Removing all evidence of 'eating and drinking' with the drunkards' (Matt. 24) does not change the facts.
Imperfect men may make mistakes but Jesus doesn't talk about a wicked slave as being forgiven.
in an earlier reddit post we discussed the possible role that watchtower business associate and trump son-in-law may play in a trump white house; and if that meant that wt may have a friend with the president-elect's ear.. now, thanks to a tip from /u/jpentrak, i've been alerted to the fact that watchtower has removed the video news update: jehovah’s witnesses moving forward.
this video featured jared kushner speaking in glowing terms about wt personnel and how well maintained the buildings were by the organisation.. despite claims in this same video that "we're not trapped in time" by watchtower spokesman david a. semonian, clearly they don't know that the internet never forgets.. here is the url of the removed page:. .
Removing all evidence of 'eating and drinking' with the drunkards' (Matt. 24) does not change the facts.
Imperfect men may make mistakes but Jesus doesn't talk about a wicked slave as being forgiven.
i go to a hall (very rarely) with a single cong of about 60 people in a small city of maybe 10000. our board of elders is a bunch of childless weirdos or at least the ones that make an effort.. they recently changed the sunday meeting time from 10/12 to 1/ 3. a number of us are pissed off.
its makes to hard to drive to the city or go to a football game.. i just know the gestopo elders behind the change.
if your life isnt as miserable or pointless as theirs, they arent doing their job.
How has your Saturday been taken away? If it's witnessing then do it Sunday morning, if you must do it at all.
from 14ymedio - found in may 2014 as the first independent digital media outlet in cuba.
"trabajador serio y decente busca empleo".
It's a novel idea, they are using their status within their religion to gain employment. They can hardly be seen as keeping separate from the world.
i lost my avatar (the ballerina) and now i have a completely new one, not the original green one that i had when i joined up.
I lost my Avatar (the ballerina) and now I have a completely new one, not the original green one that I had when I joined up.
i proably shouldnt be on here but i feel like saying this.
i have been for the last couple weeks been studying religion.
i've learned the only ones who today do what the bible says to is jw.
A Believer, The site that you gave me the link to are run by a nasty bunch of people who had this to say
Completely nutters. Apostates themselves are the reason I find apostasy repulsive. I would have avoided apostasy to begin with due to my strong sense of loyalty, like avoiding extramarital sex out of loyalty, but when the one trying to tempt you to fornicate is a diseased, shriveled transvestite with scraggly hair, a beard and talks like Harvey Fierstein and cusses like a sailor, it's pretty easy not to be tempted unless you're one yourself. That's how repulsed I am by apostates."
i proably shouldnt be on here but i feel like saying this.
i have been for the last couple weeks been studying religion.
i've learned the only ones who today do what the bible says to is jw.
A believer, if you concluded this after a couple of weeks then I don't intend to burst your bubble.
Oh, by the way I've got some miracle wheat that I need someone to sell, I think you'd make a great candidate. If you want to know more about the product, just Google Russell Miracle Wheat.
instead of making a new thread for every little thing related to memorial 2017, i'm going to try to post here.
and to start us off.... cart artwork for 2017 memorial invitations.
I don't think this is a picture with people in paradise. The women are wearing earings and one man has a watch on. These people are looking into the landscape beyond, contemplating the future paradise. They are about to set off onto the narrow path that leads them there but are currently standing in long grass.
i picked up bernard cornwell's the pagan lord at the library.
historical fiction set in england after the death of alfred the great.
i'm loving it, especially the between-the-lines wit and sense of timing in cornwell's writing, and the complete badassery of the protagonist.
We've been watching the whole series of the English show "Would I lie to You" on Youtube. It is so funny, hubby and I really enjoy the English sense of humor. We've also been watching Lee Macks "Not going out" and David Mitchell's "The Peep Show" which is very different.
what happens when bethelite gets sick.
Lifeistooshort, how did they know you were a JW?
When it comes to building programs the org. says that safety is the no. one priority, but that's not surprising because accidents potentially cost them a lot of money.
what happens when bethelite gets sick.
In the second part of the annual meeting 2016 they say that there are 9 doctors servicing the US Bethel. These Doctors are given the same as all other Bethelites. They look after 4,500 Bethelites, both full time and temps. They also interview them in the video.