Thisismein1972 Would you say the same thing regarding John Cedars and the whole CoC debacle? We cannot have one rule for one, and one rule for another!
I believe this is realistically a personal attack on two individuals credibility and nothing more.
My intent is not to attack Mike & Kim, they do a tremendous job. They put so much effort into their work and more importantly, they have helped and continue to help so many people. I personally find them very endearing. They have so much enthusiasm.
Unfortunately, there are times when they provide misinformation. I don't for one minute, think this is on purpose, it's just a fallout from all the information they receive and wade through. What concerns me is that misinformation is being spread and that is not a good thing.
CrazyGuy is right in saying that these things are worth looking into. When these issues are 'out there', it is not a bad thing to discuss them.
Do you really think that I've attacked Kim and Mike? If so, could you please point out where I have done this so that I can personally reconsider how I phrase comments.