I don't know if it is true or not.
If there was a closed meeting and then an announcement that 108 elderly Bethelites were released why would they do that? Surely they would tell those affected first otherwise ever older Bethelite would be anxious. How would they even define who was elderly and why would they single them out in a special announcement?
If most of these elderly are of the anointed class then they would most likely be from the pre 1935 era when all baptized ones were considered anointed. That would make them over 90 years old. Unless, of course, the feeling you are anointed is one of the inflictions that befalls Bethelites. There would be plenty of Bethelites in the 65 to 90 year age range, why wouldn't they have been included in this announcement?
If these elderly ones have been entitled to Social Security Disability, why wouldn't they have already been claiming it whilst at Bethel? If the Government is prepared to give you money that you are entitled to then why wouldn't you claim it? If they didn't want it personally because the org was providing them with enough then they could have given it to the org.