Crazy guy, I wouldn't get too excited about this until more information can be provided. Unfortunately Kim and Mike can sometimes be in too much of a hurry to make a video that they don't always check how factual the information is or they get themselves too snowed under in their own research that they forget to get their facts straight.
From what I can gather, there was a 3 and a half year study done on Ford's involvement during WW2 in Germany, the Corporation being called Ford-Werke. A report was written in 2001 about the findings and supported by documents.
I believe that what is being shown is the second page of Appendix A. Neither the first page of Appendix A was presented, or a copy from the report directing readers to Appendix A and it's purpose.
Mike and Kim should also be very careful about their sources. It is possible that a JW might play this sort of trick to make liars out of them.
The document that lists the Watchtower, IMHO is not showing their investment/shareholding in Ford-Werkes but rather, their investment in Germany during the 2nd WW. Note what the document says at the bottom left hand side and the fact that it lists the American Company and who it invested in within Germany.