The next article is headed “What will go when God’s Kingdom
It’s amazing how many times the sheep need to be told what is supposed to
happen but here we go again.
They tell us that this wicked world is like a ‘Dead Man Walking’. Nothing like getting a bit theatrical about
it all.
We are then told what is included in ‘this world’ that will be passing away. They are wicked people, corrupt
organizations, wrong activities, and distressful conditions.
Wicked people include violent bullies, hateful bigots, and vicious criminals, The article states
Some ofthose are openly wicked; others are impostors, hiding what they do under an appearance of righteousness.
Even if we ourselves have not been victims, such wicked people still affect us.
We are sickened at heart when we learn of their horrible acts. The way the wicked brutalize children, the elderly,
and other defenseless ones fills us with horror. Wicked people exhibit a spirit
that seems subhuman, animalistic, even demonic.
Lumping hateful bigots into this is strange (violent hateful bigots are another matter) , especially when it could be shown
that they themselves have been accused of this for one thing or another. Calling them demonic is pretty nasty.
They make it sound that only the truelly wicked ones, who don’t change their
ways will be the ones destroyed but as the article continues on it is clear
that they mean all those who do not accept Jehovah’s teachings and guidance.
In the next topic regarding organizations they could easily be talking about
themselves in regards to deceiving followers and accruing millions of dollars whilst poor
ones struggle.
Regarding organizations, these questions are asked
What will replace corrupt organizations? After Armageddon, will there be any
organization on earth?... They will be replaced by what? The expression “new
heavens and a new earth” means that there will be a new government and a new
earthly society over which that government rules. The Kingdom under Jesus
Christ will perfectly reflect the personality of Jehovah God, who is a God of
order. (1 Cor. 14:33) So the “new earth” will be organized. There will be good
men to care for matters. (Ps. 45: 16) They will be directed by Christ and his
144,000 corulers. Imagine a time when all corrupt organizations will be
replaced by a single, unified, and incorruptible organization!
Hold on, is there is going to be a new organization or will his current earthly
organization just expand to include all of society? They’ve said in the past that Jesus is leader
over this earthly organization. They
talk as if this current earthly organization will be replaced by a new society
yet the “New World Society” is supposed to already be in existence.
We are told what sort of activities will replace the bad activities of this
current world.
The Paradise earth will be bustling with happy activity
The world will be a wonderful paradise but sadly we are informed that it may be that locks and keys will
still be required
And with crime gone, there will be no security industry, no alarm systems, no
police forces, perhaps no locks or keys!
No doubt the earthly leaders will want to lock those new scrolls away from
prying eyes or their organizational manuals.
The study article ends by telling us that salvation can only be assured by
staying close to the organization.
do everything in your power to stay close to Jehovah God and his organization
during these stressful last days!..... That way, you can be sure that you will
not pass away with this condemned old world