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Family get together. Non-JW's, Jw's, me (df) and Mormon.
by James Mixon ini posted a topic a few months ago on the family gathering.
well it turn out the jw's.
side of the family are excited about it, even though they know i will be there.. i believe they are tired of the shunning bs..
Sounds like it might be enjoyable. -
Infighting at the top?
by JeffT inwe've all been trying to decipher what is going on at the top of the watchtower organization.
clearly, the game's afoot, we just don't know what game we're playing.
item: the constant harping about money and donations.
There are clues as to what is happening. One of them is the new kingdom hall design. They are now generic commercial buildings. What real christian would vote for this sort of design? Who would put money over spirituality? Yet this is what they have done. The GB didn't come up with this design and the GB didn't push for this design. They were influenced by others.
The GB have allowed this to happen and they also themselves to be used in other ways. No doubt they believe that it is for the good of the organisation.
Someone or some division of the group have convinced them that its okay to be tele evangeliasts. They are like puppets, joyfully cry out for money. They relate the most absurd examples of people giving money and are prepared to go as low as trying to manipulate children for their own purposes.
Geoffrey Jackson said at the RC that he wasn't sure about a particular policy because it was not his 'field'. There doesn't appear to be any real leadership stemming forth from the GB.
when you went to an "assembly" did you wear a badge?
by greenhornet init embarrassed me.
when i was young my folks made me wear one and i opened it up and took the paper out making it look like it fell out.
after my folks ask what happen i said i dont know.
Dad would make us wear one all the time. We hated them, mostly because they were so dangerous, children should not have been wearing them. The plastic edges were very sharp and most of the covers were so brittle that they would hardly last one assembly. They were forever being replaced. This was in Australia in the 60s and 70s.
Did they charge for the cards and the covers?
A cracking good JC! This is how it's done, folks.
by Island Man inin this jc the couple accused of apostasy, lay down some inconvenient and incontestable truths about the organization's teachings that leave the elders speechless - as far as them mustering any efforts to refute them.
oh and by the way, do you remember what geoffrey jackson said at the australian royal commission when he was asked about an inactive jw being called to account if the elders stopped by and find him celebrating the holiday?
don't worry if you've forgotten because the couple mentions it to the elders, you know, seeing as it's the very same reason why they're being accused of apostasy, thus proving geoffrey jackson's statements to be false!.
I doubt they have left them alone because this tape is now 'out there'.
They don't have any choice but to df if they are following their own instructions. Firstly, the couple admitted to celebrating Xmas and they were not repentant. Secondly, even though they said they have not been talking to any other Bros and sisters, they have been talking to each other. The couple are clear about this when they say they are in agreement with each other.
It's amazing to see that the elders need more time to think about the situation, it's a clearcut decision but they have been so influenced by Dan and Anna that they can't see this. They are seeing ttatt without realising it.
Would I lie to you?
by slimboyfat ingiven recent posts on the forum and discussion, maybe we could play this game: would i lie to you?
in the uk we have this tv programme where minor celebrities tell weird or embarrassing stories about themselves and the rest of the participants have to guess if it is a true story or made up.
when the others have voted then the person reveals if the story is true or false.
Anders Anderson - And yes, I was ashamed of taken the WWW donation money. I was like 14 at the time. It was a really small amount, and I added it to my regular donations years later. Looking back, I should have kept all of it
I was really puzzled by your post, I looked through your earlier posts and think you sound like an honest person and also a dedicated JW when you were in.
I thought that No. 2 was a lie because of keeping the donated money, we've had a discussion on that here before and it is not something that many people would have done. Overstating time records yes but not stealing money. I am not in the least surprised that you paid it back. When we are young we probably test the boundaries more and are more daring.
I thought maybe you were probably influenced by your Brother to a large extent. Would that be true?
Anyway, it really shows why kids and teenagers should not be baptized, it is wrong. They will do things that a more mature person wouldn't, they are still learning and developing. This is probably the biggest reason why Courts deal differently with minors. They are seen to be less culpable. For baptized JW kids, the guilt for doing relatively normal things must play on them greatly. They are too young to fully understand why and why they do not do certain things.
Fishing and JW's???
by lurkernomore inso i was just reading a thread and came across a completely new jw 'rule', that of not being allowed to go fishing!..
at least it's new to me as i always enjoyed fishing as did others in my old congregation.
anyone else heard of this or had this imposed on them in they're jw lives?.
Thanks to WiFi Bandit I've now got access to the W Library
W 1950 5/15
On the other hand, there are some things that are lawful or unlawful depending upon the purpose. Hunting and fishing, when done solely for sport, are condemned by the Scriptures. It is selfish and wicked to deprive a creature of life merely for the thrill of pitting one’s powers against it or to satisfy the lust to kill. But game and fish are among the good things that God has provided for man, and therefore it is entirely right and proper to hunt and fish for clothing and food.
Oh, If Only You Poor Bethelites Had................
by The Searcher in........obeyed the scriptures you know so well, instead of trying to worship "god's corporation".. (ecclesiastes 5:5) "better for you not to vow than to vow and not pay.".
the corporation is now giving many of you what you agreed to - a life of real poverty!.
your poverty outside of bethel is a wee bit different from the poverty in "satan's world" - where you've just been thrown to fend for yourselves.
There is more restrictions in that document than a a wedding vow.
It is wrong of a Christian to dedicate themselves to an organisation without, at the very least, having a clause in there specifying that they will only be in subjection to the GB if it does not conflict with god's laws.
It is even worse for the org to request this type of submission without this qualification.
Bethel layoffs of oldies
by I am a Bible Student inis this true?
has anyone heard of it?
saw it on my facebook.. "jan. 6 bethel update 108 elderly bethelites getting the boot.. brooklyn, ny.
I don't know if it is true or not.
If there was a closed meeting and then an announcement that 108 elderly Bethelites were released why would they do that? Surely they would tell those affected first otherwise ever older Bethelite would be anxious. How would they even define who was elderly and why would they single them out in a special announcement?
If most of these elderly are of the anointed class then they would most likely be from the pre 1935 era when all baptized ones were considered anointed. That would make them over 90 years old. Unless, of course, the feeling you are anointed is one of the inflictions that befalls Bethelites. There would be plenty of Bethelites in the 65 to 90 year age range, why wouldn't they have been included in this announcement?
If these elderly ones have been entitled to Social Security Disability, why wouldn't they have already been claiming it whilst at Bethel? If the Government is prepared to give you money that you are entitled to then why wouldn't you claim it? If they didn't want it personally because the org was providing them with enough then they could have given it to the org.
Warwick Photo Gallery 4 (May Through August 2015)
by wifibandit infull set:
It's not like Bethelites, including the GB don't get holiday leave. I think Ray Franz said they got substantially more.
They could use that time to volunteer at the site, just like most other JWs do.
The new service meeting
by John Aquila ini wanted to relate an experience that happened this morning.
it is regarding the new format for the meeting on thursdays in my area.
its not word for word but im summarizing what i heard, the best i can remember.
These are amazing ladies. Even though they are over 70 years of age all 11 manage to get together at your mums place and in the morning. Did they come in a bus?
They are a very active group, it must be interesting spending time with them. I love how they've even got time to find you a mate.