They are now stumbling around in the dark. They have no oil left in their lamps because they used it all on their false dates.
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WT “Study” for 11th Sept 2016 – “Why Must We ‘Keep on the Watch’”?
by Nicholaus Kopernicus ini was really puzzled when i opened this edition of the wt magazine at the above “study”.
what on earth has this picture at the top of page 13 got to do with christian watchfulness?
i wasn’t making a connection at all.
If Watchtower can use a non-sequitur to say that Jesus now knows the day and the hour, despite Matthew 24:36 ....
by Island Man in... where's the good sense preventing them from again making a date prediction for the end and using a non-sequitur to justify their claim in the face of matthew 24:36?
"... but christ has been empowered in heaven to wage war against satan's world.
(rev 19:11-16) thus, it is reasonable to conclude that jesus now knows when armageddon will occur...." - watchtower july 2016, page 14, par.
There reason for saying that Jesus knows the date is because he has been commissioned to fight the war. On that basis then the anointed must also know the date because they say that they will be fighting the war along with Jesus.
School for Kingdom Evangelizers Office Guidelines
by wifibandit inschool for kingdom evangelizers office guidelines skeog-e 10/14.
and to help you prepare for the ske .... bscc tests and answer keys.
Notice the play on words in discussing appointments? On the one hand they are talking about individuals whereas the Governing body is a group.
The Governing Body is appointed by Jesus.
Would they mind telling us how the Governing Body members are appointed?
Who writes Awake! ?
by Drwho injust a quick question.
who actually writes the awake!
and the watchtower publications ?
I believe it is mostly done at Bethel and branches. Unannointeded Brothers could only write non biblical articles, that may have changed. The GB authorise the article's.
How Do You Stretch Your Food Dollars?
by compound complex indear budgetarian grocery-buyers,.
i am an artist though hardly a starving artist.
some of my patrons kindly feed me and i do have my well-stocked freezer.
I've been buying short cut bacon. It is only the top part of the bacon which has the most meat and less fat. When it's on special I will buy a kilo or two, break it up into much smaller quantities, put it in freezer bags and freeze it.
It's a great addition to many dishes for extra flavour and I don't add extra salt. It can also serve as the only meat in some dishes, with very little needed. That includes fried rice, spaghetti sauce and baked potato dishes.
One of my favourite soup's is split pea. Soak the dried split peas overnight then cook with plenty of water, bacon or bacon bones, a little grated carrot and finely diced onion and celery. Celery is a great addition in any soup, it adds a lot of flavour.
How the Present G.B. Deceives its Followers/Readers....................
by The Searcher in............into believing that inferred "statements" are actual facts, while never stating anything!
w07 1/1 p. 28 pars.
11,12 "the first resurrection"—now under way!
These are some quotes from JW Files, there may have been earlier statements made by Rutherford
These angels are invisible to human eyes and are there to carry out the orders of the Lord. No doubt they first hear the instruction which the Lord issues to his remnant and then these invisible messengers pass such instruction on to the remnant. The facts show that the angels of the Lord with him as his temple have been thus rendering service unto the remnant since 1919.” (Vindication III, 1932, pg. 250)
The Lord Jesus came to his temple in 1918 and that would mark the time of the cessation of the work of the holy spirit as an advocate, helper and comforter for the members of the church on earth." (Preservation, 1932, pg. 202-203 -
How the Present G.B. Deceives its Followers/Readers....................
by The Searcher in............into believing that inferred "statements" are actual facts, while never stating anything!
w07 1/1 p. 28 pars.
11,12 "the first resurrection"—now under way!
They are constantly doing this and it is very deceitful. I think at times they also use this method to introduce new teachings or thoughts then wait some time to see how the idea is accepted and if it goes well then they start teaching the idea as an accepted doctrine.
The Watchtower article in your OP appears to be written to explain when the chosen ones were resurrected but also to explain how they knew the Great Crowd was identified around 1935. In order to substantiate their reasoning they introduce a new thought which is that the resurrected anointed are communicating with them. However, there are some serious problems which they may not have realized (or it may have been on purpose to see how the idea would go down).
In the Proclaimers book of 1993, page 708, they had clearly stated that this type of communication was out of the question by stating “those who make up the one true Christian organization today do not have angelic revelations or divine inspiration”
I've previously written some comments about this 2007 article and they are as follows -
The GB claim they are not inspired but only directed by God's Holy spirit through diligent research, meditation and prayer to come to understand the Bible. There is one particular teaching that the GB admit that they believe their understandings are not known to them purely on this basis and that is identifying the Great Crowd in 1935. It was around that year that Rutherford believed the Great Crowd was being drawn to their organization.
As we know, before 1935 all JWs (or bible students) were considered to be anointed with a heavenly hope. How did Rutherford come to this knowledge? There is nothing in the bible to back up this claim - that is there is nothing in the bible to identify the year of 1935 or thereabouts (and there is still no specific date identified) as being the year that the Great Crowd would now come into the congregations. There are no prophecies that the GB use to back the claim, their is no time line and nothing in the bible that identifies this period as being so significant.
God's Kingdom Rules Ch 5 states "In 1935 came a brilliant flash of spiritual light. At the convention held in Washington, D.C., the great multitude was identified as an earthly class, the same as the sheep in Jesus’ parable of the sheep and the goats."
How would he explain what this brilliant flash of spiritual light actually is. No amount of research or reading the bible would give Rutherford this brilliant flash because there is nothing in there that supports the idea that they would be identified in 1935.W 07 1/1 "11 What, then, can we deduce from the fact that one of the 24 elders identifies the great crowd to John? It seems that resurrected ones of the 24-elders group may be involved in the communicating of divine truths today. Why is that important? Because the correct identity of the great crowd was revealed to God’s anointed servants on earth in 1935. If one of the 24 elders was used to convey that important truth, he would have had to be resurrected to heaven by 1935 at the latest. That would indicate that the first resurrection began sometime between 1914 and 1935. Can we be more precise?"
This is an amazing claim. They are suggesting that the resurrected anointed MAY be communicating truth's. For one thing, this means that there is supernatural/spiritual/divine communication involved and they think this might be the case. So they are going way beyond the idea that it is just HS guiding them through research and clarity.
What is even more interesting is that they say this may be the situation, they don't know for sure. In other words, they claim that someone is communicating to them but they are not sure who it is. They would know for sure as to whether they are coming up with these ideas under their own steam or if it is coming to them through some other means. It clearly wasn't found in the Bible so it's coming from elsewhere. By acknowledging it might be from the resurrected anointed they are, as a consequence, acknowledging that it is coming from an external source by implication. They have identified that it is coming from supernatural means.
With that being the case we know that if it was God doing this through HS then truth would not change. Why would his lines of communication be faulty and shedding bad light which later needs to be re communicated with complete reversals in understanding?
They are not sure who is communicating to them, leaving us with only the information that is being communicated, from whatever source. Is it true or is it sometimes incorrect? How do they know if what is being communicated is right or wrong? They don't because the evidence shows that, at times, it needs correcting or changing. Yet, and here is the big problem, they accept that communication as being right regardless of not even knowing where it is coming from or how they are receiving it.. This is really scary and a brave admittance by the GB.Back to this 1935 teaching. It was Rutherford that revealed this idea. However, the 2007 article with all it's indecisive words, do not attribute the idea to him, or it even being a possibility. The GB still accept the concept as truth and they know that Rutherford was wrong in other matters. They accept it today without any biblical basis but on the basis that it may be from a spiritual source. They have already shown that they accept lies as truth and think they only need to wait on God to reveal corrections, it doesn't make sense. Are these corrections through the same source (the resurected anointed) that they are not even sure about or some other source? If their not sure who is communicating with them then how can anything be trusted other than what is clearly written and provable from the Bible?
It is pretty obvious to any Christian that receiving communications from a supernatural source that proves to be false has to be from Satan.
meeting with elders about WT involvement in UN
by LevelThePlayingField ini still go to the meetings because of my in wife and it came about that the elders knew of my pissed off attitude about the society getting involved in the un.
so the elders said they could help me get over that and wanted to meet with me.
now just to let you know, i have only told my wife and her mom so far about it, that's it.
LevelThePlayingField, did you ever work out who spoke to the Elders and what they said?
Visit From Jehovah's Witnesses
by Vanderhoven7 inhad two lovely jws (stephen and ruth) visit this morning.
this was our second study in the last 2 weeks.
they first knocked on my door (bell is out) 3 weeks ago and i shared my testimony and we arranged to meet last tuesday which we did.. our first study went like this:.
Landy, why did you just bother to make that comment? It's obvious that some JWs do wake up. -
Any word on the annual meeting?
by careful inhave all the leaks at ny bethel been discovered, or are there still some who are revealing the inner secrets beforehand?
i haven't seen anything here about the annual meeting just a month away now.
anyone have any real info on it?.
I would think it was going to be a bragging session about Warwick. That should inspire all the Bethelites they just kicked out.