w07 1/1 When does the first resurrection occur? There is strong evidence that it is now under way.
They may decide that the first resurrection hasn't begun.
w7612/15 To those who are doers of God’s will on earth to the end, his promise will be fulfilled. The “dragon’s” all-out efforts to keep the remnant from gaining entrance into the heavenly kingdom are doomed to failure. Revelation 20:4-6 assures us that these doers of God’s will who are yet needed to complete the full membership of 144,000 Kingdom joint heirs will endure in faithfulness to the death, that they may know the happiness of having a part in “the first resurrection.” God’s Messianic kingdom will not be lacking even one of its foreordained number of Christ’s joint heirs.
This seems to indicate that they believe these scriptures are referring to the remnant, not all of the 144,000. As to why, they do not say.