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UPDATE APRIL 2015 New Documents Re: Charity Commission Investigation into Watchtower Britain
by jwleaks inan updated list of documents relating to the charity commission investigation into watchtower of britain and jehovah's witnesses are available on jw leaks.. jw leaks.
original charity commission press release.
press release.
I think Marc & Cora are doing a lot in this area in Britain and they have lots of support, which might be through AAWA. -
The Case of Randy M - WTBTS & Legal Liability
by Listener ini've been listening to a guy called randy m, i believe an ex jw who was suing some elders and the wtbts for damage in relation to his business.
he has recorded his conversation with the bethel legal department (john miller) about it to see if his problems could be dealt with in a satisfactory manner.
i'm not on top of all the issues but wanted to highlight some of the more interesting aspects.. randy and john (the bethel legal guy) agree that religions are given a lot of freedom to act as they want but they are not allowed to interfere.
I've been listening to a guy called Randy M, I believe an ex JW who was suing some Elders and the WTBTS for damage in relation to his business. He has recorded his conversation with the Bethel Legal Department (John Miller) about it to see if his problems could be dealt with in a satisfactory manner. I'm not on top of all the issues but wanted to highlight some of the more interesting aspects.
Randy and John (the Bethel Legal guy) agree that religions are given a lot of freedom to act as they want but they are not allowed to interfere. Randy states that he was initially only considering compensation of hundreds of dollars but due to the lack of action on the Org's part and if things did not progress in a satisfactory manner then the Org. would be facing a law suit in the millions. Apparently Randy reviewed a Scientology case where they were required to pay a person who's business was damaged based on the value of their own (Scientology's) net worth. John pointed out that the WTBTS is worth a lot more and therefore the payout would be much greater.
There is some interesting information at the 25.10 mark and I'll summarize it below.
John pretends to take the idea of being sued for millions as personal, maybe in the hope of being emotionally manipulative.
John says that they (the WTBTS) has liability insurance and points out that it is not until they pay out the initial thousands of dollars, which comes out of Watchtower first. Then John says that he's kinda hoping that 2 of the Elders in the case have homeowners insurance and if they don't then anything they are found as being liable to pay Randy is then paid by the WTBTS. He wants John to keep that in mind (because Randy has told them that he wants to remain a JW earlier on).
Towards the end of the recording John suggests to Randy that he tell as few people as possible about the WTBTS being sued.
is there a new anouncment the person has been removed instead of no longer a witness
by poopie insomeone reported to me they changed announcent but he is hard of hearing and i was not present anyone hear this?
I think there was another poster recently that said they thought the announcement had recently changed but there is no confirmation.
If this is the case then it is probably for legal reasons. I'm just listening to a guy called Randy M that had has years of problems with the Elders with them treating him badly and began a lawsuit against them. It was settled out of court and he was given a settlement amount. One thing he mentions is that his suit would include slander if they made an anoouncement saying he was no longer a JW. He said that it was wrong for them to announce that, in affect, he was not a witness of Jehovah.
If the Organization had any sense then they would just announce that so and so was no longer a member of the Congregation. However that might be a problem also because I don't know that any JW is considered to be a 'member' of the congregation.
Yeah, my parents plan to will everything to this parasitic organization and forsake their seed
by Phaedra inyeah, they'll leave it all, their home, savings, etc.. never mind helping out their struggling children who never had a chance.. fuck this organization and everything it stands for when its members think god will favor them more by willing everything to a corporation instead of their own struggling seed..
This makes me angry because the organization is guilty of promoting this idea. I don't remember reading one word in the publications advising parents that before giving to them they need to seriously consider their own family needs ahead of their own, which is a biblical responsibility. -
Remember that WT masturbation video? Who is the sign language person?
by FatFreek 2005 inbelow are a few screen captures from the video to serve as a reminder of what he looks like.
below those will be a few captures from a weather forecaster now at our kark tv (arkansas).
his name is matt peterson.
Agree dropoffyourkeylee, the eyebrows are very different, it's not the same person.
You've got to be an awfully special person to allow the organization to use you in such a way as this masturbation video. Somehow I think that the TV presenter would not allow himself to be undermined in such a way. He'd be a laughing stock if viewers caught him doing such a presentation and the TV station would likely have a problem with it.
In The Name of Love, Need Your Opinion
by thankyou ini'm non-jw.. been following this forum.
most of you folks have been through hell, but are still loving souls.
i'm reeeally impressed and glad to be here.. my question is at the end of this.
I'm afraid that if I forget about her, probably not possible, her JW beliefs will be confirmation in her mind that I was just another worldly insincere person AND SHE WILL BE PUSHED HOPELESSLY EVEN DEEPER INTO JW. Lousy analogy but it's like trying to dive in to save a drowning person that you really care about.
There is a problem here. You will be trying to pull her out and she will be trying to push you in. Who is going to win?
If you care deeply for her then it may be kinder to let her find her own course, except that will be difficult if you continue with a relationship. Your own desires will override any plans to help her in a more constructive and objective way. That's not good for her or for you.
I personally think that the wisest course is to put the ball in her court. Be upfront and tell her that you would never accept her religion but you know you are right together and that you will support her whole heartedley if she wants to pursue a relationship with you but she needs to make that move, without the constrains of the religion. She can never hold it against you and it will be a deliberate and conscious move on her part.
This is my opinion but I don't think she is your true love. I say this because you are comparing her to your previous two girlfiends. When you find the right person comparing them to anyone else would not even enter your thoughts. You cherish and love that person for who they are. It is difficult to quantify it but it is as if anyone else becomes non existent and losing that person is like losing the most precious gift. From a male perspective this may not be the case and it may not be the perspective of other females.
You are trying to weigh things up from a logical viewpoint which is good. From a logical viewpoint, run and don't turn back.
by LevelThePlayingField in
singapore slashes publication bans, but not for jehovah's witnesses.
strait-laced singapore has slashed the number of publications it bans to 17 from a previous 257, allowing some communist and adult topics, but kept a prohibition on jehovah's witnesses publications.. newly permitted books include "fanny hill", a british novel published in 1748 said to be the first erotic novel in english, and "the long march", a chinese communist history.. a number of the de-gazetted publications were out of print or were permissible under today's content standards, the media development authority said in an emailed statement explaining the changes.. adult magazines such as playboy, penthouse and hustler remain banned, as are publications by the jehovah's witnesses church produced by its watch tower bible and tract society and the international bible students association.. the church's publications sit in the banned list alongside "hardcore pornographic publications" that "depict female models in sexually suggestive poses and their genitals", the government agency said.. singapore deregistered the jehovahs witnesses and banned its publications in 1972 because the church objects to serving national service in the military or singing national anthems.. read more at reuters
Thanks for sharing TheLevelPlayingField.
Singapore is a lovely country and probably stands out as the Jewel of all the Asian Countries and more advanced than my own Country, Australia. We felt safer there than at home. As a holiday destination it offers a great deal and we have visited numerous times,
They are very protective of their society and have many laws with this in mind. One of their funniest is that you cannot eat chewing gum but probably not so funny when you see how clean most places are. It's a real pleasure to wander around, even amongst the tall buildings.
In recent years they have built two Casinos but the residents are discouraged from visiting them. They are charged approximately $71USD per day for attending. In Malaysia, their neighbour, it is illegal for a Muslim to even enter a Casino, I am not sure about the laws in Singapore.
Several years ago it was amusing to watch an elderly couple making themselves comfortable under a big shady tree in a park and listen to what sounded like a recorded JW convention. This was before JW org TV. I gather it wasn't illegal to have these taped recordings of meetings. I guess it was this couples way of giving a public witnessing or possibly just more pleasant than sitting at home in a small confined area.
I just found out that my youngest brother committed suicide
by SnakesInTheTower inmy middle brother called me a couple of hours ago.
our youngest brother, josh, who was 38, was found by his friends in his apartment.
he hung himself.
Very sad to hear this, hope you are doing okay. -
Ex-Jehovah's Witness elder jailed for sex assaults on schoolgirl
by LevelThePlayingField inthis is becoming more common.
this is from the last part of the article: .
"this was about sexual gratification and you are a hypocrite because you became an elder and you investigated a sexual matter even with this in your sexual background.".
JW daughter, you are right but the Elders probably reasoned out the matter in a different way. It might be that he never mentioned the matter to anyone and never apologized to the victim. Although a lot of Elders may have let the matter go the fact that it was made public and he admitted guilt, they had to be seen as taking action.
My guess is he didn't get disfellowshipped for the act itself but because he didn't show any signs of repentance all these years.
Kenneth Flodin: ‘This Generation Will ... Not Pass Away’ (Matt. 24:34)
by wifibandit in
Baldeagle - When he talks about some speculating that a 40+ year old anointed in say 1990 could well live into his 80’s he says, “Does that mean that this old system could continue until 2040?” He continues on saying that the Bible and Jesus make no mention that the 2nd group of anointed brothers have to be “old, decrepit or near death.” He says that the prophecy makes no reference to age.
What is crazy about this is he tells these ones that they shouldn't be speculating because just two versus later Jesus said no one knows the day or the hour.
He particularly says "remember Jesus said we weren't supposed to find a formula of the time of the end (big frown) ...and even if that speculation is a remote possibility there would be very few in that could reach it's culmination this year to be absolutely accurate, not all of the second group would have passed away..."
He condemns the GB by saying we aren't supposed to come up with a time line but once again their interpretation does that very thing.
No wonder he was nervous about his talk. It would seem that his brief was to make it sound like Armageddon could likely occur very shortly but he stuffed up big time.
He also states that Freddie made a note in one of the publications that he was 'baptised into Jesus' death on Nov. 1913. This sounds like a very different type of baptism than what is now practised.
If Freddie kept notes such as the one found in the suitcase and having lived so long, I'd say he would've needed much more than an old suitcase, even a trunk, more like a sea container.