially with service to God, done out of appreciation for sacred things – something out of the ordinary that calls for the sacrifice of time and energy.
God's Kingdom Rules
Yes, relief work is a valuable form of sacred service.—Rom. 12:1, 7; 2 Cor. 8:7; Heb. 13:16.
W 06 11/01
Building Kingdom Halls is an important part of our sacred service
W01 3/15
Of course, Bethel is primarily a place where mature Christians render sacred serviceto Jehovah and work in behalf of fellow believers throughout the world.
They've come up with their own logo, JW org and it can be seen wherever JWs are. JWs see it as part of their preaching (or sacred service).They've also thrown the JWs into the public with their public preaching work and even shopfronts on occassion or stalls in certain areas. They've started to dwindle down the importance of house to house work.
Their next step might be to tell JWs that part of their sacred service will now include time set aside to earn money with the specific purpose of donating it to them. They could leave the option of how to do this to the congregations but encourage them that whatever it was, do it in a united way together and with the focus that all money earnt be given to them. The responsibility of how they did this would be completely up to them and that means any taxes/permits/licenses/insurance/complying with laws could not be held against the WTBTS, they would be doing it independently.
Suggestions such as lamington drives, joint garage sales, sales of other goods produced and sold in joint effort, even small businesses where all profit would be donated. It would need to be all of the net profit otherwise they are doing nothing out of the ordinary (the sacrifice wouldn't be great enough to constitute sacred service)
They could also sell this to the sheep if they advise them that they could include a small JW literature stand at their stall.
Because all profits would be going to the WTBTS it would be considered as sacred service and although it may mean less hours in field service, would satisfy the JW's need to be seen as doing 'works befitting a christian' with blessings attached. Working in groups would also be seen as a a 'fine and uplifting' christian work.
Refused to go to meeting wife broke frying pan on my SHE is inactive 4 years my advice!!!
by Witness 007 inmy wife is a stubborn stubborn woman.
when we got the internet in 1998 i slowly faded due to trying to prove apostates are lairs and scum...only to find they told nothing but "the truth.
" every qoute was checked and re-checked.
I couldn't help but smile after reading your post. You must have a very interesting life together. -
The longest minute?
by Simon inwhich is longer, a treadmill minute or a microwave minute?.
... or every minute of every thursday meeting when you wanted to get back home in time to see red dwarf and some elder who loved the sound of his own voice had the mic..
LisaRose I'd park the shopping and go elsewhere if after a few minutes the store had made no attempts to resolve the problem. It would probably take up more of my time but if the supermarket isn't prepared to open up another isle then I'm not prepared to give them my money.
Sometimes that last minute on the treadmill, after setting a goal, can seem like eternity. Sometimes that microwave minute can be way too quick if you choose to do something in the meantime, like washing a few dishes.
You're posting a lot lately Simon, have you found a few extra minutes in your day?
Possible reason for cancellation of book study in homes.
by Amelia Ashton inthis was posted on fb.. so guys, i'm gonna share something with you all that i think you should know.
i've only told two people about this (one being john cedars) for fear of getting this guy into trouble, but it's very telling and will reaffirm your "ttatt faith!
a couple of weeks ago, i had to have an "ability to protect" assessment by a gentleman from a company that also investigates child protection policies etc.
What country was this in? -
Kingdom Consolidation and Sales are coming – Reliable Source
by thedepressedsoul ini heard form a reliable source that a kingdom hall consolidation is going to be happening in the us.
currently they are looking at every kingdom hall to see if they could and should sell it.
any kingdom hall that has not been updated and is in a bad location (long driveway, not in a visible location etc...) will be sold.
Sorry to hear this. Hopefully they will at least compensate him to the value of the land.
Sounds like he made a conditional donation and by selling the property they are breaking the conditions.