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The Watchtower's Medical Bible - the HLC handbook
by rebel8 inposting this pm at the request of orphan crow:.
from a medical virtual library in spain:
"fernando martinez guerrero, the liaison committee hospitals of jehovah's witnesses , has made the library a collection of abstracts of scientific articles related to blood conservation techniques and perioperative ( blood conservation techniques and perioperative planning ).
It's nice to see you back posting Orphan Crow. Your deep research on various topics is much appreciated and thanks for the info you just provided. -
The Watchtower's Medical Bible - the HLC handbook
by rebel8 inposting this pm at the request of orphan crow:.
from a medical virtual library in spain:
"fernando martinez guerrero, the liaison committee hospitals of jehovah's witnesses , has made the library a collection of abstracts of scientific articles related to blood conservation techniques and perioperative ( blood conservation techniques and perioperative planning ).
There should be no reason why the current version is not on their website. This is a life and death issue and this information should not be restricted to a select few. Shame on them. -
Official Watchtower representative at Government / Religion meeting in Austria
by Gorbatchov inpart 3 of maybe not so relevant information, but nice to know and opening my eyes during the past years, were this pictures of an official watchtower representative attending a meeting between the austrian government and the country's main religions.
i don't know who the representative is, no names, no face, i cut and past it from some website.
No wonder you can't identify them as they have set themselves associating with Christendom and other false religions. -
Share your home remedies for congestion and earache...please?
by GrreatTeacher inthe extraordinarily high pollen count has finally done me in.
i started with head congestion and coughing on friday and have steadily felt worse.
i now have an earache and a heavy feeling in my chest.. yes, i do have a doctor's appointment for tomorrow, as i'm sure the advice would be!
Gt, do you have a high temperature?
You may have started with the flu/cold and it's gone straight to your chest and given you an infection, which includes your ear.
When you see the doctor, ask him if you could possibly have an infection and whilst you are there get him to fill you out a script for antibiotics just in case it becomes worse, even if he doesn't think you do have an infection it is good to have the script on hand so you can start taking them without having delays in setting up another appointment. I know they are hesitant in prescribing them but it can make a lot of difference if you can take them sooner rather than later so be firm in asking for the script just in case. Tell him you will only take them if necessary and get his advise on when you should do so.
Also ask him if an anti histamine might help.
The above advise is excellent, we also add Vicks to the steam water, it is much more effective than a hot shower.
If your breathing gets too difficult, go to emergency, quick treatment will help protect your lungs in the long term.
Watchtower Lawyer speaking in US Congres commission - picture
by Gorbatchov inmaybe not relevant today, just sharing one of my archive storage, this picture of lawyer philip brumley, in a joint project with scientology and other religions in 2006.. the picture was published on a scientology website, mentioning the joint project with .
That's very interesting Gorbatchov, is there a link to it on the Scientology website? Working in partnership with another religion means they are fighting for some rights that will help to grow false religion. -
Emotionalism and Historical drama
by HowTheBibleWasCreated inwell with the 2016 convention coming the wt released a trailer..... part 1 emotionalism... this movie will be made to make people cry and to be honest because i will be there this year i will cry likely but not for religious reasons... because they are using the tattc of emotionalism of a destroyed man...... part 2 stats out like the trailer to looks at the start like a violent accurate historical movie of hezekiah but in the last 30 seconds you see isaiah preaching to hezekiah,,,, letdown.
(what is good is that the wtbts chose a movie based on a story i can throw back at them using archeology easily).
There will be some JWs that recognise this is just an attempt by the org to manipulate.
It may be fun and even awe-inspiring for some but when they return to their KH that needs funds to renovate it or they remember their hall as been sold and they have further to travel they might realise the rediculousness of the situation..
Why haven't you been to the meetings?
by Zana insome cong-member asked my wife this question (in the street, stopping her on her bicycle) in a rather police-like fashion.
i wasn't there so i don't know her immediate reaction and response, but she got very upset afterwards and one day later this still occupies her mind.
i believe it's an emotional mix of anger, sadness, shame and guilt.. she doesn't like this intrusion in her privacy from some jws and on the next occasion she will try to make this person respect her boundaries (or just ignore her).
She could ask in reply, you must tell me everything that I've missed. -
I think my Sunday speaker is awake
by Yondaime inhi guys and gals,.
its been a long time since i've posted here, i've been caught up with school and work so i've never had the time to post on the forum, but i've still been reading through some articles on here.
now that finals are over i have some time to breath.
They are taught this at the Gilead school, this could have been one of the brothers that does the teaching.
With so much ttatt available today they are prepared to discuss the past with the wheelies. They put their slant on the information. They are so happy to use the past to show how far they have come. They have no shame in spinning it any way they can.
They even say that God knew what his people needed at the time, that is why the charismatic Russell led the people initially and the tougher Rutherford took over.
You cannot respect a husband that abuses you emotionally. It is not possible unless you are in a religion that abuses you emotionally by telling you to put up with such mistreatment. -
George Cook former DO, now just an elder at Prince's home congregation KH
by oppostate ingeorge cook, omg, george f'ing cook, whattttt!.
caption: elder george cook (right), one of the nine elders of the small 90-person congregation, said prince regularly ‘witnessed’ alone in the community and in groups.
he was very detail oriented and very eccentric.
He looks like he is holding so many papers, possibly BOE letters. It is surprising that with nine Elders in prince's congregation that they didn't oust him. No doubt HQ had a lot of input.