I came across this novel way of preaching on Facebook. Probably one of the easier ways to get your hours in.
i came across this novel way of preaching on facebook.
probably one of the easier ways to get your hours in.. https://www.facebook.com/jwbrothers.org/videos/538251706351890/.
I came across this novel way of preaching on Facebook. Probably one of the easier ways to get your hours in.
there is a group called jw brothers in facebook.
somebody has posted an article that catholic church has covered up child abuse.. http://www.myfoxboston.com/news/national-content/catholic-bishops-not-obligated-to-report-clerical-sex-abuse-vatican-says/72976327.
this is what somebody had posted as reply:.
the 1950 september 15th watchtower is now complete and this will finish the 1950 watchtower bound volume.
a big thank you to jaydee for all of his hard work of scanning the watchtowers into jpg files which i received and converted into pdf files and made them searchable.
jaydee worked day and night to get these files finished for us and i really appreciate his kindness... we only had to darken out one name on one shipping label.
the 1950 september 15th watchtower is now complete and this will finish the 1950 watchtower bound volume.
a big thank you to jaydee for all of his hard work of scanning the watchtowers into jpg files which i received and converted into pdf files and made them searchable.
jaydee worked day and night to get these files finished for us and i really appreciate his kindness... we only had to darken out one name on one shipping label.
well, that's the claim.
is this sexy, or isn't it?
are male witnesses now allowed to wear eye liner?.
she is michal, her father acts like saul, and i'm david.. i do care for her since she's vulnerable and weak, i consider myself for her protector a personal kevin kostner.but this is very time consuming, nerve wracking endeavour.. she acts childish, insensitive and insecure, i have spent *** dont' know how many sleepless *** nights, in the last 3 months we're playing cat and mouse, cold and warm & i'm fed up.. this kind of irresponsible behaviour is not yet written in the manual for me to look for an answer.. but finally i do know what i need.
i will look for my bathsheba and settle down..
she is michal, her father acts like saul, and i'm david.. i do care for her since she's vulnerable and weak, i consider myself for her protector a personal kevin kostner.but this is very time consuming, nerve wracking endeavour.. she acts childish, insensitive and insecure, i have spent *** dont' know how many sleepless *** nights, in the last 3 months we're playing cat and mouse, cold and warm & i'm fed up.. this kind of irresponsible behaviour is not yet written in the manual for me to look for an answer.. but finally i do know what i need.
i will look for my bathsheba and settle down..
so as some are probably aware the january study edition has two articles on the anointed.
one basically discouraging people from believing they are anointed and another about how ones should view partakers.
this photo is from the second article:.
as many of us that understand the parable to be just that, a parable, is there a way that a jw can actually question it, even if so is done under the idea that is actually a prophecy?.
we are all very familiar with deuteronomy 18:22 and the way to identify a true prophet.
is there a way you could possibly identify a bad prophet as soon as the prophecy is revealed?